What makes someone decide to join MGTOW?

What makes someone decide to join MGTOW?
I’m genuinely curious.

Being assufucked in a divorce so hard you get smacked with a felony because you cant afford the child support or just being a master wizard and resigning yourself to that fact.

Low test males who never figured out how to train their girl. Its requires constant resistance to her bullshit using logic and showing you don't care if she threatens to leave you. Girls only leave you if they think you'll be destroyed. women have huge egos. They are manipulative by nature but ironically are easily manipulated. The trick is to be a fucking MAN. Something MGTOW and betas don't know how to be.... hence their faggotry

> Supporting a society which is against you.

Family, marriage and tradition are dying.
Good luck.

Getting their children taken from them in divorce court, for one thing


When you realize being in a relationship with a woman is a meme.

Thots who like crying wolf about rape and with the means to walk away with half your stuff plus allimony


Being an Average Joe who's never going to get laid as long as Chad Thundercock is just a swipe away helps.

>t. average cuck

>all women are hypergamying sluts
>all women are literal whores
>divorce rape
>child support while she fucks chad
>other women won't look at me now because I'm a single dad
>women are fat as fuck anyway
>women literally have no interesting thoughts (or never express them)
what's the fucking point?
i'm so dead on the inside i stopped caring about sex

as soon as i stopped caring about sex, i stopped wanting to be "in a relationship"

this confirms, for me, women are literally cum dumpsters

same as my hand with enough spit and a good porn

You sound like a pussy whipped bitch who tries to "prove" his manliness by posting edgy comments. Did your girlfriend give you permission to post here?

Nice selfie faggot. Now fuck off.

the biggest black pill of all was when I realized women are truly incapable of loving men. :^(

You dont want childrens? Ya know thats pretty much the meaning of life right?

Because relationships with women are as fake as they get. Marriage is a meme which has been made into a business. Want a divorce? Say goodbye to your kids and money. Keep calling us virgins and betas if it makes you feel any happier and superior but a large portion of MGTOW are not greasy neckbeards. A big chunk of us have A LOT of expierience with their bullshit. And dont give me that "you've been dealt a bad hand" crap, the more you deal with women the more you realise each one is a carbon copy of another just with a couple of minor things different.

> girl threatens to leave you
> pretend like you don't care
> she leaves you

lol completely spot on.

>girls are manipulative
>women have huge egos

Do you not see the hypocrisy here?

i didnt use condom she didnt abort
its proof by inversion

You got me. You're very very clever.

The first group is perhaps worthy of some sympathy. The second group rightly deserves to be ridiculed.


>If I use all these buzzwords I can make myself sound manly and cool. I seek validation because im actually a little meek bitch


>Getting so asshurt you reply to him twice

Grade A example of butthurt with no argument whatsoever

>hurr durr I can count

Was life really created to perpetuate?

Well it certainly does hardwire a strong biological desire to do just that, sooooo...

Because it's a form of giving up without becoming gay.

Degenerate toe licking sluts like you I'm not surprised your chavs either.

The reason is in your pic, OP.
>Giant fucking thigh tattoo.
>Forced homosex because it's "Soooo Hot"
>Niggerball jersey, because they've both obviously been blacked.
>Posting their degeneracy online so it'll be immortalized.
Western women are irredeemable shit tier. There is no sense in getting involved with any of them on any level. They are best ignored and left to their own idiocy.


bitches......mostly bitches

>anyone on pol calling anyone else degenerate
Hello, Kettle? You're black.

>Yes, goyim. Go out and feed the divorce complex! Raise Tyrone's baby! Yes, good goys!

wow that image is highly triggering

muh snownigga

>he doesn't have a foot fetish
Feet are the white man's fetish. You're obviously gay, and a nigger.


paralyzing fear of rejection and an unwillingness to improve one's own life.

>I'm in my early 20s and haven't had an adult relationship

Yes. How does my hypocrisy make my point invalid? My ego isn't attached to her.... if she leaves I find another girl. Girls egos are attached to men. Watch how she reacts when you talk about a female co-worker, or watch her behavior when you talk to an attractive girl.

>find another girl
>zero fucks given

I predate that phrase. Lifelong bachelor because the vast majority of women are morons. I refuse to share my life with something I consider less intelligent than a cocker-spaniel.

mgtow is for closeted faggots who are also edgy
whatevs, more puss for me

Evolutionary speaking, females always were the weaker sex and have developed a need to keep double checking your manliness (whether you can still protect/provide).

> muuh pussy XDDD

You're worshipping women and making everything worse.

He said he was a single DAD you dense fucking croissant

Feet are the most disgusting part of the body, how do people even find this attractive?

lol are you 14 years old? Have you never met a grown ass woman before? Not all girls are insecure bitches, and your comments here demonstrate that insecure jealous girls are probably the only low grade kind of girl you're attracting. Grow up homie

Sup Forums is anti degenerate you toe licking nigger no ya know what I'll bet you're a filthy Jew.

The fact that in the near future, artificial wombs and sexbots will make women literally entirely obsolete.

Not getting laid hahaha

>MGTOW is my life

faggot, your movement is nothing more than a gathering of empowered autistic cucks.

I'd put my vote towards the asshole as the most disgusting part, personally. Hands are often much dirtier than feet with many more kinds of bacteria crawling on them

Crippling emotional pain. Call me a faggot, but I think being able to be so emotionally invested in a relationship is a good thing. Sadly, one can only handle so much heartbreak. That said, MGTOW should not be a movement and should be stigmatized because it's detrimental to society. Even though I can't imagine risking the mental anguish of another failed relationship, I can only encourage others to keep trying and to not give up because it's the right thing to do and I'm just a lightweight loser.

You get tired of cleaning the dried blood out of everything from slaying THOTS all the time.

nah mang i am not worshipping anything i just dont want to fuck any ugly hairy men llol

Yes that how it goes
>She realizes the other guys are beta losers
>tries to go back with you
>ignore her, she obsesses
>let her suffer and cry and have anxiety attacs for a couple of weeks or months while you meet other women
>if after all this time she is still interested you get to chose between new pussy or old "trained to not leave you again" pussy

By doing a cost-benefit analysis on relationships with women and concluding that it isn't worth it.

this kind of picture

Just curious, what is that image from?

>Repeat ad infinity until you realize all women are useless entitled slits.

When I realized women are more interested in (stealing) a man's assets than the man himself.

>the most disgusting part of the body

thats the average vagine. innies are pretty though

Typical identity politics shill.

Please, anyone who's been coming here for any number of years knows /pol as the asshole of the internet. Love it here but if you think you're not a degenerate, you're fucking fooling yourself bro lol

>there is no way he's right because that would make me a faggot. I hope he's 20 who's never been in a relationship.

Be honest how much do you hate yourself?


I'm closer to the first group, except ive got the finances to pull off whatevers legally necessary to have things go well. Meanwhile shes off in some trailer with a dude who looks old enough to be her dad. Will prolly remarry at some point, just gonna be a hell of a lot smarter about it than previous

the location in the brain for "feet neurons" is close to "genital neurons"


Dealing with women enough makes pic related eventually click.

this, but ironically

>Falling for the kids meme
Ruining your freedom to bring in a child into this degenerate world where your child can equally suffer as much as you did.

If you impregnate a woman, run as far away as you can and don't look back.

Low test, really.

Look, they make create points on women being trash. But if you left a DOG to its devices, it's be barely recognizable as a domesticated animal. Same with children without proper parenting. SAME WITH WOMEN WITHOUT A STRONG MAN TO REEL THEM IN, GIVE THEM A DICKING 2-3 TIMES A WEEK, AND PASS THEIR SHIT TESTS.

Betas, TRUE betas, need a cooperative society that will shelter them from the liberal agenda and prevent things like "no fault" divorce. If those safeguards aren't in place, then what's gonna happen is alimony/child support rapings.

The truth hurts, and for all the shit these betas spout, they refuse with impunity that perhaps, just maybe, they are expecting WAY TOO MUCH of women in exchange for a cooperative society for them to live in. Instead, they should be looking to themselves to be higher test, strong willed, physically healthy, and start leading these thots to the exit door, or into a monogamous relationship with the male in his proper position; the LEAD.

Pic very fucking related. You CANNOT hate a women for what she is. You CAN, however, learn to use that understanding to be a leader in a relationship.

Its a movement funded by soros and his ilk, with the aim of pushing down birth rates.

>implying my philosophy isn't birthed from the realization that women are entitled slits and so enjoy fucking them and not bowing to them on repeat ad infinity

nigger LARPer detected.
Outta here faggot.

Go back to fucking your snaggle-toothed, chain-smoking, Mudslime loving ratchets, Bong.

Mostly guys who got pissy cause they can't get a gf and they're too lazy to put in the work of becoming attractive.

Also, some dudes have genuinely been burned by divorce and they have all my sympathy.
I'm sorry guys.

Idenity politics shill, and also wrong lol born and raised in Indiana, I'm pretty sure I'm the whitest dude I know around me where I'm living currently

I have a woman that does my dishes, cleans my house, helps me raise our children, caters to my every whim and desire, gives up her pussy whenever I feel like taking it, dresses sexy, is smart and successful on her own but decided to leave it to raise the kids, etc...

You just have to b yourself m90s

And then what's your end game you fucking bong? Being Chad with 100+ different pussies fucked and die alone at 50?

Go to bed, Milo. Keep your hands off our young mens asses.

You don't get all stoic; that's a tactic that rarely works (women will cheat; zero fucks given, then blame the person she cheated WITH instead herself). You simply state the truth of the situation:
That she'll never actually find someone better than you, and she knows it. Hit her in the feels, break her down (emotionally), then be the one that builds her up after she's had a cry fest.

I was with 8/10 red pilled white girl for 5 years, everything was so perfect man. She was red pilled and christian, caring and sweet like honey... until one day when she was in the shower she forgot her phone on the table and it buzzed a couple of times. I saw a glimpse of a text that is still vivid in my mind as I speak now (her phone was locked but you could see some preview of the texts popping up in the lock screen) it said ''..ur mah little hoe baka.'' I was shocked to read this kind of stuff on her phone so I unlocked it and checked at her message history. She was talking to 4 different guys (probably more) and sending kinky pictures of herself (no nude stuff but stuff like picture of herself in panties, etc). I confronted her after her shower and she burst in tears and told me that she cheated on me with THREE black dudes over the past few weeks ''because I feel like you don't threat me well'' and ''I wanted to see if something was wrong with me so I dated other guys behind your back''. Needless to say I told her to pack her stuff and leave. To this day she still write to me every year and try to recontact me but I never reply. She always make it sounds like I was the one who was in the wrong when she apologies. I did not date ever since.

>White supremacist
>Advises to not have kids
>Advises to run away like a nigger if you get a girl pregnant
>defending MGTOW

What did he mean by this?


Kek should have flushed the toilet with her in there

Get a girl
Fall in love
Woman is on the pill
She chemically can't love him back
She does want love
She doesn't know it is the Pill doing it to her
So she blame him
She becomes resentful
Amplifies his failings in her mind
out right invents other failings
She becomes spiteful
and as women are want to do
when spurned
Destroys him in every-way she can

That man cannot not see what he did wrong
Cuz he did nothing wrong
So he gives up on women.

Feet are the best part to spot good genetics on a woman. I prefer sexy feet over big boobs any day.

Ouch, that must have been painful bra.

Core! those are some sexy slags

>roleplaying vpn-user thinks he's drowning in pussy

Topkek, i'm not even a white supremacist.

>yes goyim, race mix with chinks and spics
low t, faggot

Nothing really. MGTOW is shill honeypot for people, who are unhappy with current feminized state of society and destruction of the family.

So they would stay in internet and do edgy shitposts about how they are right and cunts are not, instead of changing the state of things.

>Marrying in a gynocentric society.

Realising females are worthless beyond emotionless breeding and then that boipucci is for lovin