Is it just me...

Is it just me, or has the mainstream media been silent on the politically motivated attack against Rand Paul which resulted in five of his ribs being broken?

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You won't get a lot of responses here either. This place has been taken over by the MAGA and Stormfag crowds.

It is now basically a nazi larp and r/thedonald board.

The attack was 100% percent politically motivated, since the man who attacked him was a registered democrat. We can assume he did this to prevent Rand Paul from participating in the coming gun control debate, that is most certain to ensue.

Keep in mind who shot down the Assault Weapons Ban last time. It was Cruz and Paul, they were so convincing, that they even managed to bring a few dems to their side. But since Rand Paul will be out of the game for a few weeks due to his injuries, the Neocons and the deep state have free reign.

> tfw we picked a wrong guy

I would pray for Rand to have a speedy recovery, but Will Wheton told me that my prayers won't help.

>Whil Wheaton literally makes fun of mass shooting victims
>Libtards call right wingers heartless monsters.

really activates the almonds.


assassination attempt


thread is being slid hard.

Politicians should fear the strong.

>Keep in mind who shot down the Assault Weapons Ban last time. It was Cruz and Paul, they were so convincing, that they even managed to bring a few dems to their side.
These guys are American heroes. I still wish one of them was the president.

A medical doctor, huh? Maybe the issue is medicine. No bureaucracy will ever permit people to live forever, but somehow people are still really loyal to healthcare bureaucracies.

Will cruz get attacked now or was the goal to just get one of them?

Inb4 cruz gets arrested, bribed or straight up shanked.


>police will find the corpses of Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, and Mike Lee in sewers and meat lockers in DC

The only time I heard about that was while I was at a bar, they were playing the news and it said Rand got attacked.

Other than that. I don't think the media cares much. The media doesn't want anyone researching what Rand Paul and the Libertarian movement is all about.

inb4 opioid overdose or (((unexpected complications))) at the hospital.

The fucker who did this is walking free RIGHT NOW.

Yes and on the Paradise Papers

The mainstream media seems to be reporting on it but the degree of cognitive dissonance they display in their reports is fucking terrifying.

The Guardian reports that the guy who attacked him has been charged with "one count of fourth-degree assault causing minor injury" and then immediately adds that Paul did indeed suffer FIVE BROKEN RIBS.


That`s FOURTH-DEGREE assault? What the fuck do you have to do to someone to FIRST-DEGREE assault them?

This is actually some very serious shit. After Berkeley, Hodgkinson, Vegas and now this I think there is some general coordinated strategy to normalize and/or trivialize violent assault on anyone with right-wing political views.

On a related note, I was out getting my groceries here in Paris today and I noticed my neighbourhood has been plastered with posters put up by some crazy feminazi group that say

"I`m not trying to incite anyone to violence - but one sexist remark and A MAN WILL BLEED!"

The kek aspect here is that the "stronk woman" image they use for the poster is Uma Thurman holding a samurai sword.

It`s from "Kill Bill".

A Harvey Weinstein production.


I am 100% certain, that this was an attempt to get him out of the political theatre for a while, since the guy who attacked him was a democrat operative. Fuck all that bullshit about blowing leaves. Remember, that Paul was attacked while mowing his lawn and not while blowing shitty leaves.


Is it worthless to point out if it had been a registered Republican beating up, say, Chuck Schumer, all the talking heads on TV would be screaming for more security and the death penalty non stop.


Paul should have shot him dead in self defense, that would have been funny.

What votes are coming up, maybe that was the plan, remove paul so they can pass something.

>politically motivated
>The attack was 100% percent politically motivated,

It was his neighbor for fuck's sake. The enighbor is a medical doctor.
They were probably arguing over his dog taking a shit in his yard.

This is the 2nd leftist attack Rand has survived this year (after the baseball shooting, which he wasn't shot at thanks to his superior "low center of mass" status) yet the media doesn't want to talk about it.

They also went silent on the Steve Scalise shooting! Nothing to see here, OP. Now move along OR YOU'RE NEXT!

PRAY for Rand Paul. He is a patriot, and (((they))) attacked him, WHILE DJT was gone.

The fuck is this retarded hyperbole?
The reason ''You won't get a lot of responses here'' is because this story was buried. Not that many people know this happened. I've not heard anything about it beyond seeing one thread on Sup Forums.
You have to go out of your way to see all the details of it.
I've subbed to hundreds of channels on jewtube and not a single one of them has spoken about this.

This isn't about muh r_donald and muh stormfront. The fuck is wrong with you?

>Tax reform
>Gun control (bump stocks etc. now maybe even an Assault weapons ban in light of what has just happened)
>Diversity visa program
>Resolution to stop the war in Yemen.

>But did it?

Probably lovers

they are literally talking about it right now on fox
rand is a completely spineless coward. Didn't even support his own fathers run for president and chose to be a good goy instead. Lets not even get started on his excessively cringey detroit conservative phase

are you sure it was politically motivated? Sounds more like rand was fucking the dudes wife.

So everytime a leftist attacks someone, even somewhere they're acquainted with, it's politics. Good to know I can't get drunk and beat up my leftist buddy for drinking my Scotch without it being politics.

Fucking libertarian swine.

This is 100% true.

or could be one of those weird neighbor grass cutting competitions

That is true. The leftist media would have been all over this.

It isn't getting buried, but every time someone starts a thread about rand paul on here, the answers are:

>Dumb hair

Fucking Ron Paul chose him as his successor, since he is the ONE person, who aligns most with his political beliefs, yet 90% of the people on here hate him, even though he has a more pro liberty voting record, than any other person in Washington DC.

Why would you think the media would give a fuck? They want all right wing people dead. They want their children dead. They want their state governments overthrown.

inb4 false rape allegations


Don't want anything to change the narrative, goy.

Forget that it happened on 11/4 and it was some crazed lefty radicalized by CNN saying "libertarians are nazis".

10/10 would vote4again

Yeah, as I say, it`s incredibly serious.

The methods used to win votes in Senate and the Congress this last year now seem to be indistinguishable from the methods the Mafia used to run the Teamsters union back in the days of Jimmy Hoffa.

I`m aghast that nobody seems to be even commenting on the way that US politics has descended into open gangsterism since the election, with the Left definitely leading the way here.
If the idea was to beat the guy so badly he couldn`t be part of the gun control vote it dovetails with an even more sinister broader strategy:
The Deep State forces a debate on the removal of the Second Amendment from the Constitution by massive staged gun massacres like Vegas and Texas; assassinates or cripples any Republicans who might be able to sway the debate and vote in favor of retaining the Second Amendment; forcibly disarms, once they have the law behind them, Trump`s electoral base; then removes Trump from office on some hokey "Russian collusion" grounds and easily crushes the now-unarmed opposition to their liberal tyranny.

why didn't he shoot the guy? is he a pussy?

Five fractured ribs and a lung contusion is a serious injury; any time you puncture a lung your going to shock trauma. Should be raised to 1st or at minimum 2 nd degree; dude should be locked up in pump me in the ass prison. CNN is the new radicalizer.

When Reagan was shot, he came back stronger than ever. Rand will be back. And he’ll be pissed.

Don't you think that has something to do with your attitude? What the fuck do you expect with this insane hyperbole and insulting everyone who supports Trump or has '''''''''''''''''''''stormfront''''''''''''''''''''''' opinions?
Make a thread without being a cunt about it.
I've not seen anything about this.

Reagan was scared shitless of the deep state afterwards. He even supported the assault weapons ban after he had been shot.

It was his neighbor. It probably isn't being reported for a reason. Maybe it was some 'friendly' wrestling. Maybe Rand told him to stop paying taxes. Maybe Sam Hyde did it.


Why would the deep state be this inefficient if they have a shadow government? If there was a deep state president their enemies would be dead 100%.

Lol, look at how angry it is.

Go back to your soviet satelite state and shut up.

Case in point.

>Will Wheton
Wesley, shut up. -Captain Picard

thats because all the randlet supporters left for liberty forums after he lost to write more cringey fan fiction and review lifts

because the deep state is literally a bunch of criminals stabbing eachother in the back

they nagilaed him into submission

His attacker was a socialist

He’s merciful.

Because they can't make it too obvious.

Going around killing and replacing everybody whom you want out of power is going to raise heads after a while. But if you extort a guy using an affair of his or only injure him to push him onto the "correct" political path, people wont notice as easily.

>are we you two sure we should do this? i think this guys an asshole, can't we find someone that isn't so into himself?
few years later
>dude he killed the other guy what's to stop him from kililng us?
few years later
>fuck me, i should have listened to the other two guys he killed, but no way he would kill me right? that would just be ridiculous....i mean history would judge him then wouldn't it?

That reminds did she get her roll in Pulp Fiction? She was nobody before that. It was the movie that put Weinstein on the map. hmmmmmm. She's one big league starlet associated with Harvey that hasn't really said anything....

aerial view

Rand was trollin


too bad its fake.

MSM hates Rand/Ron Paul
he exists outside the overton window so they stonewall him

i dont like how the media treated bernie, but it was fucking nothing compared to what they did to ron paul
pretty disgusting desu

Probably some deep state goon sent to scare him off of being Trumps greatest ally

Property line disputes are serious business here in the South

You can get buried in the desert over that shit

The Socialists broke 5 of Rand's ribs

When will ye war end?

No they are burying it for sure......

According to fox he was tackled from behind
and he was panting due to difficulty breathing.

gay prone-bone?

Shep is really concerned he's missing some part of this story, somebody direct him here to read about the gay lover theory, Shep would eat that up

Let's send burgers to BASED Randlet in the hospital

>there's absolutely nothing suspect about a rabid leftist attacking a GOP senator and breaking some of his ribs

Rand Paul Takes on AIPAC for Opposing Palestinian Aid Cut

shit are those fajitas? Now I'm hungry.

But yes send anything to help cheer Randlet up, we need him back in the Senate as soon as possible before the all the rinos start influencing Trump while Rand is gone.


>pics of Rand having a meal
No ribs?

this !

>gets shot at
>gets beat to shit

Randlet, what message are you failing to get buddy?

He's a burger man through and through


and broken ribs are a BITCH believe me.

They kill and you can't do anything other than rest while they heal & take Tylenol

It is not just you

They're all in it together

The attacker was a multi millionaire, body building "Doctor" who sold fake pain management quackery on TV as well as a Obama/Hillary supporter. He decided that Paul needed to be physically beaten because...Reasons. This is the default of ALL Liberals and it is only the 2nd Amendment that keeps them in check

>tfw they want to kill the last American hero


Some libertarian....


There is an article on the BBC, stop complaining like a nigger

Weinstein is producing a biographic showing all the millionaires he created, and how ungrateful those privileged cunts are.
tons of behind the scene footage, of A-list celebs begging to suck his cock for parts in future movies.
Tarantino and many others are assisting.
will set feminism the stone-age

His neighbor has cold sores all over his lips in the image i saw

My theory: Rand slept with the guys wife and would rather that stay quiet.

Proxy voting is a practice by which an absent Senator authorizes a second, present Senator (usually the chairman or ranking minority Member) to cast a vote, in addition to his or her own, during a committee markup meeting.

I'd like to do this actually. Has he said anywhere what his favorite burger is?

He was fucking his neighbor's wife, guaranteed.

he was mowing his lawn with his headphones on in his secure neighborhood. I wouldn't think I would need to be packing while I'm fucking mowing the yard. But, still wish Rand could've filled with dude with lead

Rand "Principled Bull" Paul