Are you skilled in the art of self defense Sup Forums?

Are you skilled in the art of self defense Sup Forums?

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Come at me bro

The deluge is based, good taste OP
Did you watch it all?



try it and find out CIA nigger
all you gotta do is break the NAP

Father and I are both black belt martial artists, pic related circa 2013, blured our faces because this site has made me paranoid


>lost my mother to a bike wheel

Have you ever had to lay some lairy cunt out? Like in a bar or something?

only once thankfully, I dont drink so I am seldom at bars

I bet its good to know you can do it if you need to

końćż waść wstydu oszczędź

definitely, self defense should be a compulsory part of education (it never will be)

Oi lad, that's got a sharp edge on it

Tell dad to stop standing like a little girl

non violence is already taught
you dont need to defend yourself when theres no threat
sadly niggers dont go to school

define trained
and define art

The general strategy over here is just grab the closest thing and beat the shit out of people

That was an awesome fight scene OP

No :(

I was bullied in school and never fought back because I was afraid I would get bullied more, this cowardice developed and stayed with me until now. On confrontation I am nervous as fuck, even if it's just verbal. My hands are shaking and it's hard to breathe. If in fight, I stand up to a guy, but I can't even throw a solid punch so I get beaten up everytiem. Doesn't happen that much, I always avoid confrontation.

I fucking hate it. I want to learn self defence, but I'm weak as fuck, so even if I knew some karate gimmicks and shit it wouldn't help, the opponent would shrug it off and fuck me up. Besides I can't afford any actual training, just finished college and am looking for a job. When I find it, I won't have enough money to start learning to fight because I will have to pay back debts, find a flat and pay rent and survive with the rest of my money. Considering the fact that I will earn minimum wage, which in Poland is low as fuck, I will be lucky if I am able to save enough to grab a neer with friends once a month.

What do Sup Forums?

Tell Merkel to stop ruining Europe


stop being a bitch

*grab a beer

Learn Muay Thai or bjj you faggot.

Get a job. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. The world owes you neither living nor pity.

Yes. 4 disciplines.

Yes. Yes I am. Sadly the promise to bash me never came through.


Works pretty well for 2% of the population

I know that, but I already said: I won't be able to pay for any fight training for at least half a year from now, assuming that I find a job tomorrow. How to learn to fight without paying and without engaging in actual fights and getting rekt?

Which ones/How old are and what degree of skill?


Inb4 every larping fag here says " mu krav mugawwww"


Get a job as a corrections officer. They teach you quite a few holds at the academy that are enough to take down anyone without a background.

I can't fight for shit, but I have a CCP, own several guns and am proficient in their use.


>How to learn to fight without paying and without engaging in actual fights and getting rekt?

You can't really, you can learn how to throw strikes and what not, but the only way to learn how to ACTUALLY fight is to get into fights (obviously sparring would be ideal)

It doesn't matter how much training you have, if you fold up/lose your cool after getting punched in the face you won't last

>bought a genuine kukri on a whim one winter
>it's pretty useful to chop ice or cut branches but otherwise never learn to use it
>only thing in my house other than a frying pan you could even call a weapon
>one evening I hear a thud in the other room while taking a piss
>panic and huddle up at the wall
>only thing to fight with is a shampoo bottle, a roll of toilet paper or a kukri
>whoever broke in is clearly running around
>given I already shit and pissed myself I realize I can't possibly do either in fear, may as well die
>run out with the kukri, screaming a retarded autistic battle cry
>guy in a ski mask who was fucking with my coffee dispenser for some reason is there, looks panicked
>because I have no formal combat experience I swing wildly at him and shout whatever pops into my head
>end up calling him a pickle-headed drongo and cry "god save the queen"
>it somehow works, he drops to the floor
>after the adrenaline fades I look over him; all he had was a butterfly knife for some reason
>contemplate how that funeral isnt going to be open casket as I call the police

I'm a veteran so I am skilled in the art of offense

I've studied the blade, if that's what you're asking

Dzieki za rade ziomek, wiedzialem ze na rodaka zawsze mozna liczyc

>boxing (first)
> Way of intercepting fist
> Arnis
> MMA (shoots, pancrase, clinches)

>It doesn't matter how much training you have, if you fold up/lose your cool after getting punched in the face you won't last
A psychopathic autist who gets off on pain will always win in a street fight.

although its no substitute there are plenty of resources on the internet if you are genuinely interested in learning an art, go do a physical job/go to gym in the mean time

Just enlist, literally the easiest thing you can do

The pay is shit but since you're a minimum wage fag it will be double what you get

Plus you don't spend the money while living in the boot camp etc

Do I have to even explain the self defence aspect?

"The firstest with the mostest is the bestest"

Stick to that rule....ALWAYS

Nice. Do you think taekwondo is useful for real life fights? I actually have no clue, but I think the original purpose of that martial art was to end a fight with a single, extremely powerful hit (I doubt a human can generate a more powerful strike than a taekwondo kick)

Yes i've been practicing intelligence since i was a young kid which allowed me to disengage with stupid people by means of being productive, self-sufficient, independent and rich.

Was bullied too and was rather small back than. Was usually passive and tried to avoid people who bullied me, especially one mean guy who was almost twice as tall as I was back then. He usually kept it verbal but one day he went too far and pushed me. If flipped. I jumped the fucker, dragged him down (most likely only managed to do so because he was surprised). Then I proceeded to bash his head against the concrete floor repeatedly. Never was bullied again after that.

So yeah, no self defense techniques ... just nerd rage and remorseless violence if pushed too far.

Taekwando (Kata) is shit

No, it is retarded. MMA is dominated by guys with striking and wrestling/grappling backgrounds.

I learned all my skills from watching JCVD movies ,
I'm martial arts master now

Been in enough fights to know the basics.

I'd get my ass handed to me by a big fella In a fair fight though, I'm not a retard.

jest duzo tutaj raka z "karachan" i podobnych forums, jakies dziwadla a autism spektrum albo podobnym problemem ktorzy maja naprawde piepszony humor . pamietaj o tym, ze takie dziwadla tez maja dostep do pol ;)