What are your thoughts? Is it truly the "Devil''s Drink"?
Can alcohol cause demonic possession?
if u r gay may bee
Fuck off, Modfag!
50% gay.
yes, so do drugs, prescription and otherwise
this man steve richards will tell you EVERYTHING you wanna know. there's a reason exorcism is a fast growing industry in europe and the us
Thanks! Gonna watch this before I go to bed tonight. Exactly the kind of thing I was looking for.
Not to Christians or Jews. Monks brewed alcohol for centuries and Israel was the land of milk and honey, Honey being used to make mead at least 1,000 BC and potentially 7,00 BC.
i've watched every single one of his videos!!! well worth the time. he even has his own channel and introduction series, impressive for an old man. i see him as a "lawyer of the universe", he goes around enforcing spiritual property rights- my fucking hero
Then why do I get possessed by evil spurts when I drink the stuff?
Thanks for the info, gonna follow the dude.
how do you know? are they spiritually protected because of the various rituals/sacraments?
define demon
A spirit opposed to God & not of this world.
Just stay away from the drinks labeled spirits and you'll be fine, no more spirit possession.
Mainly concerned that I attended some Vodou rituals two years ago, now I act like a nut when I drink. Didn't happen prior to that.
There are a lot of disembodied spirits/parasites out there that interfere with us, we are weaker to them when under the influence, meth heads make good targets for reptilian possession.
Addictive behavior is a sign of weakness. Alcohol abuse is a symptom.
I'm an alchey, not a meth head, jerk!
What about weed?
Intelligent people are more prone to weakness. Or weak people are more prone to intelligence because they can't survive off off strength and resolve.
There do seem to be a lot of negative entities that hang around bars.
Yes very much so
yeah idk about weed. i tend to think of it in terms of frequency? like, when you ingest supplements, they adjust you to their speed, so it opens you to interaction with entities of that same "vibration"; with weed perhaps it is entities of slower movements, therefore lessening their ability for "chaotic" impact? like meth and alcohol have outward effects, but pot seems to be an inner slowing- that is easily mentally counteracted anyway... aka weed demons are pussies
steve richards, linked above, talks about bars being beacons to unattached spirits/entities looking for a ride. your guard is lowered at a bar
Yes, alcohol can open that door if abused. So can any drug that's abused. Porn opens the door as well.
Read books by Kurt E Koch
Yes. Consider blackout drunkness. Those people surely aren't in control, so something else is. Uncoincidentally, certain alcoholic drinks are called spirits. Hmmm
Weed = sloth "demons"
Alcohol = wrath "demons"
This user gets it. Been there. Dont.
I believe so
Alcohol has been referred to as "spirits" for a reason