Can anyone redpill me on the difference between 4 and 8 chan
a factor of 2
one is shit
Cripplechan is where all the /leftypol/ shills come from that shit up the place. Anyone who uses Cripplechan is a fucking faggot who needs to be put to death. They're the ones who spam the BBC threads, they're the ones that spam all the communist threads, they're the ones who spam all the DRUMPF BTFO threads.
Low-tier autism vs. high-tier autism
4 chan plus 4
Sup Forums is shilled by deep state kikes. 8ch is run by them.
Both of them is honeypots. One is better than the other. One is more famous than the other. Also one hosts /leftypol/ faggots
Oh and what this guy said, a lot more autism
no reason to use either unless it is to browse Sup Forums and 4 is always the correct one.