HRC Panic

So she misses the chance to shill for gun control, doesnt speak out against the DNC claims of rigging against her yet she still is shilling for Dems to be voted in?

Is she desperate for help? Is she getting locked up soon, and knows it?

Other urls found in this thread:

shes gonna run again in 2020, guaranteed. This witch is not done

Lock her up!

Off by 6, we need this to happen.

Did DJT drop more bread crumbs at his speech in SK today?

I wanna see the train wreck a second time

Isnt he meeting with China soon? Or is he going to the DMZ? He could be referring to those things, but I hope its the arrests.

Killary will end in jail just like the former SK president.


Has Q posted anything or is it radio silence on his end?

>So she...., doesnt speak out against the DNC claims of rigging against her

Didn’t need to. In last 2 Days, a letter from 100+ Hillary and DNC staffers surfaced, refuting Brazille’s claims. Top of the list was Huma Abedin, Hillry’s lover and right hand.

Will try to dig up sauce for letter.

Wew, I missed that.

one election against trump took 20 years off her life. she cant do another round against him.


Can someone archive link, pls? Still learning, don’t want these fucks to get click-shekels.


I do not believe she wrote those tweets. someone at the DNC has access to her account and wrote those because people were getting weirded out about her not tweeting about the TX shooting. she's locked up.


Figures that trash would sign this.

She's going to jail




Fug it! Text of letter. 1/2
>We were shocked to learn the news that Donna Brazile actively considered overturning the will of the Democratic voters by attempting to replace Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine as the Democratic Presidential and Vice Presidential nominees. It is particularly troubling and puzzling that she would seemingly buy into false Russian-fueled propaganda, spread by both the Russians and our opponent, about our candidate’s health.

Donna came in to take over the DNC at a very difficult time. We were grateful to her for doing so. She is a longtime friend and colleague of many of us and has been an important leader in our party. But we do not recognize the campaign she portrays in the book.

The 2016 presidential campaign was unlike any in our history. It was very difficult for our candidates and our staff. We are very proud that throughout the campaign and the aftermath the staff stuck together, worked as a team, and did the best we could for both Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine. We did this for the simple reason that we thought Hillary Clinton would make the best President for the country we all love. We have now, as we did throughout the campaign, enormous love and pride for our candidate, Hillary Clinton. She, more than any of us, persevered through an incredibly difficult campaign and her commitment and stamina inspired us every day. We are very proud of the effort she and the campaign made in both the primary and the general election.

The general election loss was devastating for us all and something we live with every day. And while frustrating that the general election vote total did not change the outcome of the election, we remain proud that Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine received nearly 3 million more votes in the general election than their opponents.

>she's locked up.

When you're proven wrong for the 10000th time, will you finally stop being so gullible?

There’s only one important race in New York.

I hope the burgers aren't smart enough for that. The resulting salted popcorn would sustain me for years.


Finally, we are pretty tired of people who were not part of our campaign telling the world what it was like to be on the inside of our campaign and how we felt about it. We loved our candidate and each other and it remains our honor to have been part of the effort to make Hillary Clinton the 45th President of the United States.

All Democrats should be doing everything they can—canvassing, phone banking, etc.—to help our candidates for Governor of Virginia and New Jersey and the other races around the country next Tuesday.

Huma Abedin
Lily Adams
Emily Aden
Jon Adrabi
Cristóbal Alex
Varun Anand
Meg Ansara
John Anzalone
Vanessa Archambault
Charlie Baker
Daniel Barash
Patrick Bauer
Ashley Beale
Emmy Bengston
Alessandra Biaggi
Michael Billotti
David Binder
Peter Bondi
Michael Brasher
Emily Bromberg
Austin Brown
Ashley Burns
Angelique Cannon
Rachel Cantor
Glen Caplin
Yahel Carmon
Tony Carrk
Crystal Carson
Rebecca Chalif
Jenn Chang
Dennis Cheng
Oliver Chinyere
Corey Ciorciari
Matt Compton
Thomas Corrigan
Brynne Craig
Maria Cruz Lee
Leslie Dach
Evelyn Danforth

Remember when no one believed you would go through with Brexit?

The useful idiots almost succeeded in making that our next potus.
Economic collapse, world war, U.S. civil war, a cgi president only appearing on t.v., etc.
All dodged by the skin of our teeth.

all you have to do to archive is copy/paste the link to the box on or or whatever

The swamp.

She owes a ton of people money and favors.

Donald Trump made a HUGE mistake when he didn't follow through on his promise to prosecute Hillary Clinton.

The entire fake Russian scandal can be traced back to her. All of his recent woes can be traced back to her. Trump made the classic horror movie protagonist mistake. The villain was down, but now out, and he didn't finish her off like he should have. Now she's come back to hurt him and seriously damage his presidency.


Thanks user

Archive link

They're getting desperate now. Shooting in SC


>yet she still is shilling for Dems to be voted in?

Bill and her run the fucking DNC m8. Anything else is noise. If you don't think she'll run (and win the primary) again in 2020 you're a fucking idiot. Trump will beat her again too.

You can tell just by the way the media and DNC all ran to her aid against Donna Brazille. She still runs the whole DNC show behind the curtain. The DNC owes her a shit ton of money remember.

I thought felons couldn't vote? Has she not been convicted of any felonies yet? Wtf?

>you can confirm where to vote here


My twitter got shilled cant look it up fucking white niggers help me out

They did not receive more votes than their opponents, they received more votes than trump. Not than all opponents combined.

Maybe they are saving the prosecutions for 2020? If they began right when election season kicked off it would basically destroy any hope the DNC has of winning a presidential election.

you get a (You)

Nov 8 will be the best day in the history of /pol.

Screencap this

Here tweets are probably going to hurt Dems. Watch as Republicans sweep all three states.

I only see VA going red. WA, NJ, and NY... not so much. WA would be scared to go red after the dude weed was legalized.

Tell me why

Was archived two days ago.

I did hear people refuting Brazile

Tweets from Hillary are signed with -H. This is her staff tweeting.

Wow, this list feels like a synagogue party with thoths and shabbos...

A massive, nationwide [autistic screeching] to mark the 1 year anniversary of the election.


shes not going to run again, she said she wont

You don't really think she is the one doing the tweeting, do you?

This sounds like a Monty Python skit.

>7-8 PM
Are they gonna just scream for the whole hour?

>Hillary said she won't so it must be true!!

>If you don't think she'll run (and win the primary) again in 2020 you're a fucking idiot.

>'No, I'm not going to run again,' the former Democratic candidate told a host on BBC Radio 4.

She probably will if things go her way. She was hoping this Russia shit would stick to Trump and has Media shilling against him daily, she just needs one fuck up from him to spew about the rest of his term then she can announce she will defeat the evil Drumpf. That is of course unless her ass does get locked up.

>thinking she writes her own tweets
The real ones would all be drunken rants that she deletes that afternoon after she wakes up and realizes what she did, but before she starts drinking again to forget it

Please indict me, the list

absolutely defective children