Stop tip toeing around genocide already! Its fucking annoying

Black guy here! I just got done watching Lauren Rose's video about dropping civic nationalism and was left somewhat bothered. Now, nothing she actually said upsetted me, it's what she didn't say that sorta did.

Now, I didn't much care for her placing majority of the "anti white" blame she perceives occurring to whites onto non-whites rather than white leftists since they perpetuate those ideas more than any non-white group that I've ever seen, but that's neither here nor there. What I specifically found annoying is the utter avoidance of the obvious solution to the grim extinction level threat she thinks whites are facing. And desu, she's not the only white identitarian guilty of outlining the problem but being to pussy to follow thru with the implications.

Like, I don't have a problem with you guys or anything but if you're a person who has completely given up on the notion of maintaining a multi-racial society due to the belief that such a thing will result in the destruction of the white race and American society, because black&brown ppl are incapable of assimilating to western culture due to inherent biological deficiencies in intelligence than you have to consider the option that a genocide may be necessary to prevent the threat you see growing.

Yet, despite this obvious conclusion, it's always tiptoed around. Sure, Richard Spencer talks about carrying out a peaceful deportation...whatever the fuck that means. And Jared Taylor's old and withered ass is actually convinced he could persuade all Black Americans into desiring their own ethno-state which would indirectly result in the creation of a white ethno-state, but everybody knows that's utter fucking nonsense. So yeah Lauren, cool, you're redpilled about race and dropped civic nationalism...Okay, now what? Are you going to put on the same dog and pony show like the rest or are you actually going to get redpilled about what the final solution is.

Other urls found in this thread:

Hello Mr fbi

People I think realize that they can't out and say it's time to kill people.

Do you ever think about killing people OP? I think this thread is about puddles who can't admit they want to kill someone.

>People I think realize that they can't out and say it's time to kill people.

Then why come out and say anything? How many times am i going to have to keep hearing Blacks are inherently dumb and won't change no matter what and demographic projections are already set in motion even if anti non-white immigration laws were put in place until ethnic cleansing isn't tiptoed around.

It's so annoying when white identiarians play dumb about the issue. Like they'll say, "how dare one accuse me of desiring such a thing"...dude, you constantly cry ad-nauseum about the extinction of your people's way of life because of non-whites, is it not logical to suspect that you may want to kill those non-whites to save your people who you're telling us you value above everything else?

Why is lauren even bothering to tell me in the video that she's redpilled about race and biology if she's not willing to take that idea to its logical conclusion.

So many of these Black guy here threads lately. Nobody cares moshe

I'm just a black guy expressing my thoughts.

There's more separatists than you're giving credit.

I'm Christian and shit; I'd sterilize minorities unless otherwise threatened.

Which bring us to: Whites expect shitskins to start the race war. This is in line with thinking you're stupid, because we'll clean up like fucking mad men.

hitler NEVER spoke of genocide and he got 6 million of em
exposing your power level is counterproductive

>I'd sterilize minorities
*at most

Sorry, early.

Give back the laptop you stole to post this from, Jamal.

Fucking nigger.

separatism is the only sensible solution.

Weren't you guys shilling for MLK when he wanted it?

separation is more feasible more likely and more humane
sure youll destroy even more of the planet but hopefully without you niggers around we will be able to figure out how to conquer the universe pretty quickly.

I meant Malcolm X, sorry

Disgusting nigger

I have no problem acknowledging that if non whites won't leave peacefully they must be forced out up to and including large scale violence and killing. It's not what I would prefer since I'm white and white prefer peace to violence but if it comes down to my people or yours there is no question which side I'll take

Get out nigger.

leave this place you filthy creature

someday you will realize that wiping out the white race is against your best interest.

who is going to pay for your families welfare once you do?

>implying niggers can think 2 steps ahead
They cant

Fair enough. I just ask for honesty, that's all. This double speak coming from guys like Richard&Jared and now Lauren is frankly insulting and boring.



Oh sorry, fuck off CIA nigger

But the truth is that actual genocide and slaughter of you niggers is entirely unnecessary. It isn't what I want. And I don't understand why y'all don't go to africa. Niggers don't like white society, can't compete against whites so always stay at the bottom of our society and don't like white people so why insist on remaining unhappy?

I think one solution that would help is for colleges to stop promoting this idea that white people cant experience rascism or prejudice because, they say, racism is the intersection of power and privilege.

While it is true that in the context of american history white people have been free while blacks were only somewhat recently freed and even more recently given full civil rights by the govt, the university rhetoric actively encourages this kind of denial at the idea that white people could face prejudice, as well as the idea that white problems are meaningless in the face of POC problems.

As an example, the recent story in the news where a musician at a concert requested all whites go to the back, and when one white woman refuses she is fired and the concert promoters apologize to the musician for the white woman's racism.

She'll put up a patreon in a few weeks and collect her schekles

im ok with black people, the ones i have met were nice so far have had only nice experience

im not ok with someone who wont accept "our" culture and customs and force "their" shit

i dont perceive myself as a white nationalist cos being white means literally shit to me
my people were killed by other whites throughout history

it's americas fault for importing other races and struggling with no sense of culture or history

just my 2 cents

im against importing masses of immigrants

The ethnic nationalists will only win if they have to win ie Everyone will have identity politics or no one will. I wont lay down in the gutter and die for the original sin of being white.

If that's what you feel than so be it. My thing is, the only way you're achieving separation is by placing a bullet into the heads of non-whites and the whites who would be against a ethnic genocide. Now, maybe you're cool with that, whatever...all I ask for is honesty.

BS you are creating an either or dichotomy. You have a Continent, we don't have to genocide you, just ask some to leave and then arrange an area for the rest of you that insist on staying to claim and then it seems everyone would be happy. There will still exist multicultural societies if people so desire that kind of thing. But there maybe zero need of genocide. It seems entirely ludicrous to suggest it as well.

I disagree that the only way to remove non whites is to kill them
But why are you so insistent on leaching off whites?

The thing is whites and any somehow civilized people don't want to kill.
A race war or genocide would mean not only killing annoying nogs or chicanos we can all agree they deserve dead but it would also mean to kill innocent fucking people thats when our morals get kinda worried. Like the killing made by buddist sure they have the right to defend but they also kill kids, womens and dudes who had nothing to do with the terrorist acts, but those deaths will always exist.
Thats why people avoid le genocide because they don't want to get their hands dirty and its a very dirty job

Look, is there a possibility that genocide may be necessary? Yes. But do we want to avoid it? Yes. We expect a race war where the lines between collateral damage/civilian casualties and war deaths is extremely blurred. We want ethnostates, whether it happen through political peaceful solutions or war. Most of us admit that war through Balkanization is nearly certain, and everyone knows when that shit happens civilians die in the process. But if people come out and say "I plan on genociding people" they'll have the world against them and the UN coming after them like they did with the Serbs & Slobodan Milosevic. Why put a target on your back and incriminate yourself before anything happens?

Go back to Africa Nigger we have tractors now, your services are no longer required.

Maybe, just maybe. Your assumptions about the feelings of blacks in regards to whites and living in this country is false? I've notice when it comes to Sup Forums that a lot of ppl have selective bias when it comes to gauging the feelings of blacks in general. You guys seems generalize some leftist black person on twitter or a race baiter like Tariq Nasheed as the representative for how most black people feel. It's really bizarre. I mean, its whatever, if you hate blacks and want to cherrypick some black person who said X about whypipo to verify your beliefs than so be it. It it is what it is. I just find it weird.

Get that rabbi dick out of your mouth, stand up straight, stand for something. Its time you wake up white man(edomite).
That goes for all you national socialists on this board.

Blacks never hated whites unjustifiably. Whites have the highest oxytocin levels of any race, your phenotype is predisposed to cause variances and strife if there is none. Oxytocin is increased by higher estrogen levels in the body, ocytocin causes Schadenfreude. Schadenfreude (/ˈʃɑːdənfrɔJdə/; German: [ˈʃaːdn̩ˌfʁɔʏ̯də] (About this sound listen); lit. 'harm-joy') is the experience of pleasure, joy, or self-satisfaction that comes from learning of or witnessing the troubles, failures, or humiliation of another. You've gotten tricked twice into two world wars, brother wars due to pride and faggotry.

>Know that the jews run thier nation.
>Dont know why they do the things they do.
It's time to wake up or drink from your cup of indignation.

Diversity has been like a relationship for white people. Sure it was fun, but they have had some bad experiences and they just want their space now. They are about to file their restraining order so just stay away and you won't get shot. They want to keep it civil. If they wanted to genocide you they would have done it before all these cameras were around to see.

>What I specifically found annoying is the utter avoidance of the obvious solution to the grim extinction level threat she thinks whites are facing. And desu, she's not the only white identitarian guilty of outlining the problem but being to pussy to follow thru with the implications
I'm not sure why youre trying so hard to read into that 2min video. that video is just her coming out of the closet you could say. After all, coming out as ethno nat is about as risky and hard as coming out as a fag back in the 1920s.

>Now, I didn't much care for her placing majority of the "anti white" blame she perceives occurring to whites onto non-whites
she didnt say that. of course non-white are a problem as far as ethnic replacement is concerned but she never put non-white as responsible of non-white propaganda

>Like, I don't have a problem with you guys or anything but if you're a person who has completely given up on the notion of maintaining a multi-racial society due to the belief that such a thing will result in the destruction of the white race and American society, because black&brown ppl are incapable of assimilating to western culture due to inherent biological deficiencies in intelligence than you have to consider the option that a genocide may be necessary to prevent the threat you see growing.
Okay, now what? Are you going to put on the same dog and pony show like the rest or are you actually going to get redpilled about what the final solution is.
its not fucking easy my dude. the leading option for the usa atm in the circle is separations of states. its harder in the usa too because black people are equally natives so they belong there too. she seem like a very smart girl for her age so im sure she'll want this to happen as peacefully as possible its what most people want


I also laughed at this, his rhetoric needs work too. But his message is clear.

Yeah, all niggers should be killed. Preferably with bioweapons that only target people with brown skin.

responsible of anti-white propaganda***

I fully support black genocide. Not tip toeing around it.

>"black guy here!"

Stopped reading there.

I don't know of any leaders in the alt right or other far right people that advocate genocide of all nonwhites the furthest I see is peaceful ethnic cleansing.
The average American moves every 4 years, why is it so difficult to think that move non whites out of our white ethnostate would be so barbaric, it wouldn't be.

The genocide of my people is not something that is up for debate, if we do nothing there will be no more white people in the world in just 300 years. It is morally wrong that I do not advocate up for my people even if a large amount do not want me to.

That is not up for debabte*

The reason you want "diversity" in western countries is because deep down you know that Black people are incapable of running their own "ethno-state".

If african-americans were given a country to live in and control as they saw fit, it would end up like Jamaica.

>Black guy here
Tbh I kind of doubt it m8.

What were to happen if white people demanded that Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, Washington, and Oregon were white only? What then? Where and why is genocide involved here?

Why do non whites find a world where they are not allowed to live among whites as "oppressed minorities" on par with genocide?

why is that the only way to achieve separation?
have you forgotten how easily we can displace you with just chains and boats?

Why do you believe that you have a human right to have access to white people?
There is no problem with peacefully creating boundaries between the races, you stay in your territory and we stay in ours.
But we all know what would happen, you'd try to continue to immigrate illegally because you do not want to loose access to white people.
Notice how this shit always goes one way, all other races try to move to where we live and receive gibs, it's never the other way around.

>Lauren rose
I don't know who that is, but the only Lauren this board cares about is Southern.

This is now a Lauren Southen devotion thread

we could just sterelise (idk if thats how you spell it ) those who want to stay and the others go

Why do your people constantly have to parasitise on entities that white people create? Why have y'all never invented anything, much less the wheel? Why do you think the idea of a black ethnostate is nonsense? Why do you feel so comfortable and arrogant about being a parasite?

your kind is the most problematic kind in the world
can't cope with this , shieet that , always getting involved in other people's activities, always want an in into every fucking thing that sounds good in this world but never achieved anything significant as a race.
not another day goes by without u niggers "expressing your thoughts" , no amount of rap music in this world would satisfy the amount of shit you niggers complain everyday. This aint right , that aint good , what the fuck do you want? free burgers at burger kangz everyday because you are black ?
Nazis heil , terrorist jihad , niggers "WE WUZ KANGZ and shieet"

>Black guy here
fuck off larping faggot

My hope is that we can return to being a white nation non-violently. Deportations, segregation, and polocies that foster a high white fertility rate while incentivising non white to have abortions and not have children with welfare bribes.

This is why I'll probably never be anything EXCEPT a civ nat. The alternatives to finding a way to get along and live together are to horrible to contemplate.
One thing I DO want is for this "white privilege/ white guilt" shit to end, and to stop "celebrating diversity." Ethnic differences make it harder to get along, not easier. We should stop accentuating the natural fault lines in society

You guys really need to stop generalizing based on some shit you read on twitter. I'm not an advocate for whites being a minority in America, nor have I ever been, but if it happens, it happens. Nobody forced whites to drastically alter their immigration polices in years past.

And yes, I have no desire to leave the life I have here to live in Africa because the inhabits there just so happen to share the same skin color as me. I accept that if all whites woke up tomorrow and decided to forcefully send blacks back to Africa, I would be going back in a bodybad. It it is what it is. I've never known life to be ideal or fair.

>Nobody forced whites to drastically alter their immigration polices in years past.

no, but we were (((manipulated))) into doing so

T. Cuck

>Nobody forced whites to drastically alter their immigration polices in years past.

Yeah gee, it sure seems reasonable that people would allow themselves to be displaced in their own country. It couldn't possibly be a foreign subversive element that took control and is doing it.

>trust me guys I'm totally not trying to get you arrested
No one wants to kill anyone. We just want to be left alone in our countries

>Nobody forced whites to drastically alter their immigration polices in years past.
We weren't exactly asked. And for what it's worth a return to 1990 with a 90% white america with a 10% black minority is a borderline white nationalist utopia compared to what we have today.

>Nobody forced whites to drastically alter their immigration polices in years past.
disingenuous as fuck acting like we're ''1 stoke of a pen away'' and bam its that simple

So you're the one that wants to kill people, that is why you wouldn't accept that it wouldn't involve killing people because you're the one that wants to start killing people. Typical nigger.

was meant for

Isn't oxytocyn responsible for bonding between partners and between mother and child? It also has a slew of advantages and really makes you think why most black men leave their children alone.

use the legacy captcha

So you would prefer death to ending your parasitism and starting life as a free man? Then you are a slave. A nigger slave parasite who is indeed not worthy of life.

Yeah, as if the Nazis were out there saying "We'll genocide the kikes!"
It's bad optics, mr. CIA nigger. Don't be fooled though, it's going to happen. Proximity + diversity = violence.

>expecting a nigger to know anything
goyim stop

You think any of these people are expecting massive changes in their generation? They are not, they are just trying to lay the ground works for future generations.

A generation being every 25 years.

The west is so fucked up that they make a big deal out of "its ok to be white" posters.

The ground work is being laid, in two generations embracing white identity will be normal and accepted.

The gravy train will end

Well, my swarthy Moorish friend, the first and most moral option is deportation to Africa (sub-Saharan) and a complete quarantine of the continent. In a 100 years time, you will have reduced your populations to something manageable or reverted to the savagery that once marked your dread race. Hopefully, there will be enough White genetic material in your genome for you to make a go of it.

If you would not go peacefully - well yeah, genocide would be a possibility at that point.

Of course that will not happen. You will continue to be a plague on civilization. A cancer. A cancer that eventually destroys the civilized world. Hard going for a while, but another civilization will rise and displace Western civilization. Probably the Chinese. They will genocide the ever living fuck out of the Nigras. No doubt about it.

Sad thing is, all you had to do was behave yourselves and you would have had it made. But no, in typical impulsive nigger fashion, you had to go and kill the proverbial goose.

Good news is, the white race will survive. The Chinese know our strengths and will want to preserve us, just in a subordinate fashion. You guys, not so much. If the status quo is maintained for another 3 or 4 generations (which I doubt) then you will be bred out of existence. After all, you are only 14% of the population. 7 % or so male - and since no one wants to really breed with nigra women, well it might take a little longer. Going to Africa is your only hope to remain Kangs.

So you would rather die than living in an all black society? Why not just go back to Africa a carve your space out? I'm 99% sure the white Americans will help blacks settle in over there. They are cool like that.

The interracial violence stats speak for themselves.

All non-cis normative people of color will hang on the day of a rope. SEIG HEIL MY WHITE BROTHERS 1488

Real talk, it's just the anti-white rhetoric we're seeing with white privelage, white guilt, white people have no culture, white male cisscum etc.

I've got black and asians friends and generally you people are cool. Some of us genuinely just want a civic nationalist type of country where there is true equality for everyone. But the problem is that there are too many minorities dragging down the country through welfare and degeneracy and this SJW outrage white privilege cult that we are being pushed into a corner. We're not just becoming a minority, we are being vilified, and that vilification won't end once we're under the 50% threshold. Whites will still be blamed for everything. Nobody wants to kill you people, you are human, but in a generation or two's time if this white-hate bullshit is still going on, we're not going to have a choice but to pick a side, and the sides are these:

>Join the side that hates us, stick to original principles and live and die being vilified for our race
>Join that side that supports us, but have to take action against other races

Some of these people do just want to kill you, but most of us just want this shit to stop, and get back to what America stood for before all of this shit happened. But that is seeming less and less likely.

To counter you, why can't these leftist just admit that they actually hate white people and stop hiding behind this facade of social justice? The answer to both is because the time is too soon. The game pieces are still being placed and there's not enough justification or friction yet for war.

What's it like knowing your entire race is useless?

>Some of these people do just want to kill you, but most of us just want this shit to stop, and get back to what America stood for before all of this shit happened. But that is seeming less and less likely.To counter you, why can't these leftist just admit that they actually hate white people and stop hiding behind this facade of social justice? The answer to both is because the time is too soon. The game pieces are still being placed and there's not enough justification or friction yet for war.


Fuck off nigger

how do you justify the word nigger only being available to niggers
its really just a poorly thought out situation
>its our word
very cringey and makes people use it more which is hilarious but speaks to the mental capacity of basketbal americans

I don't want to kill anyone, I don't think i'd ever be able to unless the world itself were to change into that kind of place. I think the encouragement of ((diversity)) is merely there to avoid seggregation. Because if everyone goes to their own countries, schools, etc based on race. And the members of that race begin to realize our differences, then the chance of any form of assimilation or unifying is gone, and genocide will end up being considered for real.

As humans we've come far enough with our science and technology that we will reach these conclusions without intervention. Humans are innately destructive, just look at a regular day on Sup Forums. The forced inclusiveness and propaganda to encourage diversity may just be a plan to avoid the genocidal conclusion.

I don't wish death on anyone unless they themselves are participating in the killing. Even the biggest cunts i've ever met get a pass because they aren't THAT bad.

So we start spiking malt liquor with large amounts of oxytocin.
Problem solved, race war is over. Thanks op.

To answer your question; I'm not a parasite, unless the mere fact of being a black individual in america makes me one. If that's the case than whatever, I can't help the place I was born in. And to be honest, I also could careless about the actions of other individuals who just happen to share my skin color. The way someone else chooses to live their life is out of my control.

As for the inventing anything question -- I assume you really mean why didn't sub-Saharan Africans develop similar societies found in Asia, Middle east, and Europe. Well, I think the better question to ask is why would you expect to find sameness of outcome for a group who lived in complete isolation in a completely different environment that produced its own sort of unique constraints on them. Like the inputs clearly don't match, so it's obvious the outputs wouldn't either. Also, why should I base my self-worth on this one big RNG process that I had absolutely no control over. Seems like a retarded guide for living, but I guess when you're a NEET loser, citing the accomplishments of others who just so happen to share your skin-tone could provide some much needed comfort, I guess...

Btw, a Black Ethno-state is nonsense, in america at-least, in the sense that one seriously thinks he could convince majority of Black Americans to desire one. Black Americans who were recently set free from slavery didn't event want to return to Africa, yet, i'm suppose to believe that the alt-right are going to be the ones that finally persuade blacks of this.

Let's get real. Any genocide around here has to start with the Jews. Most of the world agrees, hell black man, you really are as dumb as the negative stereotypes if you don't agree.

You are know what the redpill is you just don't want to take it.

>You come home to find your house has been broken into. Who do you picture when imagine it happening?

>You are know what the redpill is you just don't want to take it.
I think its the other way around, friend.

You have correctly identified the problem with white nationalism in America. It's never going to happen peacefully, and what's more there's no justification for it to happen, because whites are not indigenous to America and don't belong there anymore than black people do.

Personally my white nationalist views are restricted entirely to Europe. In practice, I don't really want anything except minimal non-white immigration to Europe.

>Btw, a Black Ethno-state is nonsense, in america at-least, in the sense that one seriously thinks he could convince majority of Black Americans to desire one. Black Americans who were recently set free from slavery didn't event want to return to Africa, yet, i'm suppose to believe that the alt-right are going to be the ones that finally persuade blacks of this.
What do you propose then? Because clearly living together isn't working. We have to do something. Would you rather we just sit on our hands and go quietly into the night as our race ceases to exist and our country is no longer ours? Lets put the shoe on the other foot: If you were a black nationalist, what would you be advocating for? Because if you don't advocate for something, if you're not giving a solution, then people call you a sellout and a fraud and don't want to listen to you. You can't criticize /ourguys/ for proposing solutions. It's better than nothing.

And you are so quick to dismiss an ethnostate citing the past as a reason. This is why it will be pushed to genocide. First they will offer you a few states in America. This won't be offered to any other ethnic group. You will deny that. Then they will demand you go back to Africa but you will deny that. Then they will start rounding blacks up and you guys will be at the U.N. crying. Imagine sitting at a table and someone wants to sit next to their friends but you say no even though you and your friends can still sit together. And then you yell over these people and steal their lunch all while denying them a chance to sit together and find strength. That is whats happening.

Why you du care about white racie boi? We are dying. You will have to serve your new master - asians. China will turn you into slaves and oyu will dream about white master. But we will all be dead by that moment.

>i'm suppose to believe that the alt-right are going to be the ones that finally persuade blacks of this.
Nah that is Hoteps nigger,

>literal CIA nigger

The only morally correct way is to, as might an elder brother who cares for his sibling, assist the black race in the establishment and management of their own state -- to the point of governing and maintaining their infrastructure, if necessary -- for the sake of maintaining segregation and racial homogeneity. Genocide does not have to enter into it. In peacetime, and with the proper attention and resources diverted to the project, it would not have to be difficult or even painful for the blacks or the whites. On the contrary, black people all even know quite well, if they're willing to talk plainly, that life goes on much better when organized by whites. Whites are altruistic; they are merciful, they favour outgroups, and are more amenable to abstract notions like justice, duty, responsibility, and fairness -- things which blacks, in general, are averse to, or disinterested in. It is therefore in the best interests of everyone that the white race regain its position of cultural dominance. Force of a kind may be necessary -- genocide is not necessary. And if we are to stoop to such thoughts as we would entertain the idea that we will massacre our fellow men, of whatever race, we would attaint ourselves and lower ourselves to a stature that would not reflect the pride and dignity that justifies our natural position of global leadership.

We don't have to kill anyone. Stop all immigration of niggers. Cut off welfare. Wait 20 years and the problem is solved.

It really makes me mad this eloquent and well spoken negro will just ignore this comment because he has absolutely no response to it and pushes the discomforting facts out his head