Was Lenins revolution even legitimate?

I heard in a kraut-channel (ZDF History) that it's controverse if he was rightful then the president or whatever

Can't find the video on the internet anymore

Also does something like the October Revolution can work today like in Germany, Sweden etc.?, but just with fascist and or nazis?

>Was Lenins revolution even legitimate?

How can any revolution be legitimate and why does it matter? It was legitimate in a sense that the people recognized his government and didn't recognize the preceding one.


Lenin and the rest of the revolution leaders where nearly all Jews.
They didn't give a fuck about making things better, they just wanted to take complete control of a country instead of just having its economy by the balls.
It didn't work as good as they thought it would and (((they))) gave up that plan.

I don't see any revolutionary organisation in Germany. When Lenin did his, he controlled one of the major and popular supported parties and paramilitary force of Red Guards, while the Provisional Government, literally, didn't have a single riffle that it could order directly. (And not a single riffle fired at the Bolsheviks)

Any revolution is legit if is wet with blood , right catalonia ? RIGHT?

you don't say

read my question again

Lenin's father and mother were Russian nobility of peasant and a bit of foreign descent. Even if allegations of some of his great great father being the Jew are true, calling him a Jew would mean that anyone (having 2% of Jewish blood) is a Jew.

i'm not talking about splitting countries

yeah, but if it would be like that? we could win no matter what

he was either khazar or ashkenazi, but one thing i know for sure

the hammer and sickle is some satanic gay shit and that's enough for me to hate him, jew or not

Of course he wasn't legitimate, what a ludicrous question. He was a mass-murdering Jewish terrorist gangster. His Jewish gang murdered the Tsarist holy family and gassed, tortured, raped and enslaved white Russian peasants and destroyed Russia for a century


The actual legislative power after the tsar abdicated for being such a useless fuckwiitt belonged to the shitty parliament and some other random marxist group I forget the name of, however the Soviets led by Lenin had control of the army and the majority of the population so they defacto ruled, eventually Lenin said fuck off l'm in power now and the civil war happened

Don't expect Sup Forums to know any of this they assume it went from tsar right to Lenin with nothing in between

>he was either khazar or ashkenazi
Isn't it immature to deny the reality of fact because it doesn't suit your narrative? Phenotipically speaking, he was a spitting image of Kalmyk (picrelated), a minority Russian people of his area of birth.

OP didn't knew about this right? Spast

Johannes hol das gas

>the hammer and sickle is some satanic gay shit and that's enough for me to hate him, jew or not
An actual German fascist would have to admit that DDR was almost an ideal state for him, if not for being a puppet of a foreign power.

Dont know.. Are there any Islamic holiday's that may interfere with October?

DDR is more right winged than the cucked leftards

Inb4 freemason symbol on german flag

>Gassing the Russians
Well, you have tried to. Happy now?

are you shilling for communists or for white russians you durak

>watching ZDF

fuck leftist krauts

hey das war zufall und nichts anderes lief, außerdem hab ich nur das ende mit bekommen du ddr jude

I try to be objective.

Repelling the kraut agression was not just the basic interest of every Russian, no matter affiliation or ideology, but a question of survival.

>and (((they))) gave up that plan.
Then why are they still trying today?

aggression? the bombings of dresden? there were even russians who got bombed by (((allies))). addie was even friend with this kike stalin before he betrayed him

communism was the threat even the wehrmacht soldaten admitted it

They aren't. Commies are just used as random agitators now.

Jews got back to the trusty "take control of the economy" and just added "take control of the media" on top of it. Much less work than establishing an actual communist state, nearly same amount of controls over the goyim.

He was a nonwhite subhumans just like the rest of heads behind Goymmunism and that’s all I need to know

>but a question of survival
Don’t reckon that ethnic Russian people were persecuted on the racial basis. They fought for subhuman buryats, gypsies and kikes

In case you do not know, the Third Reich declared war on the Soviet Union in June 1941, without any pretext or formal declaration, and in violation of a pact of non-aggression. The goal of war was to obtain lebensraum: slaughter and chase the Russians from the Russian heartlands and populate it with the German settlers, as well as pillage slaves and resources.
>the bombings of dresden?
the Third Reich didn't fight a single defensive war. All the wars they fought they themselves declared.

Didn’t Stalin HORRIFICALLY BETRAYED Hitler by offering help to Czechoslovakia, although there were some agreements? Don’t blame Hitler alone, blaim every state that recognized the Soviet Union to begin with. Imagine ISIS getting international support today

I sleep

Idi da chjort

>It was legitimate in a sense that (((the people))) recognized his government
Fixed it for you, commie scum. The people usually means the majority. And bolsheviks never had majority support. Many Russians fought them in bloody civil war. While bolsheviks were financed, supplied and supported by Western kikes, plus used a substantial amount of mercenaries.
And common folk just didn't care and more importantly didn't have no choice. When bolsheviks took over completely, almost all sensible and best people of Russia either had to leave the country or got purged. And common people were starved, gulaged, brainwashed into submission.

Lots of common folk couldn’t even get the news or clear update on time. It’s like one day people woke up in prison


based poor ukraine

Lenin was funded by a German to bring evil antisemitic Russia out of the war.


Absolutely right, don't know why I skipped the fact that they guys name was Israel.
But he was funded by the German government.

What the fuck am I reading?

The legitimate Russian Provisional Government was overthrown by Lenin with the support of the German government in 1917. How the fuck could you possibly think it was legitimate?

The absolute state of German education.

Rightful according to what right?