1st October 2017- 59 are killed in Las Vegas in the largest mass shooting in America history
5th November 2017- at least 26 people killed in Texas in a church mass shooting
These are only two of the larger, more recent shootings. However, in 2017 alone there have been approximately 307 mass shootings in America.
Trump- "This is a mental health issue, not a gun issue".
It is not ok to make people with mental health problems out to be violent. It creates stigma and induces unnecessary fear.
It is not ok to label white shooters as "mentally unwell" whilst labelling POC who commit crimes at "terrorists". It creates racism and fear of other races, causing hate crimes and more divide.
It is not ok to imply that guns are not an issue. People may commit crimes but guns allow them to do it on a larger scale. People die in car crashes and laws are changed to protect people. Children drown in pools and rules are changed so drownings don't occur. People are shot and killed but "the second ammendent says we have the right to bear arms". Yet when the second ammendent was written bearing arms did not involve military grade weaponary designed to kill large numbers of people.
Gun control is effective. It is necessary.