Is this what you faggots actually look like IRL?


Other urls found in this thread:


is that a real picture, of real people? some scene from a movie? give me context, these boys can't be real.

me holding the glasses

Winston Churchill cosplay on point

I'm the same frame as the guy with the flag

This is what weaponized soy does to people.

What did you expect? The actual, white conservative men that hunt and have white families in rural towns don't post on Sup Forums. It's a bunch of weak, testosterone-devoid, mouth breathing children who were bullied in school and have to hide behind anonymity because nobody in the real world is taking their shit.

It's no wonder they hate black people, they're scared of them.
It's no wonder they hate women, they're rejected by them.
It's no wonder they hate "degenerate liberals", they're not cool enough to hang out with them.

So instead, they crawl back to their little memeholes and circle jerk until they're all fat and happy and satisfied. Just like the worthless, piece of human excrement cockroach cretins they are. Bunch of fucking losers.

These were the counter-protesters who showed up to yell at the communists and anarchists protesting Trump on Nov 4.

Sup Forums always makes fun of the left looking pathetic, well in this case, while the antifa and Maoists looked ridiculous as always, the right was way more pathetic.

This is why I #SupportAntifa