Skyking General

Old Thread archived so this is the new one

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QRD: lots of 97 character messages in the last hour, some longer ones in the last 24 hours.

Do not answer.

Was discussing this with another user last thread. It’s pretty interesting if you want to know how the communication is still secure over a very public medium:

Probably just drills. It's been hours and nothing has happened

i still dont get what the fuck is skyking

Use this website to log if you want to:
>Skyking messages are also read on the same network as EAMs, also known as "Foxtrot Broadcasts" these messages will interrupt an EAM if needed to be read. They contain a higher priority and time-sensitive code for orders that need immediate attention.

I think its real, but some of today's activity could indeed be just padding. They may have some units that dont or are not allowed to have anything they can decode these in non-physical form too for security reasons.

I wouldnt wonder at all if some special forces units or even stations only have paper charts, and thus need to listen to these verbal broadcasts.

Drills ended on the 6th

Foxtrot messages have been on all day

So this started only some hours after the three-CNBG excercise ended?

Someone trying to jam the fuck out of the station

wow lots of static now, though the frequency area

It began exactly when the verbal message from Fastdraw ended. Is this common?

Not something ive ever encountered

whats with the brrrap

No idea. It’s not interference from the australian radar bc there’s no frequency to it. Seems like a jammer.

Its through the whole USAF frequency area, and less strong at the high and low edges. I'm no radio amateur but that has to be jamming, especially as it begun right when the message ended.

In the chat they tell its just the OTHR. Interesting - why does the USAF use the frequency if a Australian radar makes it unuseable every now and then?

and I feel fine

Something like that

because they are cucks

all of the 97 char message we've been getting for hte past few hours have been repeats

the EAM log shows two messages that repeat

message_A starts the 97 chars with FFRMHU
message_B starts the 97 chars with FF4AVE

timing is:

message_A - delivers for about 5 minutes
message_B - immediately follows message_A

seems they are posting them roughly every 30 minutes

Yeah current one being read out is a direct copy

and began exactly at the 30 minute past the hour mark

If theyre repeats... Messages for SSBNs, or specops who can only listen, but they dont know when they can listen? Dead man's switch?

>Messages for SSBN
Those would be sent using E-6Bs VLF transmitter and we wouldnt' hear them. The EAMs we do hear could be for the E-6B to rebroadcast to the SSBN, but that would mean there'd be no need to constantly resend the same message over and over. Once the E-6B had it the first time that would be enough.

Silence. I guess that was all.

Nope. Fast Draw is transmitting again. Different operator.

Bumping for fun

Always comfy in these threads.


Here's a recap from last night

>training ends
>50 minutes later a series of various EAM messages go out, varying from 100-300 characters
>these are frequent and follow up each other regularly
>at the same time Trump is giving a speech saying that there is a nuclear sub positioned off of NK
>user points out that marine traffic near NK went dark
>EAM messages keep going, board starts going crazy about it, posting starts going nuts for 30 minutes or so
>all of a sudden the posting gets extremely slow, takes about 3 minutes for one post but ONLY ON SKYKING THREADS
>posting slows to a crawl and numerous posters get errors but mostly only on these threads
>all of a sudden the board gets flooded with shills that all claim that nothing is wrong, nothing is happening, its all fine, its all normal
>posting resumes normal speed the same time the threads get flooded with numerous proxies
>a few finnish cucks and other posters proceed to try and claim that none of the more experienced posters know anything and we are all crazy
>skyking messages stop and the Pyongyang channel goes silent as well
>nobody actually knows what happened or what we all witnessed, but everyone knows that this was abnormal and for regular listeners, this storm of EAM messages has never happened at such a rate and high character usage

Thanks, saved.

I was convinced last night we were going to war. Never have I heard that many EAM messages, message after message and at a high character rate. usually they only have less than 50 characters in their messages, but these were at times 270 characters long and they were so long that the guys sometimes messed it up and had to re-read the code. This wasn't practice. They do this on open channels because nobody except our boys has the decipher (one time use) and its impossible to decode
around 50 minutes in the signal started getting jammed and had a siren sound over it
any anons from last night see I'm missing anything?

user from last night, can confirm, I have been a skykingfag for years now, never heard this many or this long of foxtrotflash (foxtrot foxtrot) messages.


Today there was a slow and clear ALL REGIONS transmission instead of ALL STATIONS.

Did someone really send an SSTV over the EAM frequency?
That takes some balls, no doubt the Air Force knew where he was transmitting from in seconds.

It wasn't being jammed it was radar that can overpower the broadcast. So no siren either.

I guess it was the part of the message.
The first FF of last night:

I do not know if there are other recordings.

It's funny because I could CLEARLY HEAR "flash" in their pre statement
following that up with foxtrot foxtrot would be what other anons pointed out as a foxtrot flash
yet after posting resumed normal speed numerous shills came on the thread to denounce that and say we're all crazy and it wasn't a foxtrot flash, EVEN THOUGH AN ACTUAL FOXTROT FLASH HAS NEVER BEEN HEARD IN YEARS, IF AT ALL!
How the fuck would some random finnish cuck know about that if they rarely, if ever use it

Yeah the finnish fag was a Shill behind several VPNs/Proxy's.

His IP was from a TOR exit node, so likely some paided VPN service... He could be based anywhere

The way the codes work is that a "Foxtrot Flash" is just a classification of a message.

any message starting with "FF" or "Foxtrot Foxtrot" is a Foxtrot Flash message.

Something is going down, Shills normally stay away from Skyking threads, because we are just a bunch of idiots trying to figure out what these impossible to decrypt messages mean but last night the shills were out in full force.

Shills normally use a 5 prong post method where they only post once, and then 4 fake posts appear, replying to the one "real" post making it seem like people agree with them.
I saw this last night like never before. Sadly I forgot to take screenshots...

should be able to find it in the archive

Last night was awful for shills.
They where in almost every thread with an happening.

Something went down last night.

I'm noticing that. They post one opinion then have follow up posts from proxies to make people think that their fellow Sup Forumsacks are agreeing with them. They think that being anonymous hides their intent but it's clear as day.
The slowing of posts is what really alerted us to shills. That's only happened once and it was when we really started picking apart the russia theory if I remember

My guess would be something with SA and/or Lebanon.

Keep digging anons, God bless, I have work to do

Have been following this on several threads from this morning (my time) and now have to goto bed not knowing what is going to happen.
Hopefully a drill. But if not...
God bless all of you. keep yourselves and your families safe.

paradise papers dumfuck

Paradise papers came out way earlier than that faggot, be more of a blatant shill

if you dont like the thread just go post in another one, why so mad that this thread exists unless you dont want this information be seen by other anons even though everyone already saw it all last night

The posts from last night mostly in time order:

>tfw the only ham relatable threads are on infrequent Sup Forums threads about non-happenings
Any other amateurs here wish we had some presence on the other boards?

have the eams stopped?
heard them still around 4h ago.
can't check, phonefagging.

last one was about an hour ago, before they were every 30 minutes, so i guess.

about once a month there is a thread on /diy/
usually posting about memefeng and how to get started that way

link ?

To the Websdr?

thank you

French on 8992? Is that normal?

Yeah that happens pretty regularly. Frenchies who either don't know or don't care about US use of the frequency.

I came here to post this screenshot. Feels like ancient history by now

general Mattis is in Finland now

I think he left earlier today. His plane, an E-4B Nightwatch, was seen leaving on ADS-B.

correct, Mattis has left Finland.

EAMs have slowed, most recent FF message was

18:36 UTC

Message in its complete state:

This is the 9th time this has been broadcast.

Do you know when it was first broadcast?

oddly enough, the is down right now, so I dont have the community behind me here but I believe the 1st broadcast of the message was at 8:29 UTC

This massage was then followed by a 171 char message, a 207 char message, and a 276 char message. All extremely log for EAM messages with FF priority.

at 9:01 UTC we got our 1st skyking - DURANDURAN

the reason this is odd is not the content of the messages, but the length.

You have to keep in mind that all Foxtrot Flash messages take priority over all other messages on the channel, they will even interrupt other messages.
Due to this, these messages are often kept short.
These were not, these long messages are being repeated for some reason.

A little bump

bump it up

thanks for the comped bump.

WTF? Did anyone hear this new transmission?? Foxtrot Foxtrot Unicorn
