Previous threads:
>Yakima Hispanic takeover
>Comfy 99% white towns nobody knows about
>Communist cities such as Seattle
>Homeless and tweakers
>Snow in north west
>Argument about Eastern Washington being a bunch of gibsmedat
>In general, how cucked most of Western Washington is
>Isolated Sup Forumsacks in commie country
>Anons reporting in from different towns/cities
>King County in general
>Homeless people
>Leftist cities having bad priorities. muh bike lanes
And more


Ayo where all the qtpi Vancouver women at?

you should probably do this in /soc/ unless you have an election going on like virginia right now

shameless bump even though it was recently bumped

Bump. I live here

auburn reporting in


Largo or Backus?

largo all the way
for some reason on my voting ballot, the auburn mayor vote wasn't on it.
then again I live out near black diamond


Yakima reporting, I'm in fucking hell.

Can anyone else confirm?

Port Angeles reporting in. Someone put a Northwest Front sticker on the back side of a trail sign on the Olympic Peninsula trail by Deer Park. That one of you?


>Argument about Eastern Washington being a bunch of gibsmedat
Depends. There's a big difference between farmers asking for "gibsmedat" crop inurance versus, say, a bunch of niggers asking for "gibsmedat" to do nothing all day.

Grays Harbor here,

let Elma never grow

ayy from seattle

Hi, neighbor. Wallingford here. Probably going to sell my house soon though and move out to the boonies. Tired of the socialist city council and ridiculous property taxes.

Does anyone have that picture of George Washington in the Washington State flag wearing a Trump hat?

I'm stuck in Everett and I hate it.

how is the spic/nog ratio doing these days

t. born there

Is it worth moving to Washington? I heard that apparently people are "cold". I've lived in France for three years. I think I can handle it. I mostly want to move to America for the guns, freedom (compared to Europe) and amazing wide open landscapes.

English btw.


These are based on interactions in Seattle. Most of them aren't rude the way people in New York can be, but they will "ice you out" from social engagements. They say "Oh, yes, we should do that some other time" and come up with endless excuses for why they can't. They want all of the accolades for being friendly and none of the work. It's so common it has its own term - the Seattle Freeze.

Part of me suspects it's not native to the area. It may have begun in the mid-1980's when Microsoft started putting down roots and a ton of Aspie-tier techies started rolling in. They don't want fun, they don't want "social engagements," they want to drink with the same four people they've known since college and "just be chill."

It seems terribly plastic. I'll probably have to move out there for work in the tech industry, but I doubt I'll enjoy it. The opportunities and training may be excellent, but the people? Fuck Seattle. Seriously.

Western Washington is more cold. There's a term called the Seattle freeze, we're quite a bit different than other Americans, more prone to keep to ourselves. Us Eastern Washington people have a warmer disposition, more open landscapes, but it's virtually a high desert, and lately loaded with spics. I'd say Montana is a safer bet for what you want. Of course, I wouldn't reject any European wanting to be here. The more, so much the better. Get a Yankee girl and settle down, frogman.

Never been there, what's in Grays Harbor?

Depends on the area I guess. Tons of blacks in north Everett, I steer clear of Casino road area but I'm sure its just gotten worse there. Needless to stay I plan on moving soon

Its expensive and most of the jobs are in Snohomish and King county, it is one of the most beautiful places in America though

This. I was never more miserable, and no amount of work prospects made it better.

yes, but move try checking out rural western washington, montesano, McCleary, Elma, outer Olympia, Westport is alright
all of these places are like villages, our black pops are 0.6 in these joints, but we do have some chinese, mexicans.

the weather is mostly rainy like britain, but very spontaneous, extremely low crime rates just leave seattle/tacoma alone

Alger area here. Lived in WA for 30 years. Its not the cold or the rain, its the 9 months of fucking grey skies and minimal sunlight that gets annoying. Our winters are pretty tame and summer never gets too warm or humid for long periods. But there are lots of good areas in WA. I would suggest looking at skagit or whatcom county. Stay away from king county unless you are looking out in the county. Metro areas are pure Shit, especially fucking Everett! Fuck Everett.

how do you guys hide your power level here, I'm too autistic

where can I move in this state where I will be with white republicans? Let me know

its easy, just dont talk to anyone

I have extensive automation test experience. I get calls all the time from Amazon, but there's no fucking way. Not only is it a diversity meat grinder, but there's no wider culture in the city other than MARCHING EVERY OTHER FUCKING DAY OVER NOTHING and vocal fry soyboys talking about their fixie bikes and favorite latte.

I swear to God, I'd sooner just become a hermit in Eastern Washington. Painful as it is, I just want to Come Home.

That death grips show sure was awesome

Stay east of the mountains and you'll be good.

lots of grey skies, barns and land owners.

really depends on what town your at but Elma, Mcleary are extremely small and conservative, flags and hunters and mechanics are common

Hide it all inside, then go le off steam in,a small town bar in Eastern WA, we love it when someone spergs, and they love it when 30+ people agree.

thank you

That's what I did, I just came back home. There are some things that money can't buy. Like your fucking sanity. I'll never go back.

I live and work in Kirkland. Luckily it’s mostly rich white people so it’s pretty much all closet trump supporters

Check out a town called Republic.

You thinking of working remotely? Several of my friends are doing that - moving someplace cheap and remoting in to work at Microsoft and the like.

The rent is too goddamn high

I saw the former mayor taking out his garbage and now I want to mail him dragon dildos. My self control is taken to its limits.

also our mayor was doing like this anti big buinsess trend i really miss, the only non small buisness we had were gas stations, but it was killing our $$$ so we had to let in a fucking burger king this year

i hate when memes come alive

Seattle btw

The double-gay pedophile, or someone else?

More power to you if you can, my line of work is in construction, you can't really be remote for that, so I got a job with the county. I don't even remember what traffic jams felt like.

That's the one.

Born n raised in Seattle. N Seattle mostly. Only go to south Seattle if you want to get robbed and jumped and be labeled nazi if you don’t walk away with a smile and say thank you. Come to Seattle if you want some bear fags tongue forcibly shoved down your throat and get called bigot for trying to fight him.(True story) The liberal cucks run this city. The west is their territory but Seattle is BAD. I’ve seen close friends fired from jobs and essentially doxd by common place sjws. This place is gay as gay gets, I’m already looking for a new city but Seattle needs a cleansing ASAP

Yep, I would rather hang out with my friends of 20+ years than force myself to pretend to care about you.

Traffic jams, especially I-5? Like a spiked poison dildo up the ass.

Do it, and write NAMBLA as the return addressee.

The homeless are overrunning this half of the state. It's like Walking Dead all over again

Sure, but would you constantly say "Oh yeah we should do that" followed by "ohhh too bad I had to go de-worm my dog. You know, I totally do that on Tuesdays at noon on my lunch hour"?

why do all you seattlefags constantly whine about being there but never leave?

The boom in investment's too fucking good. You'll take a cock up the ass as long as possible in hopes of selling your 60k house for 760k.

>pic related

seattle, reporting in

God bless everyone in this thread. May you find the Truth.

because if you set aside the homos, antifa, homeless, junkies, commies in city govt, etc.. seattle the city/place is actually p awesome

I live in Kent
Was walking my dog and there was a fresh pack of needles by the green river trail. Solution to the bicycle tweakers when?

That would be the nicest thing I could do. Some hobos might like to know where he lives

>love money
>hate life

that was fun hrah hrah

It'll keep getting higher. Palo Alto hasn't hit the ceiling, and Seattle isn't nearly as over-developed / over-invested as the greater San Francisco Bay. Google maintains a satellite office to take any of the wash-outs or angry walk-offs from Amazon. Same with Facebook and the other big boys. If Amazon leaves or starts shedding office space (and staff ...), they'll pick up the slack.

I hate to tell you, bro, but you can almost guarantee 15% rent hikes per year for the forseeable future.

I have a very unique rent situation and the pay is good here compared to a lot of other places. Most of my longtime friends from here have moved to the east coast. Not sure why

>if you take away all of seattle its good

i agree we would be red state after that famlamb

It is better in the Tri-cities but still shit. If you want a place that isn't in the sketchy area or run-down then you are looking at $1100 a month + utilities.

This is from behind a home depot in Everett after a quick cleanup. The heroin problem is getting bad.

> Commies in city government
I just don't understand that. How the fuck do they have even the slightest bit of traction in neoliberal paradise?

Oh, you aren't allowed to say "No, I don't feel like doing that" up here.
You need to understand that "Yeah, we should do that sometime" really means "Fuck you, I hate your guts and wish I didn't have to work with you" in WW.

> you need to understand we're all passive-aggressive cunts
Okay, champ.

Wish I could but my roots are too deep. I have a lot of local business connections that make my work very profitable and it would be extremely hard to do the work remotely. Also my family and my wife's family live here and they watch our kid a lot. I'm pretty seriously thinking about leaving the city though and heading east. Not sure how far I'm willing to go though since I need to be in the city most days for work.

Low end studio apt in Seattle city limits is 1400 which qualifies as “low income” (parking not included)

Mukilteo reporting in, only thing bad is that Asians are starting to become a large minority. God I have hope peter zieve wins and exiles all Muslims to Lynnwood.

Yeah, fuck that noise, I don't have to deal with any of it.

>15% rent hikes per year for the forseeable future.

No, the Muslims will just keep breeding wildly and expanding. Chain migration, bruv. Our oppressed peaceful peoples, bro.

Muslims already own the entire surrounding area especially Bellevue. THANKS AMAZON

Covington here

Scaberdeen here let's get drunk together and beat up tweekers.

I was taking a shower today at my place in the south sound and I got a strange feeling.
>what happened to treeking senpai?

If you choose to stay in King County, don't go into the cities unless your shopping or some shit. I enjoy Covington, but that's me.

Some of us leave. Now I live in the woods. You couldn't pay me to move back.

What do you guys think of True Cascadia?

This the one you want?

Bump. Lake Stevens reporting in.

TBQH I don't need this town to be 99% white if it didn't turn out to be 98% fat Walmart-tier burgers and squirrely white trash meth-heads

the greatest happening in seattle history

Harold, go to bed.

>go to Tacoma for doctor's appointment
>meet up with my mom since I haven't seen her in a few months
>go to Walmart there
>as we head out and she goes to the bathroom, a fucking drug arrest is being made in the womens bathroom

Blame atomized consumerism, friend, Wal-Mart fat fuckers are the product of that shit. Invest in local businesses.

Oregonigger here
Enjoy your sales tax, plebs

DO IT! I fled an apartment I rented in Kenmore for a house I own in Lake Stevens where ironically my mortgage payment is smaller than my rent was.

You are my hero. Bless you user! YOU ARE A GOD!

Vancouver fags are cucking you, faggot, don't get too haughty.

Ehh. I work in Everett and some pockets of it are all right but many parts of Everett like downtown and The Jungle along with the Casino Road area are sketchy AF.

I was on the Swift going to Lynnwood and saw some junkie bitch blowing some hood brother right there by the stop while his homies stood around them to conceal the view.

Another Orenigger here, they won't last

>he's an oregon fag
Only reason I go over there is to see my sister.

I live in Eastern Washington boys. Do not miss the soyboy cucks one bit. Work remote.