If Obamacare is so bad...

If Obamacare is so bad, why are so many people signing up for it even though Trump said it was a disaster and failed to repeal it?

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Because most people are law-abiding citizens and it's illegal under penalty of fines not to sign up.

That's not even true. I have insurance from my employer.

You have no choice.

If you don't sign up or at least pay the fine for not having insurance, the IRS has stated they won't give you your tax return, shit is holding people hostage to pay for a bunch of niggers and spics that get free healthcare.

Not necessarily illegal. Mostly just a penalty (which is fucking retarded) I get a fine of $695 if I don't have health insurance. If I was to get health insurance from my company I would pay $1800 a year. More if I got it from ObamaCare.

why is it still called obamacare? it's aca.

When you file your taxes you simply tell the IRS that you have insurance or you don't. As of now they have no way of knowing or checking to see if you actually have insurance or not. I think the mandate is bogus but it's a complete paper tiger.

Because a lot of people ate shit on the penalties last year. And are trying to avoid that this year.

Do you not know what a 1095 is you fucking moron????