Don't give your money to muslims!

Stop eating kebab and falafel. If you have to have ot buy it from Christians or learn to do it yourself. Don't buy it from muslims. Stop buying pizza from muslim pizzerias. Stop dong your groceries in muslim stores. Don't give them your money.

if the food's good, i'll buy it even from a swede

I now strictly avoid kebab and shit like that although I have sinned in the past.

That's impossible :( Alcohol and laziness will ensure their survival.

It's common sense not to buy food handled by some shitskin, of course I would never do something like that. Goddamn you are so fucking cucked.

but chicken shops taste too good user.


wtf i want some milk now

Why post this here..start a facebook group...

This is an american image board with people whom already dislike muslims. They probably are not buying already.

Go start a facebook group...It'll be hilarious.

This is the biggest problem. Muh drunk food. I must have it. You want them out at the same time you buy things from them. Can you see the problem?

Admit it you just wanted to post that picture

there are a lot of "homemade shawarma" recipes online but it's not the same as getting it from that turning spit, which costs a lot.

falafels are a lot of work to make to, way more than what you can pay for it.

You are right. Everybody here hates them. But not everybody who hates them make the connection between forcing them out and buying things from them. You have to remind them.


Yeah smart idea idiot. Don't let them earn money... so they can rely on welfare.

Force them to insulate and stick to their own.
Make it so they want to go back.
Preserve your culture by eating your own culture's food.

Eventually we will vote for politicians who will take away their welfare and they will be forced to leave.

Two thumbs up bro :)

They will never’ leave , and they vote for the president that give them the most welfare , we can see this in france

Look up Canadian food from 50, 100, 150 years ago. You will find stuff that will blow your socks off. You will never settle for muslim food again.


I started selecting only American and European food when I go out. Deli sandwiches are delicious, especially if an old Italian makes it.

When shopping, stay away from foods with the Kosher emblem unless you want to pay your Jew tax.

Most kebab shops here are run by kurds

Let's not give up shall we. We are still more than them. The normies will come around. They will start voting against them. Plus in Sweden the muslims don't vote in the extent people think. People think they all vote socialist and that is mostly true. But only few of them vote. Their whole thing is to stick to themselves and not get involved with us. So voting means they are taking part in out society so they are told not to vote. They onlt thing they want from our society is money in the form of welfare and kebab money. We can't do much about the welfare now. But we can stop giving them money from our own wallets.

Agree. It just like BDS, right!

>all my problems will end if you buy Swedish meatballs Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Op is a faggot and has eaten kabob within the last week guaranteed

why do women in traditional garb get me so on?

I like that!

Take it a step further...burn these establishments down. Grafitti that they need to assimilate. Put flyers and posters up of proud historical figures. Just start the race war already, fuck