>Japan might be routinely hailed as one of the best places in the world for food but that has not inspired Donald Trump to deviate from his strict all-American diet, Independent reported.
>The billionaire property developer instead relished in eating a hamburger sourced from American beef during his first trip to Japan as President.
>Japanese food >rice, fish, rice with fish, fish with rice, rice with rice, fish with fish
Levi Barnes
Jacob Harris
Japan is notorious for demanding the highest quality of our food exports. You might not know this.
This becomes particularly interesting in the wake of Fukushima poisoning their food sources.
Grayson Bell
Oh leave him alone god damnit. He just likes burgers. He’s explained before that it’s quick and easy and there won’t be any surprises.
This is as dumb as when FOX lost their shit over Obama asking for Dijon mustard on his burger.
William Barnes
Is Sup Forums really this stupid these days? You don't understand the symbology of very publicly eating a burger?
Were you paying no attention at all during the election cycle?
Aiden Allen
Once you go burger you never go back
Jackson Wood
Foreigners don't know this, but Burgers need to eat at least one burger a day lest they die from a burger deficiency.
Henry Sanders
>an american wanting to eat american food SHOCKING!
Angel Murphy
absolute savage. trump is not going to stop until every man woman and child on earth recognizes that the west is the best and salutes the american flag or dies.
Logan Edwards
Sushi is a nu male dish, burgers are a bulls choice.
Dominic Ortiz
Japan has a shitton of burgers
The meme that they only eat sushi, noodles and shit is hilarious
Donald probably ate some expensive Miyazaki burger and did not know about it
Parker Taylor
Based as fuck.
Except for the ordering Steaks well done part.
Christian Lee
I'm not big into food. Some people don't GAS about varying their food choices up a lot, they're comfy wearing the same outfits, and eating the same foods. He has enough on his plate without trying to expand his food cultural horizons.
Benjamin Hernandez
If Trump ate Kobe beef CNN would do a hit piece about him not supporting American beef vendors.
Bentley Jones
What part of America first don't you understand faggot?
Ethan Johnson
American Hamburgers are a delicacy in Japan.
Oliver Bell
Apparently more than you, burgers are awesome.
Jonathan Hughes
Good. Burger is patrician tier food.
William Johnson
Probably had sushi afterwards to go. Fake news..
Ethan Watson
Probably had dijon mustard on his hamburger the elitist pig.
Cooper Butler
People unironically eat raw meat?
Isaiah Bennett
If a burger is not available, a cheesesteak, barbecued steak, or two hotdogs may be substituted.
Anthony Cook
I thought he didnt eat anything without a fork an knife? Get it together Salon
Owen Richardson
I doubt Trump even enjoys food that much. He just wants quick and easy meals burgers are also compelling propaganda for his average voters "he's just like us " Would be even better if he did IF and the msm would have to shit on him for not eating every 2 hours.
Nathaniel Adams
"Well done steak"
Jackson Allen
All the time. Salami, prosciutto, pancetta. Cured meats are eaten raw all the time. Eskimos eat raw, rotten meats and fats on purpose.
Asher Scott
Holy fuck fox is stupid, Dijon mustard on a burger is the best.
Alexander Green
Mason Reed
Alright, I meant raw steaks.
David Kelly
So what?
Matthew Perry
Newfags doesn't understand the symbolism here. Japan has, until recently, kept American beef out of the Japanese market using various dubious justifications (e.g. "not suited for Japanese stomachs") and trade protection measures. As someone whose heyday was in the 80s, when US-Japan trade tensions were at their bitter peak, Trump obviously remembers and is delivering an intentional and retaliatory and snub.
Matthew Howard
If some stoic ass nip head of state came here and didn't deviate from his bullshit Shinto Buddhist goatfucker whatever diet, no one would bat an eye or give a shit. There's a strange expectation that an American should be so open and willing to abanadon whatever he's used to in order to make the hosts happy.
Brody Foster
Literally Burger...
I love that you cunts have enough time in your day to waste doing shit like this. Keep it up!
>He’s explained before that it’s quick and easy and there won’t be any surprises. Special Sauce.
Ethan Martin
only temporarily, or you may run out of vitamin burger
best not to risk it
Kayden Ward
I thought Aussies didn't watch anime.
Jacob Jenkins
This whole trip to Japan has confirmed that Trump is the CHAD President and a true American Patriot.
Easton Adams
>burger eats a burger imagine my shock
Isaac Sanchez
Honestly I think I ate more American food here than Japanese ones. Burgers are fresh and they're always super cheap
Levi Ross
>american eating a burger is front page news Sad!
Daniel Lopez
Gavin Cooper
Nip user here. Like 4th gen so not exactly authentic nip.
Jap burgers are weird. Juicier, mushier, like slow cooked then grilled. They're great as an entree with starch. They tend to add teriyaki/whatever sauce with rice.
Compared to an American burger, it's mushy, gross, and the flavor is masked. In a bun it might crumble and soak the bun instantly. Meh. Sometimes they're awesome.
Leo Ortiz
Yes. Anything above rare is a ruined stean.
Leo Murphy
Half of our population are nerds and weebs, so ofc we watch Anime
Joseph Kelly
I won't support a president who doesn't eat his ramen-dattebayo!!
Tyler Reyes
I bet it was one of the best burgers he's had
Justin Gutierrez
>Japanese government builds nuclear reactor near ocean >forgets about mother nature
Eating fish in general after that shit happened is just about the stupidest thing you could do. Willingly digesting food with traces of radiation however small is obviously bad and the sudden drop in testosterone in japan with the lack of babies being made is all significant of post fukashima meltdown
Andrew Butler
I heard somewhere that he's a germaphobe and has a fear of eating anything raw. That's why he gets the steaks well done. He thinks the red part has germs or something.
Luis Jones
Great Scott!
Ayden Wilson
can you imagine being so obsessed with someone you hate that you worry about what he fucking eats for lunch? no wonder these fucking worms hate themselves, they invite negativity.
Hunter Anderson
>still trusting the news after the latest CNN incident
Jackson Bell
>Burger >Shit washed up on the beach wrapped in shit found on the ground
It's not even a competition.
Sebastian Ross
>eating raw fish like some filthy rice nigger peasant.
Andrew Wright
It's "healthy", trendy and exotic, nu males and cucks love that.
>mustard on a burger Well that's just simple heresy user. Plus it's just icing on the cake to being a niggerjew invader proposing antiwhite diversity laws and trying to brainwash Estronians with multicultural propaganda.
Carson Jackson
mustard on a burger is fucking great, mustard and ketchup even better.
Tyler Price
Wtf does that even mean!!! Baka!!!
Adrian Martinez
>not putting spicy mustard and mayo on your buns then adding your all beef patty, two slices of cheddar, sautéed onions and mushrooms with three fresh, crisp strips of lettuce and a healthy serving of fries on the side
Dominic Peterson
You've mentioned no sauteed peppers or tomatoes. Kys.
Luke Lewis
This reminds me of the time when I was at helsinki some random mcdonalds and an old 'murican couple show up and start having a huge loud conversation about burgers. Of all the resteraunts to choose what do they pick? The place with burgers so those fatsos don't get a burger deficiancy.
Jackson Flores
I don't like tomatoes unless they're stewed or sun dried. They upset my stomach if I eat them raw too often.
>peppers >on a burger Beaner out
Henry Fisher
Sauteed peppers on a fucking burger?! Absolute degeneracy. >mustard >mayo >forsaking the almighty Ketchup BLASPHEMY! THIS IS MADNESS! Just because Trump's Hokage doesn't mean he should give up his all-time favorite classic, specially at the source!
Adam Williams
what is steak tartare?
Isaiah Barnes
Burgers are the best. You all know it. Shove your fag food up your fag ass
Caleb Williams
Ketchup is trash
Eli Ramirez
>mfw a nip excluded red meat from his diet near me
Jacob Miller
You could eat a single banana and get more radiation than eating nuked jappo fish for a month, who gives a fuck
Angel Ross
donald takes showers hes a white man not a weeaboo
Brody Rivera
Asking for spicy mustard at a diner, no matter how good the place, is generally considered ridiculous. Mustard is one thing, a spicy mustard that advertises itself as the 'rich man's spicy mustard' is a bit strange. Shit's way too specific for a diner, and feeds into his pompous attitude narrative.
Brody Smith
Oh man, those fucking teeth. Sorry about your country and women bong. Jesus. YOU'RE TRASH REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Ryan Garcia
Holy fucking shit
How assmad is every other country on this board right now?
Post your burgers
Charles Morales
Japan has weird burgers.
David Sanders
Of course they probably laugh at our sushi.
Nathaniel Moore
Ethan Moore
did he have a milkshake with two scoops in it?
Lucas Brooks
Damn,its been awhile since I had a Rodeo Burger....Mmmm
Cameron Gray
This is truly a fine original american burger
Eli Rivera
t. Closet fag
Noah Allen
Go get a real one. BK is peasant food, at the VERY least go to Carls Jr.
Cameron Phillips
if I ever go to japan whoever goes with me is going to hate me
Zachary Rivera
fuck me im hungry
Carter Morgan
I heard his burger had two buns....DRUMPFFFFFFFFF!!!
Camden Baker
Never going to happen and he not that man for it either They will just think the west is full of idiot with no culture or manners or brains
Who fucking cares what he eats or stupid koi fish.
Nathaniel Wood
fuck yeah burgers 4 everybody
Jayden Kelly
>The current state of old-media
Ryan Anderson
If we're to go to Japan, I would probably sort of do the same, and eat half Japanese half American, but mostly just because I don't really like defrosted fish, it has this horrible aftertaste, at least here. He might be the same and just hate fish in general.
John Wright
we posting jap food now?
Jacob Rivera
Sorry, not the man for it. Point still stands
Mason Russell
Ryder Ross
Angel Hughes
Whatever, Poo. We'll see. No one's gonna rely on your shit covered crystal ball.