"Rich people already pay really high taxes!"

>Panama and Paradise Papers show much rich people hide away and don't pay taxes on
Maybe if they actually paid their taxes on their wealth, we wouldn't be calling for them to pay more.

close the loopholes then

Good luck exposing these bastards

Their money is LOUD, somehow this is the middle/lower class' fault

>higher wages and worker's rights will destroy murica's economy!

Lol y'all been shilled by these fuckers

Taxation is theft

Let’s be honest- 80% of the people named in this are fucking Jews

maybe if taxes weren't so high they wouldn't need to try and cheat the system

Taxes could be at 0.5% and they would still go to the lengths that they currently do to avoid paying a single cent more than they absolutely have to. That's just common sense. Why would anyone pay more than they have to?

>Why would anyone pay more than they have to?

it won't stop completely, but they may do it less.

but i'm against taxation as a whole since it is theft.

>close the loopholes then
>the loopholes
>just close them lmao

Is this how stupid Sup Forums is now?

No, because the effort wouldn't be worth the money, "juice isn't worth the squeeze".

>Taxes on wealth

Are you that big of an idiot? They are taxed on income, not wealth. There is a difference, learn it.

maybe the poor should be paying their fair share

they don't really need to pay so much as they need to stop getting benefits as they take in more than they give

And define "rich". Every lefty tries to raise my taxes and tell me I'm not paying enough when I pay an EFFECTIVE (not marginal) rate of 34% on $280,000 as a business owner. I take the standard deduction, file jointly with a wife and no kids.

This. Not to mention their property taxes.

get a fucking job and worry about the 2 feet in front of your own face.

Then why should impose higher taxes if the elite don't pay them anyway? We might as well lower taxes on everyone and step up enforcement policies

>I pay an EFFECTIVE (not marginal) rate of 34% on $280,000 as a business owner
It's not the fault of "every lefty" that your tax preparer is grossly incompetent.

this. i'm so fucking sick of hearing how "illegal immigrants pay taxes". sure. pay in 1400$ and get a 6000$ return because they had a couple kids on the taxpayer dime as well. i have 3 kids and i make a low barely 6 figure salary, i sure as shit never get anything back. in fact i pay at least 15k a year in taxes. pay 12 grand a year in health insurance that i rarely ever use. now these niggers want 15$/hr to fuck my mcdonalds order up just like they always do. i got to where i am through nothing but pure force of will to be a productive and hardworking member of society and i owe nothing to anybody for where I am now. Why do i have to pay out my fucking dick to take care of people who just skirt by being lazy and ignorant by choice.

Cry harder wagecuck!

>rich people are rich because they are down with exploitation of system and people/

salaried senior software engineer for 15 years that's completely self-taught

He’s just jealous user.

Average/poor people have to be wise with their mone though. Don’t buy a brand new house in an area with high taxes.

Don’t take out loans/credit cards and don’t buy new cars. Pay in cash, and invest. Many people invest in stocks. I don’t trust that system to be honest. I invest in sliver and gold.

Also take care of yourself. Health care is extremely fucking expensive in the U.S.