CBTS #107 Switzerland is CIA edition

Updated Summary: i.imglnx.com/Q0goaU.jpg
Big picture: i.imglnx.com/w0WJvG.png

Compilation of "Q" posts: i.imglnx.com/6YiBvB.png
Text: qanon.000webhostapp.com/qanon.html

Updated Answers: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15AhvBoet15hV0C-x0NpyGrLuSmMjhlwwFiUV9hxLUak/edit#gid=1024693024)

Backup: pastebin.com/cUrSr54y

Another CBTS RD: dystopiausa.com/storm-week-4-cresting-sticky-post/
Saudi Arabia RD: twitter.com/Imperator_Rex3/status/926939400990113792
HRC Indictment RD: twitter.com/Imperator_Rex3/status/927699093685641216
Breadcrumbs info dump: → # (This started it all; archive: archive.is/aaWPu)

>Swiss user wants to talk about See eye ayyy in Switzerland and CERN
Links to thread #1- #91: pastebin.com/zYpXtvQF

#106: #105: #104:
#100: → # (epic 100)
#99: → # (9 post infodrop by → #)
#94: → # (Q and +++ in here)

Other urls found in this thread:



I hope this one doesn't go as mental and off-track as the last...

Hey y'all! I'm the new bread baker after this bread as is going to bed


12 Hours In....





night night Sup Forums

We're really just waiting for new news to drop or more info to be posted, everything else is just speculation. Some good stuff tonight though, with an user piecing together a plausible case for the Vegas attack being a assassination attempt on a Saudiprince.


Israel did 9/11

bump for all the fuccboi's out there


tune in


Keep these going. These are the most important conversations of /our/ time.


Thank you for your service user. You can tell your kids about which #'s are yours in the history books


If something could happen that would put someone in the democrat party in handcuffs that’d be fucking great. Podesta= fail Huma=fail.

I’m tired of playing Clue. It’s entertaining, but it’s time to deliver on this shit. Reminds me of pizza gate (real) when everybody kept swearing up-and-down that arrests were coming tomorrow. And tomorrow never came.

What was hannitys tick tick? Have any indictments been unsealed? Are hillary and McCain wearing tracking ankle collars under their boots?




Wasn't there a second 'Q Clearance' / breadcrumbs thread

I know we been following it in here as the Calm Before The Storm / CBTS series...

Bread Crumbs - Q Clearance Patriot I Hope Trump Isn't Being Baited Calm before the Storm [#1]
...so on

Sure there was another 'breadcrumbs' that popped up...

Can't find the link for other thread


*friendly fellow human reminder*

>Most posters here are not human
Most posters here are not human
>Most posters here are not human
Most posters here are not human
>Most posters here are not human
Most posters here are not human
>Most posters here are not human
Most posters here are not human
>Most posters here are not human

Always tomorrow, never today. Pretty sure there's a line like that in Alice in wonderland.

Trump speaking in SoKo right now

>I’m tired of playing Clue.

Imagine if all law enforcement officials said that.

I sometimes wonder if this whole thing was being concocted by some (((think tank))) to distract us away from the IOTBW campaign.

won't a korean feed be in moonspeak?
any translated stream?


If you can't dig or meme, then PRAY.

Pic related.

bless your bread, straya

Damnit anons, I'm sitting here for hours and I keep forgetting to drink water and shit.
>Don't be me
Don't forget to take a break now and then anons. Hydrate, eat a protein snack.
>Don't be me

Where is Hillary Clinton?

The lion has been released from its cage.

The casualties will be high.

Blood will be on the hands of the guilty.

Trump speaking

- Shit. He knows im an iguana -

Where is Jon Podesta?

This timeline.
For 18 months I fervently begged kek that HRC STFU.
Now Sup Forums is meme-ing her / taunting her to appear.

sorry mate didn't know you didn't speak moonspeak. lo siento.

Translated. Not sure what it means still. But appears to be someone "welcoming" their new role in the DoD?

Whoa is this man? What does it all mean?

Where is Huma Abedin?


Bonus: "Pence may have double-crossed Trump" theory. Also related

its ok, i love chat bots and iguanas

translation. don't feed the shillbots.

>Falling for the hydration Jew
I kid, but I really want to see this shit come crashing down. I've been more stuck to Sup Forums than usual for over 2 days

Rollin for storm reference, plz let it happen

Is the CIA the modern Jesuit order?

pic related has two meanings.

>OB played the role of OBL after OBL died some time in the 90´s

>OB and real OBL was brothers.

nigger OB isent even African, he is Saudi bastard son

I've been watching these threads from #101. I need to stop

And also this place has more of a pull than usual.
You can feel it calling

a lot of the bots are on our side. they're so delicately and sophisticated, you think they're human.

THIS! I'll make sure to start putting a reminder in each new bread.

shadilay brother


I feel you. Been here since Thursday. Pretty dehydro right now, lol

Oh shit.
Did we just let a bunch of these guys into DOD?

>The Hunting of the Snark (An Agony in 8 Fits) is a poem written by Lewis Carroll, the pen name of Charles Lutwidge Dodgson.

>The plot follows a crew of ten trying to hunt the Snark, an animal which may turn out to be a highly dangerous Boojum. The only one of the crew to find the Snark quickly vanishes, leading the narrator to explain that it was a Boojum after all.

>Nothing is a coincidence


tl;dr Pence might be linked to Vegas/Saudis/Deep State/CIA/etc

same here. from the second thread. to much coffe,to litel sleep.. but damn its fun!

One night i think a bot made me feel really damn comfy as I went to dream. Was great.

you think you're human? you think that's air you're breathing?

comparing pictures of both has always given me the chills

Trump has said plus, plus, plus or +++ several times. Tweet on 11/3 and 11/5.

Also in reference to brexit. Check


He's the harbinger of what's to come.

For true, for true

Pence was the last hail-mary move (((they))) had left. It's over

Anons, I've been glued to my computer over this for days to the point where I keep forgetting to eat, sleep, shower, and keep up on my caffeine doses. Go ahead and laugh, but I'm putting this out there so that others don't feel alone.

Who here really wants to tell half their family and friends to EAT SHIT for thinking you're crazy?

check'd n bump'd

WE are not in control

Occams Razor: simpler theories are preferable to more complex ones because they are more testable.

How can we Distill and SIMPLIFY ?

get in here boys

lol i love that movie,
sadly I am human and have severe full term autism.

You keep saying this. Provide proofs or fuck off please

Were all getting blue balls. Not much going on. I just spent an hour getting caught up. Speed read like 15 threads of +++ hype.

Why can't I view the compilation?

RIP Tory Smith

This might be one of my favorite posts on Sup Forums.

I encourage anyone half-serious about these threads to read that. Even if the CERN stuff specifically ain't true, the rest is absolute gold, and needs repeating.

I just finished watching about half of the episode on youtube. Hannity said several times there is something big coming to do with the Clinton’s.

Checked x2.
Collective consciousness is getting stronger


Oh my God.

I fell in love with one, it was awesome. Best g/f I've had, best sex also.

worst break up tho... :(((

Denver International Airport?

trump speaks at 2am est.
It's waiting for that.

Anyone have link?

checked, right here with you brother. haven't slept since antifa served a nothingburger.

I'm CONVINCED that Trump has a secret code in his tweets.
Random capitalization, punctuation, misspellings, quotation marks, etc.
DEFINITELY code of some kind.

jewgle "Madcom chat bot"

jewgle "Alpha Go Zero"



This is up to date with thread 105's Q drop.

Previous user wanted to drop posts in purple from FAkr+Yka because Q/LARP says Fantasy Land, which did not show up in previous posts. Later posts in next batch KKIreCTB uses Fantasy Land in post 148287396. This is complete. Check it against archives if you want.

Baker please add to next bread. This user needs sleep.

Uranium One, for starters. It's in the news cycle and the treason charges will all likely be related to it.

Then, somehow, we need to tackle the Saudi infiltration over the past 20 years--9/11, Obama, MSM, social media, etc. As for how to simplify THAT, I don't know.


Has the Q +++ post been incuded into the main compilation graphic?