Be cautious, they have a good tank.

Who are these kids with

>fag optics

Lel I bet most of you look like that fat fuck


cant tell if hoodie is a cute girl or pre-transitioning boy

Im a big guy but

>the white race must prevail


IS that Sup Forums?


is that a girl in the black hoodie? Is that kingpins gf?

That's photoshopped right? Why the fuck are their faces like that

is the one with the amerimutt flag protecting his virginity with all that gear?

The average Sup Forumsack perfectly summed up in a single post.

Pretty cool dudes. I'd buy em beer if they asked me outside the liquor store.


Hi Jorin :)


For you

Fpbp underrated


look at these subhumans

I'm him and i downloaded and saved that. Sucker

how much dps can those guys in the back do?

Meanwhile Chad's enjoying himself in the absurdity of it all


Oh fuck, is that Nu-man Göring?

Lookin fine, Kingpin

*Blocks your entire Freeway*


Y that nugga 15 and balding

"someones gonna zoom in on this guys face"
was my first thought

What race is this?

Perfect example of all that interbreeding between Frenchies and Germans during the creation of Britannia.

Ethnic Germans who didn't leave, are the only pure blooded people left.

Legend. You win the Internet for the day.

Pussy must smell Cheetos and piss.

He’s got some black looks to me



is this the "altright" "antifa" or "teaparty"?

They're still young. Plenty of time to work on their physical appearance (working out and clothes) They have the right mentality unlike the people on the left.


>tfw the left doesnt have to care about optics because they embrace degeneracy as tolerance

How can we even compete?

lol, ya, jabba the hutt and the skeleton are surly going to "work on their physical appearance"

Lose some weight my friend.

I really question what kind of state you have to exist in to end up like the guy just next to the black dude. How can a person actually allow themself to be seen like that, much less be proud of it? In what other point of human history would conditions be suitable to produce such a thing, I wonder. How blessed we are.



>Sup Forums acting like they aren't actually the niggers


Obviously we just have to offer the normal, spiffy way of dress to attract normal people.

We don't even need the normal people on our side, just to be against the leftists.

could make a grown woman cry

Is that thing in the hoodie a chick? If so poor thing, being flat as a board must be rough.

fat people should be banned from rallies until they get in shape.

He watched too much rick and morty

Barron's crew?

I think it's a woman, if you're talking about the green haired fag in the front

Green capped*

Nord cuck

You're a big kingpin

R_TheDonald strikes again.


> Anonymous (ID: im7EEzv0) 11/06/17(Mon)17:45:26 No.148318152▶
T_D is getting better, I see tons of posts on there now talking about ethnic nationalism.
One step at a time, I think T_D is entering the race realist phase of the red pill.

Fat dude is one of the very few people I have seen pull off that hat.

RWDS just got upgraded

It's like that guy is absorbing all the body fat from the people around him.

What causes 20-somethings to look as small and underdeveloped as the guy on the right?

carmella could you please shut the dooooor



We send these out to discourage people from acknowledging the existence of Sup Forums IRL. Never reveal your power level, stupids.



That picture is fucking bad ass. Looks like something from a superhero movie.

People can rip on these guys but I was over there that day and literally all of them had weapons on them. They literally showed up ready for a street fight but Antifa didn't even bother coming.


Now i believe there's something in the water just look how small their fucking heads are.

Probably quite a bit. He's got quite a few wizards backing him up.

As usual, fpbp

New atheist fedora pic saved

someone explain this meme for a newfag pls?

holy shit. i lost it. so good