Whites sure are oppressed, huh

>The factual basis for claims that white Americans are collectively suffering is difficult to find. On average, they continue to enjoy better income, personal wealth reserves, health, health care, housing, schools than any other group. White Americans also make up 90 percent of the nation’s elected officials despite making up about 61 percent of the total population.

Those are Jews you are talking about.

Yeah having a 10-20 median IQ advantage over the other 40% of the population will do that.

why do they kill themselves more than anyone else then?

all of those nice things you listed are jewish privledge not white privliedge.

>look at these white wealthy people, clearly the poor whites are completely wrong when they claim they're are suffering

There are people who look somewhat similar to me living good lives, that makes me feel much better about my squalid directionless hellhole

Whites define other groups doing better as "White Genocide"
Other groups define genocide as literal genocide

cuz they are smart enough to know we all live on Rothschild prison planet.

>oh shit, im sorry
sorry for what?

Yet Tyrone can jump me, stab me, shoot me, skin me, boil my hypothetical children alive - and get away with it.