Race-mixing is not so bad

See Japanese race, they are superior race even though itself is a race created by race-mixing.

Japanese race is made by race-mixing between Yayoi race and Jomon race.

Pic is the proof.

The high IQ of Yayoi race + the handsome facial structure of Jomon race = JAPANESE the MASTERRACE

Japanese the Masterrace is created thanks to race-mixing.



This man is an ainu man who is purely Jomon race with no Yayoi blood

Japanese the Masrerrace

I 100% agree with you

All look like roaches. Congrats.

Race-mixing isn't really bad for non-white races, but it's terrible for whites since we are so far above other races that they can only drag us down.

I agree, that's why white men should fuck Asian women.


but both were asian races, right?
so yeah, that's not really much of a problem then.

I though the Koreans hate the Japanese, huh how about that.

Ainu aren't pure Jomon, evidence of Nivkh and Manchurian settlement before Japanese Settlement, but are the most Jomon.

that's just the political and historical perspective, more or less. but common ass people from all over East-Asia? No, they do not hate each other. Especially the younger generations of Chinese, Japanese, Singaporian, Korean etc. get along pretty well.

it's just like a healthy sibling relationship.

Looks med

There is literally a Korean anthropology Japanese hate blog and a Japanese anthropology Korean hate blog, found them while doing studies on each Asian nation.

I don't doubt that but I'm just telling you about evidence whenever I see a lot of different asians getting together in a very amicable manner, especially on youtube.

The Ainu were Austronesian. The only reason the mix worked well for Japanese is because it's only 15%, if it were 50% they'd look ugly

race mixing is probably good when the two races are superior, inferior races still have some eugenics to do

They aren't Austronesian, they are well themselves, no one like them, closest genetic relatives are Andaman Islanders apparently. Though there is evidence of Austronesian penetration via Taiwan in the Late Jomon period.

It's a special case for the Yamato people. Pure mongoloid genetics lack characteristically "white" traits like creativity, empathy, and exploration, but Caucasoid-resembling races like Ainu compensated for that. This put Japanese ahead of their Chinese ancestors and Korean cousins -- allowing them to actually start conquering/colonizing/subjugating the rest of Asia.

>Yayoi race and Jomon race.
Soooo you mean 2 groups of Asians - The 3 major races are Caucasoid, Mongoloid and Negroid , with 2 smaller races - Australoid and one I dont remember .

Yamato society was a combination of Northeast Asian ingenuity with Jomon/Palaeosiberian which was tribalistic vaguely similar to Papuan culture.

wtf im racemixing with a japanese girl now

>ainu man
Looks white

Pardon Yamato society was a combination of Northeast Asian ingenuity with Jomon/Palaeosiberian tribalism which was vaguely similar to Papuan society.

This kind of place advertized in the poster is where you meet the worst foreign and a very few Japanese women. Always set up by nigger organizers. Always fail to attract any decent men and especially women.

But for white men with Asian women, it is fine. Almost never can find the good kind of western white man to actually move to Japan and integrate fully, though, because it is extremely difficult to integrate here.

A handful of white men can be assimilated, even genetically. Whatever. But the bigger population issue will only ever be handled by Japanese.

Well I respect the Japanese because they respect other peoples countries, like the English they have to decency to conquer before colonisation.

>master race

>spends all day masturbating to cartoon prepubscent blonde girls involved in deviant sex acts

we know what you do, Japs