Why are the United States such a shithole? You see them bragging about how they're not Sweden...

Why are the United States such a shithole? You see them bragging about how they're not Sweden, but I'm pretty sure the average Swedish person is happier and lives a better life than the average American. I'd certainly go live there before I put my foot in the USA. Lower chances to get shot. Hang in there, American bros.


America has a mental health crisis at the moment. It isn't perfect, but it's far easier to handle than the permanent damage that Sweden is facing.

But, they don't! Their country is cold, their homes are void of goal or purpose, and their acceptance of change is lukewarm at best. They'd lie and say they were happy to get good marks, honesty less of a priority than keeping face.

Dont bully them too much, they're not the smartest bunch.

this place is fucked. the insidious totalitarianism is inescapable. people here want to slave away for 60hrs a week so they can buy guns and shoot eachother and are happy to pay taxes to keep our police forces militarized to control the population. were fed garbage media 24/7, everyone here is doped up on xanax, adderall, and opiates. every town is one big shopping mall with shitty chain resturants owned by zionist corps

>Why are the Democrat controlled major metropolitan areas such a shithole?

>Implying happiness is the correct litmus test to measure existence

Gtfo hippie

In america you can put a bullet in the head of a guy who is stealing your stereo and walk a freee man

in UK you are put in prison for leaving a sandwich on the steps of a place of worship

where would you rather live?

Advertising laws require that connotation
>trying to make an example out of the US while proving you're dumber than we are