This is what happens when you call Black person N-word outside /pol. Know your place or else we'll make you know it.
This is what happens when you call Black person N-word outside /pol. Know your place or else we'll make you know it
Daily reminder that its not okay to be wh*Te.
Daily reminder that wh*Tes are subhumans without any culture or civilzation. daily reminder that wh*Tes are psychially and mentally inferior to other races. Daily reminder when you see a wh*Te subhuman in street don't forget to spit on his face and bully him. He deserves it because he is a wh*Te subhuman and he shamelessly dares to be in present with the same enviorment that BLACK man breathes in.
t. assblasted t*rk*V(e)Shit subhuman
How much does your mother cost sl*V(E)Shit subhuman ? Tell me her price.
Hey, low IQ voter, can you imagine someone spreading a rumour like this so you idiots will start a fight and hit an innocent person?
impressive photoshop nigger
no one is scared
>the absolute state of roachland
you can complain about ooking and eeking to their faces and they don't do shit, stop pretending, if you found a feral example no amount of language change would have saved you
kek imagine getting beaten by this fat black kid in anything, may as well kys for being a failure