Texas Massacre Hero

Steven Crowder gets exclusive interview with Stephen Willeford, the hero who ended the killing spree in Sutherland Springs, Texas.

The Texas church shooting is yet another great example of gun control failing to work because the shooter was able to illegally get guns even though it is illegal for him to have guns, gun control does not work with criminals. but thanks to an armed citizen the massacre was cut sort and the killer was shoot dead. This is yet another case where gun control would not only not have prevented the deaths of these innocent people, but would have increase the death count by taking away peoples rights to defend themselves.


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BS gun control doesn't work. It does, or would have in this case, if the vendor actually enforced it.

if more of the people in that texas church had guns there wouldnt have been 26 dead

bump for based pedro

Already a thread on this.

What Pisses Me Off About The Texas Church Massacre - by Stephan Molyneux

Many great points on why gun control is a leftits lie and how the main stream media is radicalizing and dividing the left in to racist criminals


>if the vendor actually enforced it.
The Air Force didn't do the necessary clerical shit that would have flagged the buyer.

Why would you trust the government to actually make gun control work? Your best insurance is to be armed yourself.

agreed, don't trust the government to keep you safe because they wont. the responsibility to keep yourself and your family safe falls on you and no one else. Take responsibility, defend your nation, defend you religion, defend your values, defend your culture.

sounds like the shooter was on the way back into the church to finish off the wounded when this got engaged him

News is claiming shooter killed himself. They are trying to bury this.

You can craft the goverment to trust it. I don't want the world to become isolationist

dont feel like watching, does he ask him what rifle he used on the guy?

They have all reported that he killed himself after being wounded by the dude. He even called his dad and said "I've been shot, I'm not going to make it." CNN and MSNBC both reported this.

Don't make half assed conjecture just because you want it to fit your belief in the lying media.

>saving Christards

Our fallen comrade is the real hero. Once those 20 dead christfucks becomes 2,000,000 this country might finally start improving.

I'd say more 'participant' than hero, and more 'added an epilogue' than ended. I mean really, when a shooter attacks a congregation of ~50 and kills 27 and wounds 24, can you call anything after that "ending" it?

At that point it's less saving people and more avenging them.

They all portray it like he *might* have shot himself. But we *know* that Willeford sho thim at least once.

No where in the call to his dad as it's been reported indicates that he was going to kill himself.

Just like the fucking Koi, the media is trying to craft a narrative, and that narrative does as little to involve and armed citizen as possible.

Would've been entirely listenable if the faggot didn't interject every minute. What gun did he use?

Crowder shuts up after the interview gets going. the early interruption was unfortunate.

Thanks mexicanon

not if he was gonna go back in the church and kill more people, or maybe go somewhere else and kill more

>What gun did he use?

You didnt watch it apparently. He had an AR15 of some sort and just a handfull of rounds....

Why you wouldnt have full mags in your safe is beyond me...

the last thing you want is to start a left vs right war because the left is composed of a bunch a fags who cant even hold a rifle straight, have to go in to their gun free zones like a church to make sure there is no one there who can shoot back at them. while the right even teaches their own daughters how to handle a gun to defend themselves. the left would not stand a chance.

Based texan man.
(Sidenote: Always keep your guns loaded.)

>(Sidenote: Always keep your guns loaded.)

this. dont understand.

to be fair it's air force bureaucracy's fault for not submitting his dishonorable discharge info into the national database. That aside the point that if a criminal wants to get a gun they'll have an easy time getting one still stands.

watch the interview before posting numbnuts, he may have been headed to a second church.

Do you think making unverified assumptions helps your argument ?


This just in: if churches weren’t a fucking government enforced NO GUN ZONE the weak impotent losers wouldn’t have preyed on the defenseless church goers.

In rural Texas everyone knows how to shoot. The only thing that cost 20 lives was the fucking gun control enforced no gun zones.

Now, from a personal standpoint I laugh at this because fuck churches and church people. But also fuck mass shooters. They’re weak.