
Sup Forums I recenlty found out that my boss is a freemason. Should I be worried?

I'm largely ignorant about them, but are there any infographics I can follow up on?

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I'm an intern for a public official


Ask him for an invite.

They are just Jew puppets.

Scottish Rite freemasonry = Satanic.


Mohammad again? really?


but figure out a way to get on his good side first
don't be obvious
then infiltrate and leak shit here once you get to a suitable power level

hey faggot. Islam is a distortion and Jewish puppet.

it's based on two books that are widely available
Morals and Dogma (Albert Pike)
Stellar Theology and Masonic Astronmy

it's a big nothingburger

I'm a Free Mason, my dad was, my grandfather, and my great great grandfather.

Used to have a lot more power, all of the founding fathers were Free Masons. Now? It's just a fraternity for men to get together and bitch about their wives and drink after doing some rituals and such.

Used to be, to get in you had to go through a lot of studies. Nowadays they fast track as membership is dropping.


Red pilling? Nah, try Cyanide pilling instead.

the person who calls everyone a jew.

I've heard something similar from actual masons.

Join your local Rotary chapter, it'll help advance your career.

Freemasons in general are fine. It's really that Freemasons and other secret societies were promoted specifically so they could house within them even more secretive societies. Freemasons intersected in Germany/Poland with a lot of other secret societies in the 1800's, and modern society has been controlled by elements in play between these groups ever since.

Neck yourself you dumb christcuck faggot

Its true

its true

see this

>were promoted specifically so they could house within them even more secretive societies.

This seems possible. Perhaps even probable given the environment they were born in.

Ok but how is it true?



Suprisingly Rick and Morty had a cool scene depicting this.

are there any freemason lodges near Sutherland Texas? asking for a friend

Aliens are real. Aliens are not extraterrestrial. They are demons. They have always been here.

It's referenced very subtly in Albert Pike's epic summary of their practices.

Aliens are not real.

Lol I can see the tool art in it.

Freemasons control nasa and keep you from knowing the reality of where you live


Have a muzzie one on my street. Some of them are devil worshipers, and I think they are stupid faggots.

Ok? Masonry isn't new. All those Thelemite fags and tv producers all had access to a least novice level learning.

Oh god. Flat Earth shills are here.

They absolutely are. But they aren't what people think they are. They aren't from other planets. They are literal demons. Book of Enoch describes them in detail.


No. Aliens are not real. Your fairy tale book WRITTEN BY MEN does not serve as evidence.

Watch that. The whole entire playlist is a must watch, though.

I've seen clips but is there a good quick example?

Flat earth or not, NASA is controlled by Freemasons, and they are hiding something. I have no idea what it is, but I call bullshit on their Disney documentaries and fake landing shit. Anybody with any kind of hard science degree that starts asking questions about this will eventually see it. There are so many problems with the official narrative, I can't even begin to think about what the truth is.

Freemasons worship the devil, they want to establish a one world government.


Save his life or something.

this might be more of an issue with your blue lodge.

If you choose to reject the Bible, and the words of the Church Fathers, then so be it. I will choose for myself what I consider evidence. The fact that aliens are demons is not an observation limited to the Bible or the Book of Enoch though. Virtually every figure that has studied them at length has come to the conclusion the phenomena is not extraterrestial in origin. Maybe extradimensional, but that is really completely different isn't?

It's just a group of friends that look after eachother. You are also 100% free to apply to join, just ask for an invite.

Where is the curveature of the (((globe)))? The formula of the curvature using basic spherical trigonometry is 8” per mile squared. Why can I see the Chicago skyline from Michigan across the lake? I guess using math and common sense is also some form of elite shilling

you will one day have to slay him, on the day of the rope

If you look up some of the graphics, they have citations to specific passages, but sometimes people miscopy them and they aren't the right page numbers. The best thing is to download a book and search for his discussions on lucifer, the virgin, etc.

Fuck off. Your book is retarded as fuck.


Wow. Even your beard is angry. You sure showed me.

inheritors of the Egyptian mystery schools or the mystery religion of Babylon if you will. Only a few at the top of the hierarchy understand what the organisation really is, they are one of the many faces of the global conspiracy which has hidden the truth of consciousness from the masses whom they consider to be profane and unworthy. Ultimately their plan is to cull the population and merge with machines in an attempt to become gods, they are the sorcerers which pull the strings leading millions to their death in order to incrementally unveil their plan for the age of Aquarius. Listen to Bill Cooper if you really want to know what they're about.

Jesus came to save the Jews because they needed more help than any other group. That is what the miracle of Christianity shows us... God came to redeem even the most twisted of his creation.

THE BOOKS are the issue. Not Jesus. The books have been distorted by the kikes and used for control of the masses.

Tell him to demonstrate the Jahbulon dance to you and record it.

>There are so many problems with the official narrative, I can't even begin to think about what the truth is.
that's the whole point, confuse & demoralize, that's what the (((official narrative))) is for

As though we don't have early copies of the Bible? Of course the Church changed things. For instance, they removed the Book of Enoch. The Book of Enoch describes how the world is/was still controlled by the fallen offspring of angels and humans. The nephilim. Many of the elite are descended from these creatures. When the catholic church was being merged with the state religion of rome it had to reject these elements because the ruling of rome were in fact the offspring of these fallen angels. Christianity was later perverted into sun worship within the context of Catholicism.

>Christianity was later perverted into sun worship within the context of Catholicism.


Nothing to worry about. Masons all live in different worlds and clicks. I am an inactive and never returning to Lodge mason. Historically you can see that it's obvious some Masons have been part of some happenings for centuries. I ain't but a pea in a pod. I regret joining the craft. The white man can never be my brother. Let him be the wicked goat, and i'll be of the righteous sheep.

Catholicism has never once been Christian. The Roman Catholic Church and all their traditions is one huge pagan orgy.

Jesus later becomes represented like Apollo (son of god, Zeus) and takes on a lot of the same symbolism/ritual in the church. Mary is associated with the moon. They initiate mother/son worship into the religion, and the syncretism to roman paganism was basically complete.

i believe the (((official narrative))) is you're looking across it, (((gravity))) bends light, so you looking "straight" isn't actually straight, but "over" the curvature that you're seeking, appearing flat to you the observer

If pagan is reverence for natural elements, and the church must use signs and symbols, then how are they to avoid ANY symbol or metaphor without it being taken the wrong way?

Now use this to show that Sandy Hook didn't happen. Get the fuck outta here

No because they are literally the nerds of society that have to bond together to implement any kind of meaning in their degenerate lives

Just another bandwagon bro

And your hard science degree is what?

>has to have a hard science degree in order to figure out basic common knowledge accessible to billions

(join em)

It means he's intelligent and care about your freedom

>Just another bandwagon bro

>t. low level free mason damage control shill

kill him in a mysterious way

Does that mean I can get in and climb ranks easily?

This is the most retarded post I think I've ever seen.

Reminder that they swear an oath to Zion at the 33rd degree.

he's a blind followers of the jewish overlords

he'll be eradicated the minute the NWO comes around as the useful pion he i

Good goy

Just curl your middle finger inside your palm when you shake his hand. Like a middle finger hand shake inside a normal handshake. It's how they identify to each other. Used to be a secret, not so much anymore. See what happens user.

Can I get some actual, factual redpills about freemasons? I know nearly nothing about them and want to know why they're so hated.

>t. very low level free mason damage control shill

but I don't want to.....

So hard science degrees are basic common knowledge? STFU & get outta here.

I guess it's NWO-Freemasons-NASA. Am I missing anything?

Read the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.

Read up on Haym Solomon. Look at the symbology of the US dollar bills and compare them to freemasonic symbology.

Read up on the mystery religions of Babylon.

Connect the dots.

Please elaborate, i'm interested in this.
Could people of the earlier times have mistaken aliens for demons?
As a simple explanation for something they didn't understand?

Sage, Catholicism is the original Christian church. Not only the Bible came from Catholics but the whole western civilization

Have you ever been in a lodge? Just visited at least?

That was the post where you were supposed to explain why a degree was necessary at all when I pointed out I wasn't. user, are you actually retarded? It's ok if you are.

No, my dad's a free mason and he's the best person I know. He read the bible every night. most lower-tier free masons (mayors, small business owners, etc.) aren't running the world. they just hang out at meetings and have some beers. sometimes perform some rituals but nothing crazy.

Hey, the first good post all thread.


They were once spies.

Now that the internet has come along, they aren't really needed and will soon merge with the YMCA

It's a social club at this point.

Do you know what the sphere on the right tower is/represents?

Sounds like something Satan initiate kids into

Clearly a kid with nigger tier knowledge of metaphysics

ffs, did you not know the catholics split from orthodoxy a millennia ago? After a millennia of unity?

that's definitely true