Spain's fascism comback

The most recent poll shows the far-right fascist party Vox will enter the Parliament
And you people wonder why we want to leave Spain

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>And you people wonder why we want to leave Spain

You don't. In the light of recent events, you can't claim you really want to leave.
Even freaking Bolivia won their independence
You are KEKS all caps

>And you people wonder why we want to leave Spain
Because you are all commie scum?

Shut up Manolo
>commie scum
Better than having another fascist dictator ruling us again

excuse me sir but i mean that communism is practically fascism in all of the outlets it has tried to be tested in.

>Vox being relevant
Thanks for the info Jordi, you've just made my day. Now I know who I'm going to vote for, since they are going to trigger a lot of leftards

wait, so there's no vote threshold in Spain?

It saddens me I'll never get to see Barcelona bombed in my lifetime.

>This is an international board
Translated to English and archived:

>And you people wonder why we want to leave Spain

i know why you wanna leave spain, it's because you're a bunch of refugee welcoming cucks

>spain is still red pilled

good. remove kebab

Joder Jordi, a cualquier cosa le llamas fascismo. Pero sí, con suerte la gente se radicalizará y os tendréis que ir de España por patas.


>muh independence
nobody gives a fuck about cucktalonia just post leonor and call it a day

>he can't fight for his independence, using the peace speech as a cover for his weakness
>his leader is so much of a faggot, he tought he could separate without a fight, and got scared when shit got serious
>he think people will hand then a country without a good fight


When will the mods remove this non-country symbol? It's already time for you guys go back to post with the spanish flag.

Thank you for your support, we'll be leaving Spain very soon

When you man up and take weapons, maybe. But considering how much of cucks you guys are, it will probably never happen.

just one representative? c'mon guys you can do better

viva la indapandansiaº

When will mods ban shitskins from posting on Sup Forums?


We are civilized people, not favela niggers nor macaco eaters

at least we are a country, unlike you puta jajajajaaj


Spanish fascism literally did nothing wrong. Defeated the murderous war criminal Communists who would have destroyed the country, kept Spain out of the madness of WWII, maintained it as a stable and reasonably developed (though less superficially 'rich' than Anglo capitalist countries) before peacefully bringing in constitutional monarchy and democracy when Franco died.

Spanish fascism wasn't quite as awesome as Chilean fascism - the only political movement in the history of South America to have resulted in a stable 1st world country - but it was pretty decent.

I wouldn't expect less from a paki Hitlerfag

Come back again when kidnappings and beheadings stop being your national sport

>national sport

our national sport is soccer, and we do it very well! RAFA MARQUEZ ALVAREZ IS YOUR GOD.

fuck christkikes

isn't vox a tv channel?
get ready to be sued you stupid manlets

Stfu cuck

Fascism = communism.
Basically both are similar types of authoritarianism, the people are slaves to the system, everything is centralised and controlled by a dictator who rule as a king from the middle ages.
Only subhumans want any of that because only subhumans have a slave mentality.

>our national sport is soccer, and we do it very well!

delet this

t. Islamic gomunist

Where's Galicia?

muh fascism

Vox is literally a meme party with no influence at all.
PP are classic cuckservatives just the same as your most voting party: CiU.
So I dont know why catalans cry about fascism if they vote the same shit just with a catalan flavour.

10 years old map

>Vox is literally a meme party with no influence at all.
>Trump is a literally a meme candidate with no shot at the Republican nomination and the presidency at all.
It's like we're in [Current Year]-2

AfD started as a meme party too
And we are not voting CIU anymore since they are corrupt, unlike Spain, who keep voting PP despite knowing their corruption

>And we are not voting CIU anymore
You have been ruled by CiU most of the time since the death of Franco, incluiding the last elections(juns pel si).

JxS is not CiU, we wanted to use their voters to get independence first and get rid of them later. In the next elections ERC will win by a landslide, while PDeCat is crashing. We are intelligent enough to not vote for corrupt parties, unlike you Manolos who keep voting for PP despite knowing their corruption

Sí, os vais a ir de la península como ya se fue el millonario con fregona en la cabeza. Pero Cataluña será siempre parte de España :^)

Your flag looks like a corn pops box

You can't stop us. We will win again in 21-D and Spain will have to negotiate the terms of the independence with us. Or are you going to send the police again, like a true dictatorship?

Jordi pls come down off your high horse, you voted CiU again even after the Pujol case.
And most of the Junts pel si members were CiU even its liders.


>the highest CiU representative was in number 4
Manolos always telling lies

Dont delude yourself. They are only crashing since they went full independentist and not since the coruption scandals. They are dead ill give you that, if they go back to being nationalists instead of independentists now they will have several years of hiting low scores on the elections, and if they keep going independentist they will lose their moderate voters for neutral or even constutionalist parties and the extreme ones as they will flock to erc, being exactly the same shit.

All in all we both win, as the cuckservative independentist side is dead.

Oi listen here faggot you got fucking embarassed. End of story. Viva la espanol cunt

They are going to have 2 gay president candidates in this scenario. So progressive.

And ERC will get their best electoral results ever and they are openly independentist. Nobody believes in your lies anymore, Manolo

Galicia is the bar owner, of course.


Franco cucked Hitler because Franco was a pussy and gave German intelligence to the allies.

Never trust the wart of Europe

No tengo ni idea de vuestra situación política. ¿Seguís siendo feudo del PP como en los tiempos de Fraga?

Pues hay de todo, pero sí, la mayoría de la gente sigue votando al PP.
Los que han votado a los mamones de Podemos y afiliados en A Coruña no creo que sobrevivan a la chorrada de Cataluña y la actitud de Pablemos y compañía...
La gente estaba muy encabronada.


No hay nada que negociar. España es una y quien se opone va a la cárcel :^)

>far-right fascist party voted into parliament just for the luls
You guys better do this, that's 'straya tier real life shitposting, also would be good publicity for far right politics if they don't fuck up.

>far-right fascist party
>refugees welcome

>far-right fascist party
Jordi pls. Do you also call Trump a nazi?

>And you people wonder why we want to leave Spain
>Implying you actually want to leave

Stop LARPing Jordi.

Vox is nowhere near fascism stupid jordi.

>We will win again in 21-D and Spain will have to negotiate the terms of the independence with us

You'll win, they'll declare independence again and Spanish police will walk around your town like Pedro around his house, and they'll take your figureheads to jail.

Then you'll cry, open /pol and post "omg Spain is fascist, independence when?", and then will just wait till next referendum or whatever, rinse and repeat



Yo estuve en una mesa electoral dos veces en mi pueblo. Aquí todo el mundo odia al PP, pero cuando haces el recuento sacan un 90% de los votos. Supongo que salen de la nada.

Hablando en serio, me imagino que lo mismo pasa en toda España. La gente le vota al PP porque es la derecha que hay, pero nadie se atreve a decirlo por estigmatización social.

Si hubiera otro partido de derecha social que explotara el concepto de patria y el sentimiento identitario ausente, como lo hizo PABLO IGLESIAS en su día, subiría como la espuma. Esa y no otra fue la razón de la explosión de Podemos en sus inicios.

>Better than having another fascist dictator ruling us again

You do realise that (((communism))) killed more people and almost completely wiped Europeans off the map had it not been for Fascism.

>Fascism resurgence
>You want to leave
Catalonia degenerate confirmed.

It's the same everywhere. No one except some boomers really likes PP or Rajoy, but when you look at the alternatives the only reasonable choice is to vote for them, even if reluctantly.

>pero nadie se atreve a decirlo por estigmatización social.
This. I don't know how many times my father has called people retards for hanging a flag outside their balcony or having the usual sticker on the car. The Civil War truly traumatized us as a country.