Sell me on Diversity.
Why is it important?
Sell me on Diversity.
Why is it important?
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It's our strength. Isn't that enough?
It makes life easier for G-D's Chosen.
>Why is it important?
it's not.
Government needs money, white people are dying off.
It's not. It's a weakness, dilutes community trust. Must be forced upon people.
What are the drawbacks of homogeneous countries?
Nobody going to play devil's advocate? I sure won't. Instead, here's a nice introduction to the topic from a skeptical (small s) perspective that looks at real studies and history:
Culture is meaningless, of you want culture go back to the irrelevant Eastern European shithole you came from and LARP as a peasant. The only thing that matters is prosperity, and you need workers and resources for this.
Because diversity is our strength
Why does the niglet in the front have blackface on?
Sell if you try to destroy the nation or the opposite?
It's not. It's why we are in the trouble we're in.
Diversity is important. But you don't need to have children learning in the same classrooms as the opposite sex and different ethnicities.
Let Boys and Girls, Blacks, Hispanics, Asians and White Children play together at recess time and go to PE together. They can be friends outside the classroom or school system. Community activities would help with this too.
But the diversity Leftists and communists push is wrong.
Because it's a godsend for the political, social and financial elite.
More 'diversity' increases the power of the elite on multiple fronts by weakening cohesion and unity among previously homogeneous nation states and their ability to collectively bargain with and resist them and eliminates the threat posed by democracy without the need to suspend or abolish it. They can pull off massive power seizures without ever going against any constitution, international law or human rights. With enough 'diversity' democracy can be completely reversed to benefit the elite and rather than people elect their rulers, their rulers can elect the people and ethnic groups within a country they can build an electoral coalition with in return for concessions from them. Rinse and repeat with every group until none are powerful and none have any bargaining chips left and you've just completed a total coup-de-tat without firing a single shot.
Now leftists, explain why you keep on promoting an ideological position that is fuelling a huge transfer of power away from the masses to the very elites you're supposed to be against? You'd lose your shit if governments banned or tried to destroy and undermine trade unions. So why try and destroy and weaken the homogeneity of nation states which function as the ultimate union and tool of collective bargaining against international corporations, political bodies and elites for an ethnic group?
((((diversity))) is fine so long as it includes races that are compatible with each others ideologies . This should basically boil down to western countries+some east Asian countries, middle eastern countries+Hispanic countries, china, and africa
>Sell me on Diversity.
>Why is it important?
it's not.
On average they are a net tax drain.
It isn't. In no way. The positives of diversity essentially do not exist, and the negatives that come from clashing and grouping, no assimilation, etc. By far outweigh "but we get 2 tri noo fude lel"
It isn't
Gas the kikes
Why else would you bring a bunch of minorities in...slavery. make them think its for their own good..offer them welfare wages to do shit jobs and make babies. White people dont want to scrub toilets and pick avacados for 5 bucks a fucking hour.
Because your birth rates are unacceptable so you will be replaced and if the masses accept it everything will go "smooth enough"
>Who actually Work
>Net tax drain
Shlomo you're delusional.
Race realism tell us that not all men evolved equally, some genes are better to certain tasks and some others are to be discovered, given that we can't kill the different anymore and certain ethnics tend to underperform in individualistic capitalism, (i.e. bad with money) the only real option left it's to race mix them.
Luckily we also have the largest amount of childless males of all times, so miscegenation seemed like the best idea.
It isn't.
Cliffy B has been a proud cuck and supporter of diversity from day one. Unreal tournament 2004 featured brown women as the best team. His games always featured heavy or ugly women.
He explicitly states how proud he is of diversity and that it makes a better product. What we ended up getting is lawbreakers, and we know how that ended. Diversity doesn't even help with cultural products.