How the fuck does this get millions of views? Why are all the comments positive? Why so many fucking likes Kim is a worthless mudblood human being with an IQ of below 90. There is no reason why she would be celebrated. Her family belongs in a camp.
This is basically pornography made for TV which is why cucked men aren't even upset about it. This is an outrage and shows how far we have fallen. Sort by new and get Sup Forums comments to the top.
Sup Forums's views are very much a minority, so i'm not sure why you're surprised.
Cooper Lewis
i've heard of both these people but I thought kim kardashian was black and I thought Jennifer Lawrence was the girl from the hunger games.
She is a late night host now?
Dominic Thomas
normalfags are incredibly dull
Bentley Wright
Uhh, Sup Forums single-handily memed Trump into the Presidency.
Connor Murphy
also that video was highly promoted on youtube's homepage so of course it's going to get an unusual number of clicks, just like james fucking corden
Andrew Scott
I have not met one man in real life supportive of these people apart from wiggers that like Kanye West. Most people hate them with a passion and resent them for being imbeciles who happened upon wealth rather than worked hard for it. Even normal people see the damage they inflect on society. Most people would rather see them expropriated than see a tax increase.
Dominic Rivera
This. People don't choose what's popular. It's chosen for them.
Alexander Thompson
Once voters on the lowest tax brackets start seeing less money at the end of the year from the removal of exemptions, worse healthcare and that there is no wall then you will see true memes.
Ryan Phillips
Most people you would think would have a revulsion when they even see the thumbnail and want to write comments? I'm sure if we upvote some Adolf Hitler comments, they can make their way to the very top.
Ethan Fisher
Yup. Always been. Things only make it to screen or radio that are chosen to be seen
James Foster
I found it mildly entertaining, for Jennifer Lawrence is actually somewhat funny. I dont know what should be so damaging about those Kind of Shows- the worst part about them is, that they waste your time.
Listen to Kanye's speeches he used to give during his concerts; he tried hard to redpill people. Then he got forced into a psychiatry Oo
Henry Miller
Hey delete this, Lawrence worked very hard on Weinsteins cock to get where she is today.
Easton King
normies consider these two whores attractive, there is your views my man.
Lincoln Jackson
anyone else surprised how quickly jlaw became an sjw? it look like 1 year max.
Jayden Brown
No new fag. Forget Hitler, if a non chosen alt-righter's video starts to get big, it's taken down. The left flags all of our videos, and youtube just removes them from search. The Lauren Southerns, Loomers, Milo, and Shapiro video never get removed, but a cartoon like Murdoch Murdoch will.... Think about it.
Gavin Edwards
Kim has her own fanbase that border on a cult. Keeping Up With is nothing short of brainwashing.
Just recently I had a close friend come up to me and explain how he thought we could all learn something from these smart women.
He'd started watching it ironically (because he's a faggot like that) but had now watched every season.
There's something borderline subliminal in that show.
Kevin Watson
Two prostitutes.
Mason Adams
The Kardashians should be thrown into a volcano. Pure trash.
Parker White
>what is deleting comments
Caleb Ward
Harvey Weinstein was the victim
Lincoln Bailey
Yeah man totally. I thought for sure she was a closet Hoppe fan, as the stereotype of Hollywood starlets goes.
Daniel Cooper
>>I dont know what should be so damaging about those Kind of Shows- the worst part about them is, that they waste your time. They destroy society and insert cultural programming into idiots minds to validate and normalize and justify their actions and dysgenic allocation of wealth and attention.
>Listen to Kanye's speeches he used to give during his concerts; he tried hard to redpill people. Then he got forced into a psychiatry Oo Or he is just a stupid nigger that had stimulant psychosis from smoking too much crack. He isn't redpilled. He's an 80 IQ subhuman. Just because someone told hims something "deep" or he browsed Sup Forums one night, doesn't mean he is a good guy.
Aiden Nguyen
You should probably distance yourself from that person.
Nathaniel Miller
Stop. Watching. Television.
Now shut the fuck up and leave with me.
Adam Thomas
t. soyboy bugman hanz
Jackson Jenkins
>women acting all sassy when the world has seen both their pusy and their assholes
James Watson
I don't watch TV but at the same time, I'm not some cuck that's just going to ignore this shit. This was on the home page of YOUTUBE. Kids see this. It is ruining their brains. You're complicit in it if you do not oppose it.
Kimmel keeps deleting redpilled comments and using like bots. Most people hate this shit. The logical conclusion to all of this is that the the comments along with the like ratio are artificially inflated.
Lincoln Nelson
I'm not surprised at all, famous sluts who are put on the spot for their lascivious behaviour usually end up trying to justify it by becoming an SJW. They fail to realize it only makes them look whorish AND stupid.
James Thompson
I don't even have cable, son
Nicholas Green
I aint clicking that shit
Adrian Martin
It's declining in popularity now so we are no longer contributing to the trending. The ad revenue is very paltry compared to what they get on TV. It's worth giving them a fraction of a shekel-cent to expose this whole video and all the fake comments as one big charade. Use ublock anyways, It prevents youtube ads from even loading.
Charles Smith
Obviously. But it is surreal the hypnotic effect this shit has on what on what I considered strong-minded people.
Brody Gutierrez
In 3 months normies will despise celebrities and ratings will tank. The Pedophilia in Hollywood being exposed will kill the industry.
Nathaniel Rogers
bots raise the views to get them trending since their ad deals aren't through youtube but with the network so they don't have to worry about ad manipulating.
Aiden Torres
sister in law watches that shit and she is legitimately an un-diagnosed retard
Elijah Stewart
>this my feed is full of guns, cycling, motorcycles, and other shit I like. Then some random normalfag video like the one in the OP will pop up, I make sure to tell jewtube don't show me that shit, hit not interested button.
Mason Bailey
Just two whores talking' about whore stuff, watching this kind of crap will give you cancer.
Samuel Walker
women are running our society that's why everything is so low iq and shit