I don't care if you want to hunt, I don't care if you think it's your right. I say, sorry...

I don't care if you want to hunt, I don't care if you think it's your right. I say, sorry, you are not allowed to own a gun, and if you do own a gun I think you should go to prison.


This is coming from yet anothrr German nu-male who sits down when he has to take a piss..



Gun ownership in the US is the only thing preventing them from becoming a shit country like Germany. A study finds.

I don't believe people should to be able to own guns.

How is Germany a shit country?

Is the method of homicide more important than the homicide itself? I don't believe so, so lets break down the numbers that actually matter and put this to bed one way or the other.
Pic related is the research I've just done into the homicide rates based upon population size and total number of murders. I included at the bottom the USA with only whites and the murders committed by whites.
All of this is for 2016 and is based upon 2016 statistics, which can be found via Google and the FBI crime statistics

As you can see, the USA doesn't have a homicide problem per se, it has a nigger problem. If we remove the minorities from the USA, then all of a sudden we have a proportionally equivalent, and in some cases LOWER murder rate than those of countries with strict/comprehensive gun control
Check mate you gun grabbing autistic niggers.

stop worrying yourself with our laws, Jewrmoney


And that’s why you are losers throughout history.

no one really gives a fuck, good thread idiot.

and I don't believe redcoats like you should live, yet here we are

Well I guess it's a good thing you live in germany then Hans

Who gives a fuck? Your opinion is meaningless

Until America, door to door, takes every handgun, this is what you're gonna have. It's pathetic. It really is pathetic. It's sad. You are living in the Dark Ages over there.

>when the autistic kraut has no response to your cold hard statistics

no one cares what you think faggot

you are a pussy, a sheep, a government worshiping dipshit who deserves to be maimed and raped for encouraging and enabling the death of Europe

keep making whiny gay threads on Sup Forums faggot, I'm sure you'll get somewhere eventually

>gets trucked
>gets stabbed
>gets raped three times in a row the same night
>eventually gets shot by criminal with iegal gun
and people should care about your worthless opinion because...?

>tfw when you are an American and see a fellow white person saying something bad about Israel and you just feel a little sad

There's an estimated 500 million reasons our politicians still somewhat follow the Bill of Rights and you want to ban those reasons.

>when you are indistinguishable from a Turk but spend all day on Sup Forums WE WUZing about how you used to be blonde n shiet


If he stands, he'll get honor penetrated by a Somalian dick of peace.





I look nothing like a turk you delusional sharter

Gag on some rapefugee cock Hanz.

Still waiting on a response :^)

The slave always seeks to emasculate the strong.

A willing serf is the most contemptible creature in existence. You're far lower than my dog, who will fight to the death to protect his property.




Stay in Germany, commie.

Why are these mongrel memes being tied in with socialism/capitalism bashing? The one you posted doesn't, but the ones with text do; however, your OP is subtly espousing that Americans need less freedom.

>wanting to become literal cattle
why tho

>Why are these mongrel memes being tied in with socialism/capitalism bashing?
leftist projection

Europeans mostly spam those memes to try to shut down any argument they disagree with if it happens to come from an American. Meanwhile their wives are getting dicked down by Muhammad.

>You are living in the Dark Ages over there.
And it's still better.

These are the "arguments" of broken "men."

You haven't the slightest idea in how much contempt free men hold scum like you.

Heinz, geh heim

get a load of this faggot telling us what were allowed to have. go fuck yourself buddy

>t. mericuck whos wife getting enriched by jamal

The left can't meme. This is the best they have.

>people will respond to this shit sucking thread no matter what
The absolute state of this awful and dying board.

40% of the children under five in your country are not German. Hopefully this doesn't become a problem in twenty years, because you won't have the means of defending yourself if it is.

thanks for your opinion, Özman. However, actual Germans have a long history with guns

You're free to think what you want. You are free to believe friendship is magic as well.

Fuck off, kike.


How are you gonna take the gun? I'm the one with the gun....

I know it is my right, it comes from God, and if a faggot like you ever came to power we'd remove you, which is the difference between us and you emasculated poofters.

And you live within a country do devoid of pride it has even forgotten shame.

I would tell you to do better, but I imagine like most in your joke of a nation you have deluded yourself into believing your self destruction is noble and just.




>implying Americans are not cattle

Whoever drew this has some good artistic vision that shading is pretty accurate

Try to take it.

the only rebuttal they have is "le56%" memes. that's it.

The meme is actually funny but I've seen some describing Americans as "hating climate change, against government welfare, free college, etc" as if we need to be more of a nanny state. It's an ingenious way to capitalize on America hate/bantz in order to subvert Europeans into accepting more socialism.

this meme does not apply to me.I look totally European.In the other hand , the ameriorc meme applies to almost 60% of sharters

It is a lot more than 40%. The Russians completely destroyed German DNA with mass rape after WWII. Germans are as Russian as any Slav. The true Germans are such a tiny minority, that they could be considered extinct. This is either a Turk, or a Slav, posting about not being white. It is projection.

T. amerimysterymeat

We can't all have scimitars like you, Abdul

Your opinion is irrelevent, kraut-cuck.

For my mongrel friend

Most Americans aren't race mixed (outside of Anglo/Germanic mixes which are the exact same race, anyway), though. If you honestly believe that and not just posting bantz, you're pretty stupid. We do have a lot of Mexicans and blacks, though.


Luckily Jamal is too busy murdering Darrell to do that thanks to are right to have firearms in the USA. Firearms and abortions are the biggest things preventing a blow up of nigger population in the US.


Come and take them.

>implying we aren't

But muhammad, if no guns how will you massacare european kufars?


until you're ready to kill people and take their guns, fuck off.

better a non-white than a slave

its not even inaccurate and it makes me mad.

>Europeans mostly spam those memes to try to shut down any argument they disagree with
Like you haven't done the same shit since geo-flags were brought in.

those plebs look nothing like me


Le 56%. Me


>implying they don't have them regardless of their legality
but Moshe, with guns how can Jamal culturally enrich the goyim?

I am okay with this for Germans.

>"it's a German is mad that he is inferior to Americans episode"

Fuck off Achmed

well i didn't know you wanted to get in the discussion mr helper.

whatever you say izmir


ah, so now we are the world conquerors who won WW2 - not so convenient to claim 30 million USSR soldiers did the heavy lifting and won it, huh
let's face it, your shit germ of a nation and the brit sluts of war couldn't get along - yer whole fucking continent was slaughtering whitey by whitey until you finally dragged the USA in.... AND WE PUT A STOP TO IT
Now, since you can't keep your area clean, and your brit sluts decided to save the jkews from you the newisrael balfour agreement would give rise to the jew state you got created, the whole world is a shitstorm - not to mention the god damned jew ass and his 5 love money donkey rothschild sons you let rampage across Europe to establish the world monetary jew money lord system that exists today !


Only the state is allowed to own guns right?

>mfw you're unironically shilling for an actual fascist state

Anons like you give me hope that Europe can someday regain the right to bare arms and remove kebab, stepping back into the realm of enlightenment individualistic values that made us the most powerful civilization the world has ever had.

get off the USA internet you ungrateful coward

Good thing you beliefs don't matter

I don't think germans should exist. Thank you for getting on track to take care of that with third world immigration, hans.

instead of making fun of Greeks you should try to fix your fucking abomination country.Izmir isnt even a turkish name you dumb sharter


Murder is illegal yet still happens, it's almost as if people with nefarious intent don't care about the law.

cucked kraut thinks Americans guns are for hunting. They are for overthrowing the Govt if we feel it needs to done.

We have more guns than residents. Door to door confiscation would be how the us government would get itself its very own populous dictator.