How much of Sup Forums is cia and fbi niggers


The real question is how come you kikes are so bad at pretending to be anything but kikes?

The ones goading people into doing illegal shit are sting posts.

FBI here, I can't verify my identity but here's a fresh gif anyway.

The people that terrorists don't post on Sup Forums. It's a bunch of weak, testosterone-devoid, mouth breathing children who were bullied in school and have to hide behind anonymity because nobody in the real world is taking their shit.

It's no wonder they hate black people, they're scared of them.
It's no wonder they hate women, they're rejected by them.
It's no wonder they hate "degenerate liberals", they're not cool enough to hang out with them.

So instead, they crawl back to their little memeholes and circle jerk until they're all fat and happy and satisfied. Just like the worthless, piece of human excrement cockroach cretins they are. Bunch of fucking losers

*hunt terrorists


I would assume at least 10%.

I happen to glow in the dark.

I think like 1 out of 1000 posters work in intelligence. Just a guess though

You sound very angry/frustrated, and mostly focus on attacking extremely superficial characteristics - indicative of your own insecurities.

In summation: pls post ur vagene