Its nothing
Its nothing
Why the 17th?
you know a world war has to involve the entire world right? not just the fucking mudslimes you fucking retard
Australian Shitposting International Society
A bunch of faggot larpers
Okay if I can break this down from what I've seen so far:
Lebanon PM is actually a genuine authentic leader of lebanon
However Iran has too much control over the country so he fled instead of staying and getting assassinated.
Now Lebanon is a defacto Iranian client state right smack in the middle of the middle east.
Iran isn't friends with Israel, and they aren't friends with Saudi Arabia, so if there's a conflict I half expect SA and Israel to help each other.
Who the fuck knows what qatar is thinking now
There's probably m*rcs all over right now engaging in espionage, blackbagging, and assassiation. Sometimes I wonder what that shit is all actually like. Must be a crazy fucknig life to live being a gun for hire with the most advanced military hardware at your disposal, doing the dirty work of saud princes and iranian kings
The fuck is Lebanon going to invade? They're tiny as fuck. That's like Rhode Island declaring war on Texas
thanks ASIS, stay secret
It's called Forced Cassius Belli
>Your Saudi loving PM resigned so.... War?...
lebanon is pretty much the same size as Syria