It's time to end Capitalism - Thoughts?

The world would be such a better place if everyone would just follow Marx's doctrine.

Everyone would be rewarded for their productivity. Farmers would sell their product to the government, and pay taxes on their profits and then the government would redistribute the goods.

Go ahead Capitalist scum, tell me how your system is better at anything other than creating inequality.

Other urls found in this thread:

Where does the government get the money to buy the crops in the first place?

From taxes obviously, duh.

>commie who doesn't know how number work.

So if I'm paying taxes and keeping profits and something that is purchased only with tax money, such a loop will enter exponential decay and the government will run out of money.

Profits from* something's

Muh burger English.

>Muh burger english.

Says the burger


No, Communism is doomed to fail.
Socialism is the answer.

>Doesn't answer my question and instead insults me with an insult I just used on myself.
>commie logic.

fake and gay

Nah, that's just how they think. Literally 0 logic.

Socialism would place a country at near max efficiency when the main goal is the betterment of society. They can sell their technology and other findings to other countries before this becomes a problem

I agree. I have thought up a plan where we first automate information processing in such a way that we can separate communists, socialists and shitlibs from humans.

Then, we ship those three groups into Happy Camps. There, they will produce everything we need. If they don't, we whip and torture them until they do. Perfect economic system right there.

The End.

a bunch of unarmed 5 foot nothing manlets who weigh 100 and sponge are going to do something lol. we're pissed off, i made a sign and everything. My cardio is decent but I can't walk 500 miles.

>not nazbol
GLOBALIST detected

End both (((capitalism))) and (((communism))).

Found the kike


The world would be better place if communists would just fucking kill themselves.

Commies are retards and communist states kill retards not take care of them...stupid faggot

It's time to end monopolism and taxation.

are you retarded or something?

>they can sell their technology and other findings
>near max efficiency
>no individual incentive
>redistribution of wealth

Shill spotted.

Huh? Proof is in the pudding you idiot. Capitalist countries thrive while communist countries are shitholes. Sure communism gets rid of income inequality, but it does that by bringing everybody down to poverty not raising everyone to minimum wage. The "poor" in capitalist countries have it better than the pretty much everyone in a communist country.

The really funny part is that all of the evidence shows you're wrong, but rather than honestly assess that evidence, you'll resort deflections like "real communism hasn't been tried". Guess what bub, what happened with communism in the real world is real communism and it sucks.

As I said, the incentive is to improve your community rather than a system that brings out the worst of human greed.

Communism is for fags. If you think otherwise, you're a faggot.

Capitalist countries only thrive in the short term when we're talking about the grand scheme of things. You can't thrive when you've destroyed Earth as a planet thanks to greed and corruption. It will only get worse as AI improves. Our only hope as a capitalist society is to find another suitable planet but i'm pretty sure it would be too late.

I'm here to inform you that you're wrong

Whatever helps you sleep at night


>Go ahead Capitalist scum, tell me how your system is better at anything other than creating inequality.
Humans are unequal. Some are smarter and better than others. Capitalism ensures that these people can maximize their potential, and in return supply a good or service that benefits the entire economy. Steve Jobs for instance was free to succeed, and by doing so he created products that improved everyone’s lives. Same with any inventor or innovator from Edison to Willis Carrier (inventor of air conditioning.)

Yes, comrade. All of the other socialist and communist governments will pay for our communist ways, from medicine to machinery, as they have the last 100 years, but this time in blind faith of the perfect communist communists.

The thing with commis is they think people aren’t lazy. The overwhelming majority of people are uselessly lazy.

Let's talk about the grand scheme of things. How many countries are left that aren't capitalist.

You're clinging to the past. Someone is going to shoot people like you someday. LOL. I'm not mad.
>fag tries to revolt
>gets shot dead in his unicorn gay suit

>Socialism would place a country at near max efficiency
Except for the fact that government and politicians are notoriously bad at this. The invisible hand of the free market will always allocate resources more efficiently than any bureaucrat or politician

>Capitalist countries only thrive in the short term when we're talking about the grand scheme of things.
Yea because we are so much poorer today than we were 100, 200, 300 years ago right? Capitalism sure did fail over the long run eh???

The socialist too

All it would take for it to work is a good plan from the start and people that aren't triggered by communism. And I do think capitalism was a necessity that had to happen but we need to move on now. Once we have an AI powerful enough, we can replace it as our government. This is to ensure that the government is incorruptible and treats everyone equally.

That's not the long run at all, when i said the grand scheme of things I really meant it. Not surprised capitalists are this short sighted

>Once we have an AI powerful enough, we can replace it as our government.

Yeah, sounds like a great idea - totally no disasters incoming or anything

>treats everyone equally.

Again more bullshit. People should be treated according to what they're capable of and what they contribute. I don't want my taxes going to subsidize some slob that doesn't do shit.

Wtf is this thread

>hur dur i'm attacking the capitalist system
we are in deep corporatism.

>300 years
>not long run at all

Remind me how long communism has been around again?

We will find out in the next few years as Corbyn's Labour will be ruling the UK. Can't wait for it to fuck up so we can get our 6 counties back.

What I meant is that no one would get their rights eaten away, people are still rewarded based on their productivity. An AI that is programmed to think for the best of humanity is the closest we can get to a perfect government, surely beats what we have now.

>All it would take for it to work is a good plan from the start and people that aren't triggered by communism.

That's funny, that's the same argument SJWs and feminazis use to justify their authoritarian crap. Is this a grill?

Capitalism is inherently superior to socialism. Why else would capitalists push it on their enemies like it's a weapon? Why are there black markets but no black co-operatives?

Who programs the AI genius. Is it going to be Mr. Cletus Johnson from the plains of Alabama?

Go back to your fucking hole kike.

You don't even understand AI, let alone economics. You're so far out of your depth it's laughable.

how about you just stop worshiping money?

>no one would get their rights eaten away,

Yeah I'm sure that if I decide that the price your precious government is offering me for my product isn't fair, I won't be taken away to some gulag.

Don't reproduce thx

Our system allows you to post bait. Checkmate, nigger.

>implying that I want to improve inequality
People are born unequal. They always will be. Grow up.

>Why else would capitalists push it on their enemies like it's a weapon
and you wonder why communism doesn't work

>You don't even understand AI, let alone economics. You're so far out of your depth it's laughable.

What i'm describing is definitely what the field is heading towards. Maybe we can have this same discussion again in a few decades

Well said. I'm gonna stick that "no black co-ops" bit under my hat for later.

Sent from my iPhone.

>muh gatekeeping
>muh deflecting

Have you ever done any machine learning projects? Are you currently employed at a Big Data startup?

From the look of your arguments, I highly doubt you're past high school sicko - so don't tell us where the field is headed.

This is why socialism sucks in theory.

Wouldn't it be great if all the socialist/communist and there kind all moved to a already socialist/communist country. Sounds much easier then trying to make a Capitalist/Democratic country into one.

There you can apply your work ethic and ideology and prove the rest of the world your were right and lead by example.

Sounds a hell of a lot better then killing tens of millions of people in a pointless civil war.

Communism doesn't work because nobody works for communism, you dumb nigger. Of course you would leave all your dreams hanging on the dream of singularity-level AI. You communists do live in fantasy land, after all.

I stole it from a different thread shitting on communists and i hope many others steal it as well. It's a nuke.

Guy's already implying shit we haven't even dreamed of laying foundations for is already going to work perfectly and precisely for the purpose he intends. Maybe we should just hire him with a bonus, he obviously knows something we don't!


The thing about communists is they need people to steal money from.

This. Go do it commies

"Socialism is great until you run out of someone else's money." -some old hag I can't remember

Will Europe be only for Europeans?

The only obstacle is your shit mentality

Not possible, if they did they wouldn't be able to blame the 'Murica boogeyman or bad Capitalism for their utter and complete failure.

Thank God that the extent of your influence will never extend beyond your keyboard.
>AI is so smart we wont need to vote!
There is literally 100 countries you can move to where your vote is already counted before you get there. Try that first, maybe we will have some AI to donate you so you can watch a machine vote yes on the motion to strip mine your land because its for the best.
>Here is your sheckle
>Here is your two sheckle tax
>Here is your 100 sheckle fee for AIgov to reclaim the land you destroyed

>personal attacks

Great argument fuckface - go back to plebbit/r/socialism pleb

That's what you came back with? That's your argument?

The world would be a better place if you and your like minded pals an hero'd

>Everyone would be rewarded for their productivity
How? Through what mechanism? What is a "reward" worth?

I give a counter-argument as good as the one i'm presented with.

Sounds like a great way to convince people your ideology is the morally pure one kek.

The productivity of something is determined by the people, and the reward is hard earned money

Inequality isn't a bad thing, humans are not equal. Also, communism has never worked.

>By the people?

Thought it was going to be the singularity-level AI ?


Money backed by what value?

Communists pander to the poor until they seize power and never let go of it. Multinational corporations are monopolies replacing nation states. They also pander to the poor, wemon, gays, while making huge profits and wiping out the middle class. Socialism is a generic term and we all pretty much live in socialist systems already. Then they sell you on commie bullshit and you eat it up.

Also that wasn't a personal attack, i'm attacking the way any discussion about other economical systems is quickly dismissed by capitalists

Capitalism is great when it's voluntary (stateless society), not when it's by force.

I hate capitalism too, it's exploitation and it's unjust. But instead of asking the government to tell us what to do and where to spend our money, why don't we be the models as a society?
What's stopping people from organizing against companies and their bad practices? YOU have nothing to lose but your chains. That doesn't mean to fucking shackle everyone in your own fucking country.

That makes no sense. The market decides just fine.

It is, but it's still a democracy and people's opinions are taken into account.
>Money backed by what value?
Backed by what the people perceive it to be

aka completely BTFO'ed and refuted because you don't have a single idea how economics work.

I'm willing to bet 100 bucks you're not currently employed, and you've never had to spend your own money. Is Daddy redistributing the wealth that got you the keyboard you're typing on kek

Capitalists tend to be results-oriented people, so you can talk about your theories all you want but unless you can give us some real working examples then we're not gonna be very convinced by your arguments.

Amen brother.

Capitalism is great when the main motive of making money is aligned with the interests of the people. Unfortunately it mostly isn't

>AI distributes wealth
>People's opinions taken into account

So even if the people's opinions go against the greater good the AI will kneel to its overlords?

I swear you make no sense, you're giving me mental diarhea right now.

>Backed by what the people perceive it to be

Wow, congratulations. You just defined value in the most generic and vague terms possible. This is how it works in market economies as well shitbag.

>personal attacks

Great argument fuckface

That doesn't make any sense, making money HAS to be aligned with the interests of the people because the only way to make money is by offering goods and services that people want.

>So even if the people's opinions go against the greater good the AI will kneel to its overlords?

Yes the AI would know better, unless the majority agree that it's time for a change.

> This is how it works in market economies as well shitbag.

No shit. that's what i'm trying to say

so you faggots attack ((them)) #1% who have all worlds wealth instead of mixing things up for working class people who just want to survive. Any ways would beat you up for using that faggy flag

>repeats rebuttal that doesn't work in this context

First week on Sup Forums?

Don't try to quid pro quo us the second your ideas are destroyed. It doesn't work that way here, is this your f

>Socialism is a generic term and we all pretty much live in socialist systems already.
Nah, socialism is the intermediate state between capitalism and communism. The only true alternative mercantile/fascist economic policies. The only problem is that they practically outlaw usury so you'll never see either policy adopted... so long as (((they))) are able to influence political discourse within your nation.

There are things that will continue to have a demand no matter the price such as healthcare and the internet. Also having the rich control the infrastructure for AI would be how we devolve into a dystopia

I will use my capitalism bucks to pay your fare to Cuba, one way. Go live in a Commie paradise.

>healthcare and the internet
Both can be provided with private businesses, people do need them but if they overprice or offer poor services then competition will come in and they'll be pushed out of business.

>having the rich control the infrastructure for AI
They already do and it's worked out pretty fine.

>infinite demand

topkek - first off, you mean health insurance, because healthcare isn't a product therefore no supply/demand analogies.

You do realize there's millions of people in the US refusing to pay for health insurance and are getting fined by their gracious government in the process?

Socialism / communism is great when I’m getting your labor and goods distributed to me for free. It’s amazing when I’m at the top of the pyramid scheme and you hard working plebs make me, the true patrician, rich.

>The world would be such a better place if everyone would just follow Marx's doctrine.

hmm lets compare countries that did that:
>China (until SEZs and market reform)
>North Korea
to countries that reject Marxism:
>The US
hmmmm where would I rather live...