You Guys Spooked By This? Elon Musk Gives Secret Speech To Marines

Given what we've read from Q's posts, is Musk trying to proactively undermine Trump's military advantage before the real shit hits the fan?

"Following the speech, Musk offered some lessons he's learned throughout his career in the Silicon Valley. One particular lesson he reportedly said was to always question authority — a trait that could be seen as counterintuitive to the military's doctrine of strict obedience."

Seems like a strange time and place for Musk to be giving speeches and telling marines to question authority.

>Seems like a strange time

Yeah good point. I don't like this one bit

The article says that he was invited as a guest speaker and was making it up on the spot. Quit looking for conspiracies.


>Q's posts
What a funny name

>a trait that could be seen as counterintuitive to the military's doctrine of strict obedience."
but this "trait" is illegitimate, like anchor babies. In the oath they take it requires judging commands whether legal or not, uphold the Constitution, it's literally the primary directive of the job.

>tfw civil war is about to not be a meme

The fuck is up with those class a’s?

Nigga you realize where you are, right?