What's so wrong with pacifism? It would literally solve most of the issues in society.

Inb4 edgy Hitler quote - btw Pacifism is not cowardice if violence is a reflex, it shows self-control and courage against adversity by sacrificing security in the name of moral and spiritual dignity.

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because if the good don't fight against the evil, and the evil do fight, then there will be no more good, and the evil are never going to stop fighting. Your question is essentially meaningless because there will be no true pacifism for all people. It's an unobtainable dream.

Which is why you must look at the whole philosophy of pacifism and individual karma, if one person, who may be outside of a collective, like a mercenary was hired to kill those who were intefering in your attempt of pacifst society then they will be burdened by evil as opposed to your habnds being dirtied, I think that in feudal times, when murder was considered a sin, this same type of implementation was had.

>What's so wrong with pacifism?
Someone who isn't peaceful will eventually want to slaughter your entire civilization.

> like a mercenary was hired to kill those who were intefering in your attempt of pacifst society then they will be burdened by evil as opposed to your habnds being dirtied
so in reality it's not about being moral, it's about pretending to be

Of course, morals are simply a tool of organising a society, morals don't actually exist.

So, the same as now

Yes, except pacifism would eradicate exploitation, which causes issues interpersonally in society and develops mental health issues which become generational.

morals are a social construct that is correct, but why do humans construct anything?

Are bridges arbitrary or do they serve a purpose?

Morality is used for more than just organizing society, it's about preventing us from dying. This would include moral justification for killing your enemies.

>The Golden Rule goes both ways.
dwell on that one for a bit.

>Inb4 edgy Hitler quote
>acts like edgy moral revivalist
what's even the point of being a pacifist if it's not even for morals? You're not fixing society by outsourcing your violence, you're just giving money to someone else to do your dirty work, leaving you poorer and defenseless if they ever betray you.


Like all other ideologies, pacifism relies upon universal prevalence for it to work.

I cringed

Pacifism would be good if the whole world's population was fairly intelligent, but the problem is most of it is borderline whooping retarded.

It's gay and just a plea to get your face boot stomped. If you're not gonna do it to someone else, someone else will do it to you.

Your argument is basically, "God will punish them" You a faggot, so just bend over and take my dick in your ass.

t. whooping retard

t. fag flag

It's just an excuse for weakness. What is the point in calling yourself a pacifist if you could harm somebody even if you wanted to? And finally what are you going when some count starts attacking you? Curl up in a ball? Fucking pathetic. Nobody should want to fight but fight you fucking must.

not only is he a "god will punish them fag" he's the kind of idiot who thinks Karma is real, but morality is just a spook.

Because it doesn't jive with the Bible.

Shut up, retard.

No, I won't you complete homosexually deranged person. You know I'm right, deep down at your subconscious level. And it scares you to death. I bet you're rolling another doobie right now just to take the edge off of your horrible defeat. Not only were you defeated, but you never even tried to win. Typical faggot hippie pacifist. Try even having a counterpoint next time, as wrong and stupid as will inevitably be.


Gee, I didn't see that one coming at all. Stop projecting your own mental state on others. You lost. Proceed to cut your wrists for attention now.

without repercusions what is vto stop violent offenders?
when will sjw cancer learn that this behavior is only feasable if the whole of society has the same moral code.

Pacifism is the name of the war a people declares to its grandchildren.

Because in a pacifist world, the only thing needed to break the social order is a single non-pacifist person. In a world of sheeps, the wolves party all night.

That being said, to be a pacifist in a context where a non-pacifist person exist, is to put yourself in tremendous harms way, and in the end sucumb to your cowardice by choosing not to stand against the evil people do to you.


Come on, I tought we were serious here.

>Pacifists are sheep
>Activists are Wolves
>Sheep dogs act like Wolves to Wolves and Sheep to Sheep

Just war theory is all that matters We barely follow it though. Now we gotta control everything.

And in the end, violence is needed to sustain a pacifist world.

And the "pacifists" will always be herded around by the most violent amongst them.

why is the (((peace))) sign an inverted life rune?? really roasts the peanuts

non-violence never solved anything

Prior symbole of the atom.

niggers, muslims and jews exist

I believe in the exact opposite of pacifism. Land based conflicts are needed in Europe again, so that Europe's militarist cultures can be revived, making Europeans dominate the world once more.

Take a look at our current situation with that camel fucker in Iraq

>violence does not solve anything

My mother said violence never solves anything." "So?" Mr. Dubois looked at her bleakly. "I'm sure the city fathers of Carthage would be glad to know that."
Lt. Col. Jean V. Dubois (Ret.), p. 25; exchange between him and a student
" … I was not making fun of you personally; I was heaping scorn on an inexcusably silly idea — a practice I shall always follow. Anyone who clings to the historically untrue and thoroughly immoral doctrine that violence never settles anything I would advise to conjure up the ghosts of Napoleon Bonaparte and the Duke of Wellington and let them debate it. The ghost of Hitler could referee and the jury might well be the Dodo, the Great Auk, and the Passenger Pigeon. Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor, and the contrary opinion is wishful thinking at its worst. Breeds that forget this basic truth have always paid for it with their lives and their freedoms."