How many more shootings before you drumpftards accept common sense gun control?

How many more shootings before you drumpftards accept common sense gun control?

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How many more Muslim grooming gang attacks before you leftists accept that Islam is cancer?

You liberals keep shooting people and saying we need gun control.

No, we need Democrat control. Guns are part of that.

Get ready for a genocide then faggots. Because the answer is infinite.

>common sense gun control
that equates to every citizen being trained in gun safety.
nothing more.

How many more shootings in gun free zones before we abolish gun free zones?
>florida nightclub
Ban gun free zones when?

All of them.

Golly, how big of a government do you want us to have? A government big enough to teach us all how to control guns would be awfully invasive. Most people don't even want to control guns. They'd rather have herd immunity from the other armed people.


Semi-automatic weapons have been around and legal for decades but this gun violence is only a recent trend. These trends are because of a loss of a sense of community and of our traditional Christian values.