Hey Leroy, Whatcha Doing?


A Black man confesses that HE was actually the one that sprayed racist grafitti on his own car.

>Dauntarius Williams, 21, admitted to spraying the racist graffiti on his own car that featured racial slurs like “go home,” “date your own kind,” and “die,” the Riley County Police Department said. Authorities decided not to charge the man for filing a false report, saying it would “not be in the best interests of the citizens.”


Sup Forums is right, again

Other urls found in this thread:


>Authorities decided not to charge the man for filing a false report, saying it would “not be in the best interests of the citizens.”

Imagine if that had really turned out to be a white man who sprayed that mess?

What would have happened to a white man?


>not pressing charges out of fear of a full blown chimpout

These dumb coons need to learn the only way they can that these monkeyshines will not be tolerated. And they say white men have all the privilege.

>And they say white men have all the privilege.

White men haven't had any privilege in the USA since the 1960s.

Liberals did this.

Different nigger in pic related.

Another negro false flag.

He'd be shamed on every news channel in the world.

of course, no white man write 'boy' in that context lmao

who is to say it would not be in the best interest of the citizens to charge him? the investigation up to this point has cost some amount of taxpayer dollars and for that he should be penalized somehow. what next, literal theft will be ok?

you could probably trash his car now and no one would believe him