Refute this, Sup Forums
Refute this, Sup Forums
Is that why Venezuela failed, again?
Not real socialism
Socialism’s main goal is communism fucking loser!!!!
Plz kys
If Capitalists can sabotage and exploit every socialist country they must be doing something right.
You can't really refute it.
But at the same time if the US was socialist it would do the same thing to other countries or at least try.
They always find a way to blame everything on the USA. They'll find some resource deal, or policy agreement with the US and extrapolate it into a scheme to destabilize a socialist country to install a capitalist dictator who's under our thumb.
This is how socialists decieve themselves.
Capitalism is a word that has lost any meaning due to overusage and incorrect usage like racist and bigot.
Das ewige Opfer.