It's time for sensible gun legislation

Even gun nuts are starting to understand it's time. Why can't you radicals understand this?

no one is reading that garbage

You should just make murder illegal.

Problem solved.

eat shit, commie

Democrats say repeal the Bill of Rights.

Conservatives say no.

While(cucked == true)
Democrat stooge shoots up people.
Democrats say "How about now?"

Conservatives say no.

Conservatives shoot all Democrats.

Fuck Off with that stale bait, Shill-tard.

>makes sensable post
What VPN do you use, fellow burger? I'm looking for a new one.

What we really need is to start throwing democrats into mental institutions before they shoot people.

Sensible gun control is taking all guns away from non-whites.

No, I'm a leaf, waiting for the day our country turns itself around.

Any day now...

Gun grab=civil war


Well shit, that pretty much sums it all up. Why not just make murdering people illegal? We don't even need to worry about guns at all until we can get people to listen to the "don't murder" law.

Shall not be infringed.

my right to owning and detonating bombs SHALL. NOT. BE. INFRINGED. COME TAKE THEM MOTHERFUCKERS IM READY

>go to co-op and buy ton of fertilizer
>rent a van
>kill 500 people

wow gun control really stopped mass murder, pack it in boys

Wtf I want to infringe now

leftist faggots will ignore this, its just as easy to make a bomb which can potentially do much more damage than a gun. not to mention they have less chance of getting caught using a bomb because they wouldnt be standing there shooting, they can drop it and walk away.

I want to minimize the interpersonal success of physical strength. Therefore, I wish to see people given a technological strength that supercedes physical strength in such a dramatic way as to render the question irrelevant.

>mass murder
>a crowded place
>a plan
does a chain a padlock and a gallon of gas count?

That moment you realize that criminals don't abide by gun laws.

Let’s make drugs illegal, it will stop the opioid crisis.
Let’s make cancer illegal so people stop dying from it.
Automobiles kill more people than guns, better outlaw them.
Heart disease, tobacco addiction, alcoholism. Let’s just outlaw everything until we all eat bread, drink water, and get shot by the police for leaving the house.

Great plan OP.

I'm all for responsible car ownership, I own several and consider myself a responsible car driver... But if you are a responsible car owner I want you to take a minute and think about how easy it would be to commit mass murder. You wouldn't need much. A car, fuel, a crowded place, and a plan. Best believe you have incredibly easy access to 3 out of 4 of the key ingredients and that they weren't hard to come across. I love cars and as horrible as it sounds these tragedies only make me want to hold mine tighter. But it's ridiculous that I could hit Craigslist right now with less than $1000 and within an hour I'd have 3 out of 4 ingredients with no way to measure whether I hold the last one. If you plan on being a responsible car owner you should have no problem proving that and waiting for purchases. Otherwise you ar e a part of the problem and your inability to compromise makes it easier for murderers to buy their murder tools

fuck off, you double standards shill.

What a cuck

It's time for sensible anti free speech legislation too. And also please take away women's right to vote. As a matter of fact let's just let a bunch of corporate puppet masters choose what's good for us. 2 ply toilet paper is now outlawed. Have fun wiping your ass with your finger you fucking shill.

Yes, it is incredibly easy to murder a shitload of people. It's been that way since like the early 1900s. Arguably earlier. Jesus why are people so retarded?


No. We already have gun laws.

Shut the fuck up you pussy ass pajeet, zOMG ban cheeseburgers they kill fat people. You are a fucking ignorant mongoloid who would the the government butt fuck you in front of your family if it garnered their approval. Stfu cucklord.

No, they don't understand. All weaponry is for assaulting people. We will never cede the power that weaponry provides. There are no new arguments.


Well the only reason so many died is because it was a gun free zone so any argument you have is null.



Why don't we just ban the ideology that causes mass shootings because these mass shooters clearly do not support the second amendment, they merely exploit the freedoms our country gives to pursue their own sick and twisted agenda, and they won't let a thing like unavailability of firearms stop them because they are mentally ill and highly motivated.

It's Okay to Be Armed.

no you stupid fuck, its time to enforce current laws properly first, or did you not know the air force fucked his NICS up?

it was not me who shot the joint up. I'm not going to let anyone punish me for shit that I did not do

The NRA are leftist wolves in sheep's clothing. They need to be destroyed and replaced with an actual pro-gun lobby.

they need to be reformed, not destroyed. if they are destroyed, they will certainly be replaced by 2-4 smaller orgs each with 10~% of the warchest and even less of the lobbying influence that the NRA currently enjoys

the antigun forces are quite coordinated. they would love nothing more than for the big beefy NRA to be replaced by a handful of midgets

>It disarms the population
>Because shills are nonstop killing people on intelligence operations across america, until public opinion folds

Very sensible indeed

>Truck ramming attack by shitskin
The left are not only evil, but they are stupid as well.

I could go to Home Depot and for 19.95 a day rent a truck to drive through a crowd.

If you fuckers are so convinced that gun control will make you safe, move to literally any other country in the world where they don't have freedom.

You had better be willing to lose your life if you think you're going to take my guns.

Devin Kelley lied on his background check..

>USAF forgets to add nutcase to national database
>"sensible gun laws" meme
being this retarded

Fuck off, Shill.

>It's time for sensible anti free speech legislation too
Dude, they're already working on that one with "Hate Speech" laws. Make no mistake, the Left views the entire Bill of Rights as an impediment to governance. Meaning, they want total control of you and everything around you.

Dylan Roof was able to by a gun because some pencil pushing bureaucrat failed to do their job.

nice saul alinsky ideas the leftists have. You got healthcare bitches you wont be getting our means of defense.

You aren't going to disarm me. Fuck of you statist shill piece of shit