What's the likelihood he was on SSRIs? I say 90% chance

What's the likelihood he was on SSRIs? I say 90% chance.

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He wasn't the shooter. You're a shill. It was ANOTHER Mossad operation. Fuckign jews.

You know SSRIs aren't brainwashing meds right?

What's the likelihood that ssri's don't make you violent? 100%. If he was using ssri's, his killing spree was in spite of them. If anything, they probably kept him more docile and held him back from doing this earlier.

that is great and all, but you need to back it up. I think there is some pedo stuff going on in the church, but I can't really prove it


It's pretty likely having been dishonorably discharged form the military, the do psych evaluations on everyone in the military, this dude looks like he's been living a very sedentary lifestyle without much interaction with the public.
SSRI's give people avoidant personality disorder, and it kills the sex drive. Those two things combined makes people homicidal/suicidal.

Depressed/fucked up people are more likely to do fucked up things? What're the odds

Obviously liberal. So 99.5% chance.

The guy was a wife beater who was also being brought up on charges for Animal abuse. He was clearly a violent asshole who shouldn't have even been in the military to begin with. But we need jackboots for the fascist machine so there you go.

Where the fuck are his ears???

need a chart/infographic exactly how many mass-shooters are on some Big Pharma BS. While as a group they are probably more liable to be on some prescribed 'medicine', the facts would suggest that shit either aint working or is indeed making matters worse.

>depressed people are more likely to commit suicide
>depressed people are more likely to take anti-depressants
>in most cases of suicide the person was on SSRIs or other medications
Why the fuck should this logic change when instead of suicide its homicide?

Often, SSRIs are what push them over the edge. Also, suicide is a different act from spree shooting, it takes a certain lack of empathy, a certain state of mind. Obviously not all people who take SSRIs commit mass murder but in those with the predisposition it can be a deadly combination.

They already list suicidal thoughts as a potential side effect. What they don't list is homicidal thoughts as a potential side effect...for obvious reasons.


(((excellent))) point, schlomo. next (((logical))) step:
>shall NOT
>(((except))) those on (((our))) medication

Hahaha, he's you! He's everyone of your militant atheist liberals!


probably 69% with that handsome face

He was in the army so he probably wasn't on anything too strong.

Beautiful, you still have some great works left in you pops.

You understand that mercola is a shill not respected by anyone in medicine? You don't have the slightest idea of what you are talking about, you're just repeating things you don't understand.

which pharmacological substances was he alleged to have been on?

come on.
>a fb friend alleges he took "psych" meds from 6th to 9th grade
if DT says he was a mental illness sufferer, and thus this is not a gun problem, shouldn't we know what the fuck was going on with his meds?

>Be American
>Get fed a steady dose of mind altering chemicals from 5 years old
>Commit mass shooting

Well imagine my shock

admittedly not the best of sources, but, they always seem reluctant to give mass-shooters medical records to the media, some reason:
>Another classmate told Fox News that Kelley had a history of mental illness, and had been on psychiatric medication for a period.
“His parents had him on high doses of ‘psych’ meds from 6th to 9th grade, the time I knew him,” said the student, who only wished to be identified as Reid

>Every mass shooting over last 20 years has one thing in common... and it's not guns
(and the only thing that author be shillin is guns)


He was dishonourably discharged by the CIA I mean Air Force and then suddenly became a pit bull owning AR15 Kevlar vest carrying mass murderer athiest who lived in a fucking trailer park. 100% MKultra manchurian candidate.

Illuminati needed a distraction after Paradise Papers leak

well if he was he's been on them a long time. his creep behavior goes back for years.

I don't want to be this guy now and I will probably regret watching it but I heard there is a video from inside the church?

that video will never see daylight

depressed people don't even want to leave the house.
the most dangerous of people are schizophrenics with narcissistic personality disorder

So much uninformed blather. SSRI's / psych meds have been connected to almost every single horrific violent crime since Columbine. Many contain black box warnings (the most severe) about suicidal and/ or homicidal ideation and actions. You think pharma would do that if they didn't have to?


Watching that video would turn you into a monster.


>Beep boop beep activate white terrorist deflection #2464 SSRIs

Literally this. It's so blatant now it is ridiculous. I fully expect literal daemons to start showing up soon plus anti-christ.

/will Sup Forumstards ever recover?

he already wasn't allowed to have guns because of the dishonorable discharge

do you nigger faggots even murica?


He simply did what you faggots have wet dreams about doing every night.

Yet he had guns anyway. Perhaps because he was given them by his handlers.

Kelley -- dressed entirely in black and "wearing a face mask with a white skull on it," according to Texas Department of Public Safety's regional director Freeman Martin -- burst into the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas on Sunday and killed at least 26 people, one as young as 18-months old.


the question nobody is answering

He was also chased away by a guy with a shotgun (there goes the anti gun narrive)
I also heard that he might have been antifa, can we get some weaponized autists on this? You guys do great work.

Reminder that this case will never be "solved" because it was an operation by the CIA

Definitely psychotropics and SSRIs. It explains the weight gain and the dead look in his eyes.

>ITT: a lot of butthurt subjects of the orange-bottled Jew