Big elections in America today

Virginia's governor election is the most prominent, but there are many others, including mayoral elections. Important for Republicans to win as many as possible to counter the Trump """"failing""" (((narrative))).

So, as a start, I thought let's make sure Democrats know how to vote!

Other urls found in this thread:

Gillespie is a lobbyist fuck, but he's not a massive cuckhold like Northam
The joys of Democracy

Screws fake phone voting, go in person.


It's a nightmare scenario here in New Jersey. The lunatic democrat is Bernie on steroids. Not only does he want to go full socialized medicine + giant tax increases, he also wants to turn New Jersey into a "sanctuary state". And as of now he's double digits over our moderate republican lieutenant governor, solely because that fat fuck Chris Christie is hated by literally everyone from every party here.

My town is already swimming in spics, nigs and chinks. Now it's going to get worse.

Make sure to use the OP to ensure democrats know how to vote.


Don't let any last second polls demoralize you, go in thinking we down a few percents and that every vote matters

If any anons want to help, jumping on social media would be useful right now

Here are some of the hashtags being used:

#VAgov #Gillespie #GameOnVA
More Dems on the #Northam tag

#NYCTerroristAttack, #SundayMorning, #TCSNYCMarathon, and other trends you might find useful in the Virginia Beach, Norfolk, and Richmond areas would be helpfull to target too.

As for the Texas shooting: Push back against any liberals trying to turn this into an anti-white gun control argument. This is another case of a radicalized leftist lashing out on rural Americans.

Polling locations can be found on

If you type in your voter info

And just in case:
Expect voter fraud and manipulation. If you are voting, keep tabs on illegals and people being bussed in, especially from DC.

>has to steal memes to shill for his side
like poetry

Look on the bright side on, if Gillespie wins, the DNC will literally impload. There will be literal blood and guts as they are start ripping into each other.

Virginianon here, voted about forty five minutes ago. Mostly folks like myself getting the vote in before heading to work. Dems were out in force at the steps to the building. Bunch of older white landwhales and a few beta males. Gave them a nice "what the fuck are you thinking" look and pointed to my MAGA hat when asked if I wanted a pamphlet.

Too late drumpftards

I was first in line this morning

It's pretty disgusting... The actual shooting itself.. WHICH WAS stopped by an armed citizen before it could get even worse.. Was an attack on white Christians... The left and the media respond by further attacking that very same group of people... They literally have no shame.

I bet northfag wins , northern virgina will fuck everything

How many was there to vote for Gilly you think?

Another VA user, we have to get these cocksuckers out of power in VA, we have some high end criminals in office but nobody boots them out cause their Dems.

Was targeted this Sunday by democrats since I’m sure they have consensus info that I’m Latino. They shoes up at my door at 7pm trying to talk about Northam and I told them it’s too late to be knocking on doors and that I was going G man and to fuck off. So yeah democrats are definitely putting a lot of footwork into this election.

de blasio will win here in nyc

you have to go back.

It was still early, if I had to guess maybe half the people I went in with vited for G man. I live in fuckin Norfolk so I might not have the best answer to that question seeing as it's second in line for dindu central.


just voted for Murphy(D)(NJ) for governor
only because he promised to legalize weed during the first 100 days.

couldn't even be bothered to recolor it, huh?




Nice job user

Allow him to live out his usefulness first

Yea imma vote later today...vb here

Keep in might it might start raining later today so prepare accordingly

Shit ill drive through a riot to vote

You know his real name is Warren Wilhelm, he changed it because he was angry at his father.

And that kind of mentality that will see us keep winning, especially if we start marking down our local primaries, which are arguablely even more important.

Used to go to school there, sorry there is absolutely no way it goes red. Campuses are full of liberal faggots who have rehearsed speeches in their heads on topics with no rebuttals when they get challenged other than looking around and smirking to their peers.

I thought he changed it so the common Vinny from Brooklyn would vote for him

Doesn't really matter if his area doesn't go red, just the overall vote total does

have a meme

>Election day
>Every single candidate for mayor in my city is a big government cuck
>On the ballet is a measure to use public money to build optional shit we don't need
>I might be able to stop that at least
>I probably won't even vote for a mayor
>Same with city council as well

Just vote user
Paying attention to local shit helps nationally as well
This affects you directly

Yeah, I'll go in and vote. I'll vote against the project they're trying to fund, and I'll vote for the best person running for council. I don't think I'll vote for anyone for mayor. I don't like any of them.

NJ reporting in. We're fucked. Phil Murphy has a 12 point lead so unless negroids and spics all decide to just not vote we have no chance. DUDEWEEDLMAO may be true but property taxes will be raised even higher to pay for all the unfunded pensions

Wow, Atlanta hasn't had a white mayor in over 30 years.

I now that feel; I remember confused when I saw the ballot measures for my county
Like how the hell am I supposed to know whether to approve or not building measures when I know nothing about what they are doing? I can only make guesses like
>arts center in the more diverse part of the county: No
>build another school? Well fuck how am I supposed to know if we need another school or if they are just being greedy?

You should vote anyway just to make the polls more inaccurate user

Me personally, I'm not opposed to what they're trying to do in my city, but I'm against using public money for it. If it's a good idea, someone can build it privately.

Guys, stop fucking around and vote. Make sure all your neighbors vote too. Especially if you live in Redneck areas. McAuliffe only got 1,069,789 votes in 2013 and only won by 56k votes. Trump got 1,769,443 in 2016. This should be a walk in a park.

Then just vote no user

Always vote, especially in off years.

That's what I'm going to do. My philosophy is that even if you really like something, it's wrong to force other people to pay for it.

No elections here boss. Not even school district elections for my precinct.

should we get a sticky up for this?

Probably around the evening, when results come in.

Northam is a guarantee of more leftist kikery in VA
Gillespie is the best option of the two

fair enough

>tfw fairfax

>Democrat voting instead of working

Color me surprised.

same. whats up ffx user?

Nothing much tbqh. I went to a dentist's appointment yesterday and spotted tons of dem posters/office operated by some niggers. Best thing is that they were right across the dentists' office AND in a """"Medical""" Park.

I'm on campus at Mason right now and I'm seeing more gillespie signs than northam, which I wouldn't have guessed. Bodes well maybe.