join the civilized world america. enough blood has been spilt
Join the civilized world america. enough blood has been spilt
Without guns good goy Australians can now be subjugated with with very little effort.
And all of this to prevent fewer deaths than is attributed to choking.
Be a cuck, be like Australia
>lost a war to Emu's
Same kind of cucks as bongs, leafs and frogs. No fucking thank you.
>The number of mass shootings in Australia—defined as incidents in which a gunman killed five or more people other than himself, which is notably a higher casualty count than is generally applied for tallying mass shootings in the U.S.—dropped from 13 in the 18-year period before 1996 to zero after the Port Arthur...
Australia has plenty of high casualty shootings. Just usually it's a husband killing his wife, only child and himself. Or some Somali blasting a couple of retirees away. Nothing to see here, move along.
meanwhile murica has over 300 gorillon guns
>something that worked in australia must work in another country that has a completely different history and culture
>giving up a basic human right because of the act of a literal retard
Fucking pathetic.
Yeah look at all the subjugated australians right now. Your entire premisce is retarded.
Shut the fuck up you massive wanker.
The idea of a government buyback is far more reasonable than a complete banning.
You should add the source to that pic if you're going to post it. Don't whine that it's not your pic, that you just downloaded it. Make it your pic by finding the source and label it so it's legible.
>Yeah look at all the subjugated australians right now.
I see them.
>muh insults and demands for silence in the face of my non-argument
lets say average cost of a gun is $500
that is $150 billion the govt has to pull outta its ass to buyback all guns. also the amount of money they will have to pay all gun manufacturers and employees to shut down and be laid off
Who is going to buy them and with what money?
Learn to spell swissfag
Also, switzerland has gun laws far closer to the US than europe or australia, yet you guys are fine.
The problem isn't guns, the problem is that people are losing their fucking minds.
Australia has much more gun crime now. All illegal. And our lovely immigrants are running amok but we csnt defend ourselves. America should learn and australia. It was a terrible mistake.
Your reading comprehension is nigger-tier medipack.
>Australians CAN now be subjugated with with very little effort.
Australians only have the illusion of freedom and democracy because it can be taken away at any moment. There is nothing that guarantees it besides the word of those in power.
The American 2nd ammendment ensure that power always resides with the people.
Cheers, cunt. How's J-berg?
I'm not talking about a banning of any guns, I am talking about the government buying back guns from people who do not want them anymore and giving them some incentive. It looks quite good, people turning in their guns WILLINGLY.
Doesn't matter to me, I wouldn't honestly care if the government bought them and turned around and sold them to some third world shithole.
A non-mandatory return of firearms to the government for financial compensation seems reasonable.
lol they can do buybacks. Then get spammed by gunowners selling shitty zipguns for more than it cost to buy or build, or gunowners going down the line and buying guns for more than the government will pay.
I mean, that couldn't possibly have anything to do with their immigration policies or racial makeup.
Are you serious? I think dead Americans is fucking hillarious.
Its like natures retard control at work, Americans killing Americans. This makes the American patriot proud. Sure, over a decent time period the casualtys exceed that of a short-term war, but FREEDUM!!!
If it was some country that we gave a shit about its a different story, but fortunately its confined to retard land.
Banning guns in Australia seems to have worked out pretty successfully, so the Americans have to pretend its impossible, utopian and unimaginable.
Just wait, medkit, just wait. When their democracy begins failing them, they won't be able to do anything about it.
Still shitty I guess. Lived there for 4 years and in that time had car stolen, 2 attempted car-jackings, 2 armed home invasions and the owner of my favourite pub was shot dead.
"basic human right"
like nukes, claymores and weaponised ebola, right?
If weaponised ebola is outlawed, criminals will still find a way to access weaponised ebola!
Be more like the guys who lost the emu war!
no one cares what you have to say yurotrash swamp nigger
Yeah that turkey stat seriously flawed
maybe I should just post the videos
We haven't banned guns like Australia and yet we have not had any mass shootings. I wonder why
>This is Australia.
>Australia never had a problem with guns ever
>One day CIA niggers decided to execute the worst mass shooting (only mass shooting) in Australias history
>They then used that shooting as an excuse to ban guns
>Thus solving a problem they themselves created
Problem, reaction, solution.
Just hand in your fucking guns already. When the non-whites become a majority I want to see white americans defenseless and ripe for the slaughter. I want white american baby boys given tranny ops at birth. I want white american women used as concubines to breed mulatto children.
I'm white btw, fuck america for what its done to it's puppet state britain. They deserve everything they get.
Australia is the most cucked shithole on Earth, they make Canada look redpilled. Canadians can have semi-auto rifles but Cuckstralians can't, fucking pathetic.
We have similar gun access except we can't get semiautos on a commonly available license.
They also have draconian speech laws and are importing kebab/chow mein faster than you can say "multicultural dystopia". No thanks
>Canada is the gayest country other than Japan
If you want your government to remove your free speech, criminalize you, and turn your children brown only to later live in a globalist authoritarian nightmare state ruled by (((them))), barely able to get food, then by all means, give up your guns.
Otherwise, with an armed population, a police state is impossible.
Shut up because you're wrong and DANGEROUSLY so.
America is top country.
Political parties all around the civilised word would be declared criminal organisations if they didn't control the law and have (((media))) as allies.
Americans having guns is strongest of the last checks against (globalist) tyranny.
>Also those people didn't die because of guns they died because of media. Media is poison. There has to be media control before more people die.
(So just get your Dr. Drek headphones on and go back)
I will never willingly give up my right to defend myself because it might potential save someone I don't knows life.
Yes, the right to self preservation id a basic right.
I'm British not American btw
Other than no full auto, some specific model bans and ammo limits (usually just a US magazine with a pin that can be easily filed off to ahem, fix the magazine) Canada has some pretty lax gun laws. Our only problem is that it isn't enshrined as a right so it could go as soon as Trudeau feels his penis looks small next to one
Basically the flaw being the demographic a "gun buyback" would attract are the wrong demographic and make very little difference aside from wasting time and money. If you're willing to sell, say your AR-15 for a cheap price you aren't the people a buyback is targeting, thus no real change in any type of gun-related crimes. Am I wrong, am I on the wrong train of thought?
there's more guns in Oz now than in 96
>Australia is the most cucked shithole on Earth
*blocks your path*
The gun crime rate had been going down for 10 years prior to that event. There was a cultural shift, you fucking retard.
Crime doesn't happen if nobody reports it. Also, if two Yakuza members kill each other, did anyone actually die?
It depends whether they fell in woods or not. There's a chance a bear was (or wasn't) taking a shit there at the time.
Sorry to hear that m8. Some day we will whip the blecks back into submission. Jew cunts gotta be gassed first, unfortunately.
They are being controlled by china and being replaced by southeast asians. So yeah maybe not subjection just genocide.
I am fully erect.
Why would wicked people with a gun and wicked intentions for it want to just sell it? I don't think a buy-back would be effective.
2 x Armed home invasions
How did you handle that?
Because this is what the normies need to know about, this is the world they are creating for themselves here
No thanks. You can keep your Aussie & Euro faggotry, I'll keep my ARs.
W r o n g. Gun homicide in Australia was already going down before the ban, and kept following the trend.
what a waste of trips
>a mentally-retarded man with an IQ of 66 and no military experience whatseoever somehow kills 18 people with 18 headshots in the span of just a few seconds while firing entirely from the hip with his non-dominant hand
>manually counted rounds at 50+ rpm in order to tactically reload with a round still in the chamber
>when outside, performed a Beirut Triple to disable an oncoming car--a special forces technique used in Lebanon to stop suicide bomber cars
>conveniently, the only two police officers on the entire island were away on a wild goose chase at the time of the shooting, called away to investigate a stash of heroin that turned out to be soap
>prior to the shooting, a specially-constructed morgue truck unlike anything else in Australia or perhaps the world, refrigerated and capable of carrying 22 bodies, was delivered to the Southern Tasmanian Mortuary Service; it was used only once--at Port Arthur--and then disposed of
>while on the phone with police during a hostage standoff, several gunshots are heard coming from Bryant's position, indicating a second shooter--these gunshots are recorded on the transcript as coughs
>throughout the night, Bryant managed to keep track of police sneaking around to flank his position in the dark, though no night vision goggles were ever found at the scene
>once apprehended, Bryant was denied a trial and kept in solitary confinement until he accepted a guilty plea; journalists were denied interviews with him and were forced to delete any photos they took of him
>Bryant had inherited millions of dollars before the shooting and was literally set for life
>his motive is a closely-guarded secret to this day and has never been revealed
>this event was the sole justification needed for the government to enact strict gun control laws in Australia
I will not surrender myself to the mercy of the state you barbie skewing faggot.
You want it? Come and get it.
how can you spread this retarded disinformation while you know your neighboring country has super restrictive gun rights but miraculously only 110.000 of the 200000 guns are registered? Yes Im talking about Belgium.
Not that SA user, but that's what you guys need to realize. Either put a wall with barbed wire, electric fencing and proper access control around your countries or you'll have to put a wall with barbed wire, electric fencing and access control around your houses.
Have fun finding almost 400 million guns in a 3.797 million sq mile area. A million guns? Sure, almost 400 million? I don't think so.
you're doing god's work, leaf. more?
I will swap your gun for these plus a delicious snail sandwich, wee wee?
Do not worry about the consequences you little americoon minkies, your country will join civilisation and be just like le France. (You will be replaced by Muslims in other words)
yeah but who was fphone I win hehe
Didn't Australia have like 4 muslim terrorist attacks since?
Noted it weren't mass shootings, but didn't the muslims take some café hostage by holding them at gunpoint?
Guns don't cause shootings any more than they cause serial killings.
Media causes both
Media control is needed
I mean, we have gun control here too, but somehow all the muslims keeps shooting people will guns anyways. We have had a gun attack each week for the last two months now. I'm not even kidding, you can look it up. Muslim gangs each time.