I need guns to protect me from the gov-

>I need guns to protect me from the gov-

The last time an Australian spoke to me, I lied to two niggers, told them "seppo" was a racial slur against blacks, and they beat the shit out of him in the middle of the club.

Funniest night of my life. I still remember when they broke his fingers.

>what is the posse comitatus act

Someone post the Jap Replies to these types of questions. You know the screenshot I'm talking about.
Saged. OP, stop being a massive faggot and educate yourself on the negative outcomes of bombing your own citizens.

Fuck you shills theres like 5 of these threads



>I should trust the government to protect me because they would wipe out ever man, woman and child in a city block with an air strike to kill one man with a gun.

Same shit every day
Op is a fag

>Posse comitatus
>Also engaging a ground target with a Standard missile, which can only engage surface targets within 25 miles in the latest SM-6 iteration