Why do the Jews have such contempt and hatred for the white race?

Why do the Jews have such contempt and hatred for the white race?

They hate everyone and they think they're chosen by god because they believe their own bullshit

Because they're worst than niggers

They're parasitic.
Also they're pissed about honkeys fucking the khazar milkers. Something to the tune of 20% goyim intermarriage. kek.

Why would anyone here know? Go ask one. Try to look placid, you'll get a better answer.

>John 1:5

>white race
You mean European ethnic groups like Anglos, Germans, etc?
Don't be like a mongrel american and label everything white.

more jews are born of shiksa fako-converts than of real jewesses. they are getting antsy because they are not even close to being the distinct race they imagine themselves to be what with all their good little jewish boys marrying out. eke.

They want to be the only ones with white skin, everyone has to be mongrel negroid asian.

>John 1:5
>The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.

Ok...mind elaborating what you're getting at?

This is a people who still can't get over how they were treated in ancient Egypt. They need learn to relax.

show flag, flaggot

>black lives splatter

5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome[a] it.

[a] Or understood

> What does John 1:5 mean?
> Jesus' light came during a dark time, according to verse 5. Sadly, mankind didn't respond very well. The second phrase of this verse is sometimes translated as "the darkness did not overcome it," or "the darkness did not comprehend it." The original Greek word is katalmbano, which can mean "acquire," "grasp," or "lay hold of." Since light is associated with knowledge, this in part means that Jesus was not (is not) understood by the world. Many people who reject the gospel do so because they misunderstand it. This inability to see Jesus for what He truly is has more to do with a person's stubbornness than with their intellect (John 7:17). The evidence is there, but those who prefer darkness will not see it for what it is. This also has a sense of "seizing," as in taking possession. Of course, the world would physically "grasp" the person of Jesus (John 19:18), but it could not overcome the Messiah (John 19:19–20).

They want to be a part of White civilization, since we have the nicest civilizations. But, they're high intellect combined with low morals means they claw their way to the top but create a lot of resentment. Because of this, they've found themselves kicked out of White societies time and time again. They hate this cycle and are aiming to stop it by dismantling White identity and pushing their "poor, poor minorities" nonsense. This way they are free to rape civilization but face none of the consequences.

Jews are white, ya dingus.

They are white, faggot.

they are ugliness incarnate.



The Anglo is the only viable contender to stop their goal of total domination.

and you obviously are not.

from my experience its not just the white race

its every race. even jews ironically.

>unironically believe their own BS
who's jewing who here>?

Very similiar IDs, just a coincidence?

1 toast by this ID

>not posting the original grabbler menace

>how they were treated in ancient Egypt
Those faggots were never in Egypt, almost all of the OT is either a fabrication or plagiarization.


modern day palestinians are the last surviving remnant of whatever 'jews' existed in those times

khazar jewry is illegitimate

They even hate themselves.


>modern day palestinians are the last surviving remnant of whatever 'jews' existed in those times
Current Israelis hate this fact, still doesn't change the fact that the OT is mostly propaganda and should not be read as history.

This is good.

They're a race defined by the striver mentality.

They are convinced they are the best and will do anything in their power, fair or not, to be recognized as such.

Everyone's probably observed the phenomenon of a person who
>NEEDS to get the best grades
>NEEDS to get the promotion
>NEEDS to score the points

The striver is willing to throw their classmates/coworkers/team under the bus so THEY personally can be recognized.

That's the Jewish race, in a nutshell.

They ruthlessly sabotage host nations so THEIR nation can be the best.

how do we get rid of them?

because wh*tes keep trying to gas them and take their wealth like a bunch of slave-tier niggers

oy vey muh temple

Pic related.

remove their incentive to dominate

abolish usury, loans, debt

back currency with gold and on-hand assets

make mandatory limits on how much CEOs can pay themselves

eliminate absurd political lobbying and donations, particularly from any foreign national entity and limit ALL government positions, with a cap on pay that reflects private sector compensation as a rule.

The way to deal with them is to:

1) Send all Jews to Israel.

2) Remove all Gentiles from Israel.

3) Build a big-ass wall around the whole thing.
>pic related, like Mordor
>nothing goes in, nothing comes out
>Israelis have thoughtfully provided a head start on this project

4) Sit back and watch.

With nobody to Jew but other Jews, Jews will Jew Jews until there is nothing left to Jew.

Because they found the one race that God made better in every way. More beautiful, smarter, physically stronger.
In their eyes it makes them question their position as God's chosen people.
It's jealousy and contempt.

Current 3rd world invasion is their way dealing with is. By polluting our very genes and bringing us bellow them.

How is this not obvious.

>OT propaganda
*tips fedora*

Is it that unlikely that in 4000 years of history a bunch of slaves fled their slavemasters?

Naming the Jew is their critical weakness.

They cannot survive public scrutiny.

Inquisition did all of this for centuries and now is seen as worse than hitler in history books

Good luck in suggesting to do the same guidelines the Inqusition did

The formation of legitimate, real life, political groups under the organization of strong and dedicated leaders. Alt right memes and internet activism can only do so much to influence the culture. (((They))) reach an infinitely larger audience by means of Hollywood and television. Hezbollah is a group worth studying. Look to communities of whites who have been failed by the government - examples include rural areas in red states, Appalachia, western Pennsylvania, and so forth. The poorer the better. Give Mein Kampf a read, it's still a treasure trove of information for the formation of political parties.


it's more likely that the protojews were conquered by the egyptians, absorbed some of their culture (you can see this in psalms in particular) and then fabricated the exodus myth once the empire contracted.

because according to their holy texts we are the people of edom, and we must be destroyed by mixing our iron with the iron of Ishmael (Ishmael being an arab, iron being blood) to bring our civilization into collapse and ruination (if you hear a new saying "oh it's the ruination" this is what they're joking about) in order to resurrect their messiah

tl;dr jews hate us because of fairy tales

they literally believe - in old, rich Hebrew families - that western culture has to die in order to please god

because of all the mental health problems in lonely ugly white men

Christ. Blood feud.

In all seriousness, they do this in every country that will have them, but everyone else stomps them into submission, we misinterpreted Christianity and Kant to the point that they can now manipulate our better nature to their own benefit.

>minus any religious connotations

problem solved

a state that adheres to a strictly non-religious operation and does not need nor rely upon any monarchy for governance should not have any of the issues the inquisition had.

any violent opposition, as would be expected from jewish terrorists, should be dealt with swifty and with a heavy hand.

death to all who would defy the mandate of the state, period.

a fair and merit based society can exist, if we eliminate both the grease and platform upon which corruption allows the jews to slide upon, throughout human history.

The only things Jews believe to be chosen for is to obey god's religion.
You were also chosen. To be a (good) goy and to follow the seven laws of Noah.
Would you rather be a kike and quit bacon? Is that what you're saying? Wouldn't advise it, it sucks balls

We accepted Christ and how dare we not to be the chosen ones slaves.

Fuck off Chaim. Nothing you said holds any ground in the real world because your books are powerless.

But God doesn't exist, immediately and permanently destroying Jewish and any other religious constructs that entitle them to any privileges whatsoever.

I heard an interesting theory that the Jews were never slaves in Egypt, but rather they were descended (or at least stole the stories) from the Hyksos, a Semitic people who conquered Egypt in the 18th century BC, and were later driven out by a native Egyptian dynasty.

Under this theory, not only were they *not* slaves (ie victims), they were imperialist conquerors who later got their shit handed to them.

But they know this themselves, and have taken every measure to make naming them socially unacceptable.

>6 gorillion

To evade their defenses, adopt novel ways of naming them.

>pic related

Utilize humor, anonymity or brass balls, and a grounding in the facts.

The white race is already winning the meme war.

Keep up the pressure and victory will be yours.

>never slacken
>never tire
>never lose courage
>never lose faith

Of course it's bullshit, I don't believe it myself, but yet here we are, arguing about it because it STILL makes you pissed even though you know it's irrelevant.
Actually, the Jews who do believe in this kind of crap are the ones who want NOTHING from you, goy, they are not the banker Jews and they are not in Hollywood. For those Jews, all of this is evil. Instead, they spend their lives in their synagogue and in their Jew communities full on Amish style. Do you have anything against the Amish too?

>trying to fool Sup Forums

Not going to happen.. Most of us have listened to the Rabbis and what they say is unanimous.

Jews are better than Goyim. Goy goyim goyote are all used as negative adjectves to describe non-frum jews. Jews have a place in the "world to come" (Global zion) and gentiles do not.

Jews do not accept Jesus as the messiah because if he was the messiah of the Jews, Jews would have global dominance with the messiah as their king.

It's not based on color.

All goyim are cattle. It's baked into their ideology. Jewish supremacy over the goyim is quintessentially Jewish.

Any group with a name for non members is toxic. Goyim, gaijin, gorger, normie, you can always see that from Jew to gypsy to Kekistani they are all insufferable awful people.

Everyone thinks their in group is superior, but if you can't be arsed to group them into niggers, gooks, spics, micks, gyps and chinks you never really gave them a thought or a chance in the first place.


The true problem is self-hating jews. Look at Marx, Lenin or Freud, all of them rejected their jewish roots and unleashed some of the most disruptive pseudo-philosophic pseudo-sciences in the last couple of centuries

Their religion tells them to.

They vowed to destroy the white race after what the Romans did to them at Masada. It somewhat makes sense though, it was pretty brutal....

If the Amish had tribal affiliation with traitors in government, yes.

You tried to kill them all and failed.
Now they will kill you.

They don't experience emotions, that includes hate.

Their only "privilege" (according to them) is the honor of pleasing god by following his commands. That's it.
I get it, if you're a Christian and telling you that what you're doing is nice but false (according to God) then I imagine you'd get offended,
but you know it's bullshit and not a real privilege, so what's the deal?

You've got it backwards.

They created their religion to suit their mentality.

They are the way they are because they evolved that way.

Are there Orthodox Jews in your government?

no they arent
google pics of
i dare you
not all jews are ashkenazi decendants of khazars (an altaic race)

I disagree.

The USSR experiment was disruptive, but the US experiment is far more dangerous than anything Marx produced.

I'm not a christian. What if your god (their god) deems it acceptable to genocide any non-jew?

There is plenty of literature to support that sentiment.

You fags need to stop seeing "slave" as a thing like niggers were treated in ships and new world.
Back then, "Slave" simply meant ownership. An educated slave would be free from physical labour even.
Aristotles, the teacher of Alexander the Great, for example, was a Slave. Despite living as basically a Royal Family member. Slavery contracts were extremely common in Old World, and weren't used only for hard labour or exploitation.
That's why the "modern theories" fail in understanding Exodus.. they look at 4000 years ago with the eyes of today, which is ironically what the Frankfurt School is accused of doing.

All enduring arguments against Usury in history were Religious
In whole History secular governments require too specialized people to explain why Usury is bad.
Even if you suceed, your generation of grandchildren will already have forgotten and a new takeover happens.

Pretty much this.

Anyone have a link to the website that quotes all the holocaust survivor stories highlighting the parts where they talk about crossing the street away from churches, spitting on Christians, etc?

Vague I know, but it was fascinating reading on kike superstitions and mannerisms.

They hate Russians because we founded our state by btfo their Khazar state.

holy fuck.. sickening people wtf.

The privileges are not god given, but rather commanded by god for other Jews to extend to members of the tribe.

Stop bullshitting

And kuffar to the list.

It's no wonder that Muslims, Jews, gypsies and neckbeard neets are the most insufferable people on the planet. Even black people keep to themselves and only cause social problems outside their neighborhoods when riled by virtue signaling heebs.

Nerd boards have decided they would rather idolize and make memes about Chad than support any of these other groups.


Why do you hate Jews?

Whites are one of their few true threats, so it's only natural many of them seek to infiltrate and destroy us which would get serious competition out of the way

Did you read The Gulag Arcipelago by Solzhenitsyn? I mean, there's no way you can say our world is worse than the Soviet Union

That pic kinda reminds me of agent Smith. Take out the m and it’s agent Sith.

Just saying.

Because they are Jews.

>complaining about neckbeard neets
>posts on Sup Forums

are you sure you really dislike neckbeard neets?

What does it matter?

Israel might be on a short leash from their international kike benefactors, but if you don't recognize that your tribal affiliations surpass orthodoxy and even atheism you are blind to modern history.

Greatest ally ...

The Amish do not have a disparaging word for non members like you do.

Your ideology will always be tainted by a divide no different than Aryan and non Aryan

1- we are the only elite competitor in innovation, military and religion to Jews in the west. They're primary scavenging territory. The Chinese and Japs are also competitive but a little too square. Besides Japan has no military(virtually) and China is already communist.

2- they believe we are Esau(the red headed Hunter) in the old testament. They believe they are Jacob(the meek and shy gardener)

Communism was a self limiting experiment, it ran it's course and Russians survived. After the US is done with the world it will look like Brazil.

Jews hate all non-Jews, they call us GOYIM, which is slang for cattle.
Their holy book, the Talmud, teaches them to treat us Gentiles like slaves; its OK to lie, cheat and murder Gentiles but not fellow Jews.

Rabbinical Jews. Literally the answer. The Torah itself is genuinely very peaceful and demands Jews to not harm "goyim" because they too are children of god, and it's super hippie shit. But the fucking. Rabbis. The fucking rabbis managed to take one sentence about not having pity on non-Jews (because they are lucky to be born not Jewish because they only need to follow 7 rules to get to Heaven compared to Jews' 600+ rules) to mean "yeah, screw the filthy goyim, rob them of their money and make them your slaves".

I know this because I'm a Jew, but not a Rabbinical one. I follow the Torah, not the fucking Talmud. Rabbis are a bunch of worthless, hateful shitheads and I and my family refuse to associate with any Jew who prefers the word of rabbis over the word of our God.

How do you know esau had red hair

So you didn't understand a thing.
It's coming from the same people who say that the state of Israel is an abomination because it defies the word of God. They actually expect the Messiah to come to Jerusalem, the dead to rise, and the third temple to magically appear from the sky. All of this HAS TO HAPPEN BY GOD, not by man.
Their prophecy about the days of the Messiah also include that the Messiah would rule all over the world.
Lets have a deal, when the dead actually rise from their graves, can we have world dominance? k? tnx

>their holy book, the Talmud
I was about to say that's wrong but that's what the majority of retarded Jews believe, is that the word of a bunch of faggy, evil rabbis is better than the written word of God himself. And these rabbis HATE "goyim". (I will never use that word unironically, it IS a slur and it IS horrible and you should smack any Jew who calls you it. Gentile is more neutral but can still be rude if they want it to be.)

Ever wonder why hollywood and MSM never portray Jews as thieves, as homeless beggars, as mass murderers or villains? Why they insert them into every young adult movie in colleges, as teachers, as doctors, as anything but the everyday hard working man or woman?

Seriously, to the Jewbros in here, as yourself if this is not too conspicuous for the entire fucking planet to simply and suddenly wake up and ask WHY are Jews so skewed in modern media?

It's basically begging for another holohoax, but this time for real.

Self hatred is a thing. Ever notice the self improvement generals? Ever notice that pol distances itself from r9k and Reddit? You never see the word normie used here, pol classifies the groups they hate.

I addressed it in my post. Pol celebrates Chad over the Virgin.

Sorry when Jesus comes again, it will be Apocalyse time.

I'm kinda new here, but I saw this image posted earlier and was surprised by it. Do the Jews really control that much of media?

Because these pharisees, these jews are all the progeny of Cain, whose father was Satan.

They have none of the holy spirit in them, just flesh and evil.