Manafort gets fucked

>Manafort gets fucked

What about this guy? Did he have any involvement? He's always been a pretty shady mastermind and the equivalent of a kike in many ways. In other ways he's as cool as a 1940s gangster.

They're both sketchy political operatives who've been around forever, but that's not why Manafort is fucked, in fact it's not even clear if he is since FARA violations rarely lead to convictions and the laundering charge is the longest of long shots. But yeah, Manafort is in trouble not cuz he was lobbying for Ukraine, it was cuz he didn't report the money made.

For a government that is against alleged colluding with Russia there sure isn't a lot of laws in place to prevent that. Funny they had to scrape the bottom of the barrel (kinda) to find something on him, especially since we know how him and Stone were practically innovators in shilling techniques.

I mean we see president after president wanting things that they can't feasibly or legally do, but it still surprises me when it comes to what's actually legal and what isn't.

Collusion is not a legal word, it's just a word stirred up with the Trump Russia narrative. Reality is guys like Manafort and Podesta have been around DC forever. They lobby for whoever will pay. They're very much the swamp...I mean Trump's former campaign manager was a lobbying partner with the brother of Hillary's campaign manager. That's DC in a nutshell.

This Russia investgation has little to do with collusion. Had Trump worked with Russia to hack the DNC or Podesta then it'd have been a crime. The Russia Probe for many months now has been about finding financial crimes and trying to flip someone into bearing false witness against Trump. But beyond that it's also about getting SOMETHING. A lot of money was spent on this investigation and Mueller better damn well take somebody down.

So for any wrongdoing on the part of Russia it's pretty much Russia's fault, and Manafort was just another day in the swamp? It also sounds like he had pretty much nothing to do with hacking or massive shilling on. I mean those bot farms go on with or without him.

I think you gave me a good perspective of this that I didn't know I needed.

what kind of skull shape is that


No because everything these people did was probably legally and they only get in trouble if they lie about it. Roger Stone is more likely to embellish and exaggerate what he did as opposed to denying it.

What kind of brain does it house?
The shape clearly isn't conducive to the more standard human brain configuration, yet it clearly functions just as well if not better.
Can we put him in an MRI machine for like five minutes?

He pretty much did in that Netflix documentary. Made it as if he was responsible for Trump and was a puppemaster who owned Manafort. Wore colorful fucking suits in the whole video. Meanwhile Manafort thinks he's the puppet master while his daughter talks about him as if he's a stupid man with great manipulating wizardry skills.

What the fuck is really going on!!?

Maybe his head is molded that way so that certain parts of his brain receive more blood flow and are enhanced while others are reduced.

Maybe he's an alien in human skin.

I don't think that man is human.



Are you Manafort or Stone?

>DAE think Stone a RUSSIAN AGENT???

newfag, shill, jew, or all of the above?

it's just his hair transplant that makes his head look odd. Roger was a major babe back in the regan admin. I remember attending a gay parade with him and kevin spacey.

You're fucking stupid if you think that's the question.

I'm thinking the occipital and frontal lobes are more smoothly grafted up over the parietal lobe than would be found in other humans.
That extra space on top, though, who knows what goes on there.

That extra space is just brain. That guy's full of brain.

Well yea it's brain but I mean I can't really imagine what that brain structure does in relation to consciousness.

>A lot of money was spent on this investigation and Mueller better damn well take somebody down.
Is there anyone Mueller would get that makes the money spent worth it? So much money has gone into this

what species is this?


>What the fuck is really going on!!?
There must be more money in being a celebrity than we imagine. Or maybe being a celebrity is a big reward in and of itself. I like being anonymous so maybe that's why I don't understand.

It's okay, Twitter banned his account, but kept Keith Olbermann. Just saying.

I would like to compare two tweets of theirs since I don't pay attention to twitter or news about it and I definitely don't pay attention to Keith Olbermann.

Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube are massive now, they can get away with anything, and they're at that point where they can be cold and callous. And since lack of professionalism has always been a normalized thing on the internet, people don't think twice about twitter censoring people or YouTube randomly blocking people who rely on it for making money. People are just erasing the line between "people I don't like" and "intruding". It's mutually exclusive to Americans as a whole now, but particularly liberals.. Also look at the whole Kevin Spacey as a good example of how they react and how they justify their reactions.

Facebook and Twitter can only get bigger from here. And if people are using these sites as their platforms and you want to speak to people, you have to deal with it while following Facebook or Twitter's rules. I wonder who's happy over that fact.

He is a genius with a "Professor Farnsworth" shaped head.

Huge if big.