So far I'm planning to start using the Brave Browser for internet surfing, Proton Mail for email services, any random VPN and possibly the TOR browser for instant messaging services.
Can any of y'all recommend any alternative options that might be better, and if so, what makes them better?
On the contrary, can anyone provide me a reason as to why that stuff might not be worth it at all?
>planning to start using the Brave Browser for internet surfing there is no such thing as privacy on the internet. just use chrome like a normal person.
Easton Hernandez
It's gonna be a few more years at most until men in black suits knock on your door and take you away for having said something wrong on Sup Forums or Twitter. We might as well try to take measures to protect ourselves against that.
Isaiah Williams
>run Tails Linux in virtual machine >run logless offshore VPN on host machine >only use the Tor browser bundle >use complex passwords for accounts >use different emails for each different account >use different screennames for each account
Michael Rogers
Use palemoon. Brave sucks right now.
Henry Taylor
hey paid detractors, how's it going?
Josiah Wilson
brave runs on chrome dude. use a command line browser with inline images.
Ian Ward
its actually based around Firefox since the original creator of the browser used to own Firefox
Jose Perry
shut the fuck up spic, its straight up chromium based you dont know shit.