Seriously, the bullying against Canadian members of this community is getting way out of hand...

Seriously, the bullying against Canadian members of this community is getting way out of hand, especially since Canadians are some of the biggest contributors and most involved in this board. Its not just "memes" or "banter", its vicious attacking and regardless of intentions it does demean people and hurt feelings. I can't say I'm the only Canadian man who finds it hard to take pride in his own country after having years of constant and needless attacks

Like when its not just banter, when a meme is repeated over and over again, repeated systematically, it eventually becomes a truth irregardless of the intentions in repeating it. And that isn't just jokes any more then, then its harmful!
Would you call an Canadian man a "cuck"(not true at all) to his face? Would you say to a kind, peaceful and hard working salt of the earth Canadian man that they are a "cuck"? Would you quote him just saying " >Canada "? Are you starting to feel ashamed now? You fucking degenerate?

Other urls found in this thread: bloc party "bloody red rag"&oq=quebec bloc party "bloody red rag"&gs_l=psy-ab.12...

You know this is Sup Forums right? Nobody gives a fuck.

reveal the flag, cuck.

What are you talking about, we love Leaf posting

This copypasta is pretty fresh! My compliments to the chef

god i love black cock

Fuck you, canucuck
File a hatespeech lawsuit you fucking blabbering crybaby bitch


Remember the Canadian ideology

Weakness is strength
Ignorance is knowledge
Feelings are facts
Debt slavery is freedom
Censorship is free speech
Honesty is illegal
Compelled speech is voluntary
immigrant enclaves is assimilation
English/French enmity is multiculturalism working
Division is unity
Debt is prosperity
Overburdened services is room for more immigrants
Billions to 3rd world countries is sound economic policy
massive wildfires are places for the the untrained

Fuck Quebec though.

Remember, if you respond to this painfully obvious copypasta bait without saging you'll be the first to die in the race war.

Im bailing from this ass country as soon as i have a chance. Ill come back if theirs ever a revolution to set it free.

Enjoy your refugees faggot.

The reality is nobody cares at all about the frozen wastelands that is Canada.
You will pay for the Northern Wall though.

Maybe if the posters from our country weren't degenerate pajeets, commies and self loathing cucks we wouldn't have this problem.
This can be easily fixed by banning IPs from BC and Ontario. Post quality for leaves would increase by 90% minimum.

Go fuck yourself

Shut up you gay cunt

just like the Mexicans are gonna pay for theirs?

>Laughing stock of poll has to post shit memes to reinforce his shitty existence
You must have waited years for this meme to have been born while you waited in pathetic disbelief at how much of a faggot you and your fellow fake french citizens are. bloc party "bloody red rag"&oq=quebec bloc party "bloody red rag"&gs_l=psy-ab.12...

But call him a British Columbian or an Ontarian and look how he recoils: "I've been found out"

A fucking faggot leaf


this safe space isn't safe at all

You have to degrade them until they stop posting City People All Voted for Hillary

Only Suburban and Rural Retards Voted For Trump
The only way to teach a leaf is to degrade him

What are you talking about you fucking goon lmao this country has become a shit hole ever since liberals got into power might as well turn it into a parking lot for tanks

Go watch a nigger fuck your wife leaf.


leaves have been an embedded hair zit on the balls of Sup Forums for awhile. The best thing it ever produced is Jorden Peterson and operation /IOTBW/

Holy fuck the different parts of Canada bully eachother all the time

If you want to not get talked shit to then make good posts you dumb Ontariofaggot

Just build a wall around Ontario and Quebec. Trust me the rest of the provinces aren't that fucked up yet and you'll have saved them

BC literally makes the best posts out of all the leafs. It's all Ontario

thank you based LGBT person

All the BC posters are from the interior mostly from people who've fled multiculturalism to the mountains where it's still white you degenerate prairienigger. All
The chinks here still go on chink imageboards because while they can speak English they don't like speaking it


>a whinny, fagit leaf
Why haven't you necked yourself yet?

>Sup Forums
>attacking people
wow, what a surprise

Thanks for putting on the ontarian flag so we can more accurately assess where you're from

Tbh I play up the whole leaf shitpost thing.

I often make deliberately leftist posts because it tends to get a rise out of people.

>a whinny, fagit leaf
>A leaf, leaf leaf
Why are you repeating youself?

we deserve it, desu. canadians are insufferable.

>hiding behind an lgbt flag
typical leaf behavior

Fuck off. Leaf posting is illegal in 41 countries and barred by UN security council procolomation. Leaf posting is a human rights violation in over 150 countries. Leaf posting is the only known transmitter of HPV. Sage all Leaf threads, ignore all Leaf posters.

Faggot leaf tldr

This BC and Ontario are immigrant havens.
Based Saskatchewan is too racist and cold for too many immigrants.

Like I'd ever go to the land of listerine-guzzlers willingly. I'm from the maritimes, where the government excels at crushing dreams and ambitions.

The lower mainland isn't real BC mate

The interior is cold racist and at altitudes so high nobody comes here unless they have lungs strong enough to breathe here which chinks and Pajeets who spent their lives breathing in pollution and street shit getting their lights fucked up can't live here

Both the federal and since 1986 the provincial government crushes dreams and ambitions here too unless you're the son of a Chinese communist party boss looking to launder millions of dollars

I thought that was the Aussies?

shut up fag leaf kys

Would scuddle with

>ITT: 2 butthurt faggots
One is OP and the other is the ontario/quebec hater

Can confirm. Newfie here. East Canada is still best Canada.
>humble and friendly people
>tons of new England culture and east coast culture.
>barely any immigrants because low gibs and lack of jobs.
>most people are relatively conservative.
>best accent plus drinking culture.
>majority of people are ethnically irish, Scottish, French, and English
We are true Canada. Fuck Ontario and Quebec.

Piss off, eah...

It's 11 you know where your pupper is?

you from Cuckanda ?

Fuck Off Leaf!


Op you are such a fucking turbo queer

No sorry im here since 1600s and i was never a leaf.


Shut the fuck up pussy

Literally copy pasta of a poland thread yesterday, fuck off shill.

Its just deepstate trying to send leafs over the deeps end.
Also I hope the leaf hate doesnt stop.
It keeps us real with how shitty this communist country is.





Op is a faggot

just, jesus...............................................

I'm a leaf and I don't need your fag ass defending me. Go fuck yourself faggot!

The Real Captain Cuck Coming Through


Heres a bump for speaking the truth.

I'm sick of being treated like a second class citizen on Sup Forums, the xenophobia and unjustified hate here towards Canadians has to stop.

Nothing makes you feel alive like feeling the need to defend your existence.
If I wanted public displays of affirmation and an echoe chamber I would be on facebook.


haha. fuck this gay country

Kys you self hating uncle Tom

fuck off fag
I don't hate Canadians
I don't like you because lgbt

Copy Pasta thread, please ignore


>1 post by this ID
>gay flag
>muh canada

>1 post by this ID

2 posts now

Nobody likes anybody on this board.



Show your flag you faggot leaf

>fuck you Sup Forums i used to be a canadian patriot

seriously, nobody cares.

Memorial University of Newfoundland got hit with IOTBW posters.
Here is the MUN student union bitching about it.

>Canadians are some of the biggest contributors and most involved in this board.


please stop bullying gay lumberjacks ..... *bullying intensifies* . i fucking love the ocean of piss that is Sup Forums

And My Rope!

What I'd give for a Quebec flag option...

Do something to earn it first.

We need an NCP flag far more than we need some whiney special snowflake frog rag.

>an all-inclusive federal party based on
>libertarian doctrine
>christian values
>national socialist ideology

>political movement incorporates
>the intellect of dr. ron paul
>the heart of chancellor adolf hitler
>the soul of jesus christ

most of the funny shit is posted by us, we're the only reason why straya has competition by all the beady red coats are taking the credit!