Hows the day going for ya? I’m up a little earlier than usual, I figured I would go for a run this morning just to people watch all the wagies getting mad sitting in traffic on their way in to slave away for jews. I’m just curious, unless your a doctor, or fire fighter, why do so many of you defend your lifestyle of wage slavery so vehementaly? My Neetbux are more than enough to get me by, so you can’t just be in it for the monopoly money that is ‘t backed by anything right?
Good morning wagecucks
im in almost he same position as you. my wife is jewish and pretty rich so im just a stay at home goy. might take my brand new suzuki R1000R super bike she bought me out for a spin since the weather is decent today
we make mistakes like having kids or wanting our own nice apartment
then the Jews sink their teeth in and it's actually hard to get out
they take everything but like 5% of what we earn, and our only way out of the situation is to save that 5%, but we're so depressed we use that 5% on stupid things like eating out to "treat" ourselves
cycle... sigh
you neets really are cool
How was your morning wank?
suzuki GSX R100R* sorry im also high as fuck
I work because I like money, I would be ashamed to take money from the gov
Enjoying my private island in Chile user, probably take a sail today and check out the Antarctic shelf. Wage cucks are the eternal beta and their suffering amuses me.
A fellow patrician, I must congratulate you sir as you are jewing the jews. I personally prefer to stick it to the zog by making them pay for my lifestyle via taking money from wagecucks but what you are doing is equally commendable.
Those peaky hebrews sure have a way of confusing and screwing the goyim at least you see the light and can begin working towards joining the ranks of NEEThood
Pic related
Its nice to see another enlightened gentleman on this boars, Sup Forums has turned into the wage cuck defense force lately.
Doing great m8.
Good day of relaxed work with occasional Sup Forums browsing.
Got decent lunch cooked by my wife.
As soon as i get back home i'm going to impregnate her + enjoy her E cup tits. Then enjoy my pizza night and go to a HEMA session soon after.
How do I get neetbux