I actually approve of high intellect races inter-mixing, essentially furthering humanity's potential.
I actually approve of high intellect races inter-mixing, essentially furthering humanity's potential
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Me too, fellow chosenite
flags pls?
Race baiting thread #3577
Kill yourself faggot shill
I honestly believe that all races have a common enemy, the Jew. Blacks have been the most bent over and broken by the Jew, and the infighting between us allows our true enemy to hide in plain sight. I do not hate blacks, I do not think they're the enemy.
I bet you're some Thailandese nigger.
Yeah I’m fine with that.
if he's so smart what's he doing with a white woman?
>mfw she uses him for money alimony etc
Not all jews wear a yamaka
History is written by the victor, nobody gives a fuck what you think.
I would only agree to this if they didn't fucking do petal harbor. This would be a white mans world kept extremely christian if it wasn't for the fucking chinks. The U.S. was minding its own business until they fucked things up.
We don't need the whole world to become Finland, pal.
Always remember who has the most to benefit from the 3 major races fighting constantly. The Japanese attacking Pearl Harbour drew the USA into WW2 and of course they would take the side of the UK against Japan and Germany. The Jew manipulates and the Jew hides while we tear each other apart. We must stand united against our common enemy or they will always win.
not this shit again.
This is the shit that matters to you? You will ALWAYS be a slave to the greater evil, those that control the financial systems and governments of the world, those that make up the vast majority of the most influential institutions on Earth. The nip and the nig are not our true enemies.
I'll admit I'm a newfag, but it's easy to see how Jews manage to get away with the same old tricks. If you believe the black man or the yellow man are enemies, you're falling into the same old divide and conquer game that benefits the owners of us all.
hapa faggot. You have no valuable phenotype. Only mongrels will remain.
No, you just wanna mate with someone from the superior white race, don't get confused.
>furthering humanity's potential
All it does is ruin white genetics: racial decay
Race mixing is degenerate. Fuck off, Jew. You can't hide behind your meme flag.
He's not an impure but he is a misled regard.
Then how do you feel if she was with a Jew
We only make vanilla milkshakes. Milk and sweet white ice cream. And we are going to keep it Christian. Its a white mans world. No room for Muslims queers Jews and anything else T hats not white and Christian.
go to bed EurasianLiger
I mean sure if you don't care at all for the natural beauty of the white race or the cultural identity of any race then you're right
Exactly. Arabs and blacks and a lot of other races have been abused and used by the Jews.
I agree, the inferior Asian female must be impregnated with superior Aryan seed.
We must not allow niggers to plunder their yellow rice pouches.
I have no problem with black Christians, and I even can bring up some respect for gays, as long as they are willing to reproduce.
He can do better
Actually agree, never understood the "troll" that posts Asian males with white females.
I see East Asians as equals in human worthiness.
>Happy Birthday Minami
It's because Chinks are a hostile race of invaders being let in by the Jews as a sort of secondary infection.
They are almost all low-level spies and communist infiltrators who will always be more loyal to China than the US.
Japs/Gooks are fine though.
AMWF is unacceptable when whites are being breed out
Was thinking the same.
only then will we truly get the race of supreme gentlemen
Gays are depressed and suicidal. They go put partying and drinking. And there's no such thing as a Black Christian. They all have past lives of crime and are desperately trying to distance themselves from their past and often just use it as a cover to not seem like criminals. Listen to every Christian rappers story, oh I used to live a life of crime and now I'm saved. It seems kind of fishy when a wildly disproportionate amount of them seem to be "getting away from a past life of crime". The church I grew up in allowed an ex convict to be the youth leader. Im not saying people shouldn't be given a second chance but an ex convict shouldn't be allowed to lead the youth. Btw that convict killed his niece and nephew while letting his brother drive drunk. Their blood is on his hands and that is the man the cuck pastor lets. This person is a black/Mexican.
Asian women to white males are just a tool for white men. They are like living pocket pussies to white guys. We fuck them in our youth, get used to pounding pussy, they are practice for white men. Nothing more. Don't put your seed in them dumbass.
So you're happy with Asians with other Asians then?
Whites are sub-par in intelligence with the rare few exceptions.
Most are too docile and content with wage-slavery.
Yes, looks matter. Sorry you're an ugly nigger.
>X group of people aren't bad therefore it ok to make children with them
If you truly love a race you would not ruin it by mixing up it gene pool.
You motherfuckers act like your stranded on a desert island with no mates of your own race and no hope of escape.
Wheres the mixing?
I hope this meme was made ironically because it is really cringey
>Most are too docile and content with wage-slavery.
You're talking about roughly 95% of Asians right?
>That flag
Doesn't look like racemixing to me.
Why are finnish girls so attractive?
With her boyfriend
And what about your own potential? You are not here on earth to help foreigners become great.
Majority of asians are literally slaves for their country
unironically this. high-iq races should inter-mix to further the capabilities of human race and shield each other from the threat of low-iq ethnicities
>high intellect
Emily did you find a huwhite man in worst Korea yet?
dunno dude, i think the chick is swede.
Why do Americans call these basic bitches attractive? Shes got a huge horseface
I think we both mutually benefit from this trade white man, you get some girl. We get white girl
>High Intellect
Yet a chink called Mika Ma from Kingston, NY said I was a bad boy for wearing an Ecko hoodie and blue jeans with boots.
Asian guys come out ahead in any trade if you include White girls in it.
>Ecko hoodie and blue jeans with boots.
>i think the chick is swede.
Disgusting. Finns and Swedes should not mix.
the only race-mixing I approve of is East Asian men + Nordic or Slavic women.
first post is best post. Schlomo is eternally BTFO'ed
Do you support breeding non-whites out of existence?
shoving your dick into a shovel face every night..
Don't do it user, nothing good can come of it.
Take it from a country that for a while believed Abbos can be bred into civlisation in four generations.
>shoving your dick into a shovel face every night..
Nobody in that pic is East Asian who are the intelligent 'Asians', they all Filipinos. Filipinos are low-IQ brown southern jungle Asian that lives in countries with a lower per-capita-income than African countries.
Away with you Regilio!
Human trafficking ring confirmed
>1 post by this ID
racemix is racemix fuck you kike
what is this?
arent't they both Finnish though?
Immigrant smuggling ring, duh!
excuse me but looks are importat too
elliot rodger makers
Lol why are those gooks so short and feminine looking?
White male love mail order bride from SEA
Korean "men" have the tiniest dicks in the world and are very feminine looking
shhh... they don't know yet
Fellow what
>High intelligence
best mix is khazar/asian if you want to wipe out the khazars
white+asian = asian with lighter skin
black+asian = asian with darker skin
They lump all "Asians" into one gaint category and try to lie about White men and with East Asian females when in reality the VAST majority of White men are with brown SE Asians.
As if a Korean has anything in common with a Filipino.
You fool
Where is there
Even the ugliest white male can go to China, Japan or Korea to fuck every women he wants.
Don't get me wrong all asian "men " are ugly and feminine but you korean guys are the ugliest of all asians. Also have the tiniest dicks. Cut down on the soy...
Indonesia or some shithole
nothing cool about this. Im a cali manlet and when i was stationed in korea i would hook up with 10/10 cuties all the time.
If anything they see western men as money signs.
lol this is not masculine.
"""Beautiful""" (((nose)))
Fuck that, genetic engineering is the only way, more mongrels is a net lost.
makes up shit while posting a fake PUA vid with paid models from Julian Bond whose entire 'schtick' is getting white guys to give him $$$ so he teach them how to get laid in Asian.
FYI : You cannot post vids of a person without their knowledge or consent on Youtube.
Can someone seriously explain why asian "men" have such low testosterone and are so feminine beta? Are the memes about soy true?
They are both finnish, its the same race.
I find SK men to be hotter than SK women without plastic surgery. Japanese women however are just GOAT, whereas their men are kinda lame.