Spencer BTFO by Based Black Brit

Guardian journalist Gary Younge just blew the fuck out of the leader of the alt-right, Richard Spencer


Well Sup Forums? How does it feel getting destroyed?

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Spencer is such a friggin moron. He comes across as a retarded racist child

Spencer got owned. Gary Younge went full savage on his nazi bitch ass.

Spencer is a piece of shit, love watching him fall to pieces actual debate.

Spencer is a fag.
He lost a debate against an obese communist nigger, and even resorted to "we wuz kangs" in a debate against another obese nigger. He can't debate. Even though this British nigger didn't try to argue against him Spencer still ended up looking like a fool.
>Africans benefited from white supremacy
Oh boy. That'll win over crowds. I think he might actually be autistic.

Woah watch your language there, this is a christian board

I love how easy it is for this guy to disprove spencer, but he just MUH RACISM MUH BIGOTREE. Typical.

Both failed in articulating their arguments.

Gary litterally does the "I just can't even" for 3 whole minutes.

> Spencer
This guy is an obvious fucking idiot who appeals to disenfranchised white niggers. Thanks for sharing this..

How did Spencer get BTFO.

The fag nig just got angry and stormed off.