How could you do this, Sup Forums?

My friend just woke up from her 18 month long coma, she had a car accident...

She broke down into tears when she found out that Trump's president, she says she has never been this depressed and that she wishes she would have died in the accident

I'm still in shock from the election results too, you don't just put a thing like this behind you that easily...

What the hell is wrong with you assholes?!

Behold our despair! Behold, Walpurgis Night!

Tell her she agreed to fuck you the night of her car wreck. Tell her you waited for her.

Low energy bait, 1/10 don't bother trying again faggot


What? Why would I? I'm not a pervert like you savages! I'm a gentleman.

Besides, she's not my type, she's plus sized.

>Besides, she's not my type, she's plus sized.
What are you, a bigot? You have to do it now or you're a nazi.

What a fucking bigot

You don't talk to me like that, you literal nobody, you hear me?!
