English language is "the masterrace language"

English language is the "masterrace language".

I am a student who is native Korean speaker, English learner, and Japanese learner.

In my personal opinion, English language is the best language for expressing your logical thoughts to the others.

I assume the reason is that "the Anglosphere" is the most developed society so far on the globe.

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I agree with you

Its "newer" so it avoids problems other languages have had.

English is so good because it's really really easy. That's why all the English speakers have a very bad time trying to speak another languages, their own is so easy/simple that any other language seems hard.

10/10 to the English language.

It also keeps American goys from reading foreign news. Easier to prey on when they can't understand us.

English used to be great. Now niggers have ruined it with words like "Cuz, bruh, nigga (ironically), f.am, etc."

>some words starting with c are pronounced with a k

English is retarded

Don't talk to niggers?

I would say it is streamlined. I don't get all of the conventions in other languages or what purpose they serve. Does gendering words serve a purpose in altering your perception of the meaning?

The master race is Canadian, budday.

Let's do the Canadian alphabet, fwuend


I'd like to hear any more insights that you have about the english language


Dude chuaigh starts with a H sound, our language as brilliant as it Is, is just as fucking weird.

fuck off kate

I try not to, but it has now affected the white people. I see white people like this and soon, it's going to be a norm to talk like "ayy wassup cuz, lemme hit u up wif sum science and shit, niggaa" in college classrooms.

Russian is better

>I assume the reason is that "the Anglosphere" is the most developed society so far on the globe.
how do you know that the fact that the anglos are the best is WHY the language is the best, and not the way you presented the causality?

What is so great about it? It has some serious inconsistencies and peculiarities. I think it's only successful because we are successful in spreading it because of our influence.

These are white niggers... I doubt one who talks like that ever will be anyhow notorious or deserving of attention.

How come?

>sound better
Think about "why the human use languages".

We use languages for giving the information to the others economically?

>These are white niggers... I doubt one who talks like that ever will be anyhow notorious or deserving of attention.
You'd be surprised if you lived here. Just look at every rapper. They almost all speak like that. How do you think that kind of linguistic speaking came about?

Gah. Forgot that niggatry sells these days. But still, aside from a couple of mentally retarded
(aspiring) niggers, who would talk in such barbarous manner?

카톡 있어요?

>be me
>lack of high-leveled words in the native languge
>It is developed for expressing just your "feelings" to the others
>people use the """""""""language""""""", but they are same tier with monkey language in their culture life


>*people use the """""""""language""""""", but they are same tier with monkey language in their culture life

Sorry for writing these sentences to difficult to understand.. my english skills are shitty

카톡 아이디(??) 주세요?

It's simply the Roman heritage. They did it like that and we do it like that.

But yeah, I think the perception of the meaning change with each language. The language shows how a kind of people see how the world is (i have no idea about the subject, but thats what I think).


>a couple
It's not a couple, my friend. Hip hop and rap are the most common types of music in America. The more people listening to it, the more they will start talking like them. That's how it is over here in America. It may not be professional to hear "you want a booth or table, nigga" from a waiter. But if you were to listen to a group of whites in their 20s or so talking to each other, you are going to hear how it isn't how Americans used to speak back in the early 1900s.

English is the most logical language

English sucks.

It is a bad mash of Germanic and French which doesn't work well.

French is much better.

It seems particularly hard for non-indo-europeans to grasp English, despite it being one of the easiest languaged around. Probably related to the structure of native language, but you'll improve significantly in time, no way you won't.

LOL no!

Spanish is more simple than English.

You guys only like have 15 profanity words.

Now that's... just sad. It's better here, a lot better I see, but the youth lexicon is still being eroded by shitty cultural factors.

I find swedish has a deep word for most things
t. Anglo-swede

I wouldn't say better. There is a lot more opportunity over here, but the way millenials talk today is atrocious. If we could change the culture back to what it was back then, then America would be great.

They don't even have a word for Volk.

honestly when I kept thinking of the alphabet my brain kept doing the french version. couldn't even remember the english version even though I only speak english. wtf.
>english is the master thief of words.

I'm thinkin it's probably Hebrew desu. I'd love to learn it, as soon as I learn Spanish, Russian, and Chinese first. So, never.

Why do you yellow chink gooks worship white people? it’s cringey, david wong

>In my personal opinion, English language is the best language for expressing your logical thoughts to the others.

You saying that because you haven't learn Greek.

I like English, because of it's mutability. There are some things you can do with English that you just can't do in other languages. That's also why I like Deutsch, because it can do some things that most other languages can't.

Also, Greek is pretty cool

check them digits



Populace, the people, folk(s), etc.

as you can see, we combine Cuss to make it easier to say in anger

>most developed
White men are literally asking packs of niggers to gangbang their wives and then eating the cum.

You need to learn deeper Japanese, then. Same technical depth, more consistency. Issue of idioms comes up, of course: English has many colorful expressions aggregated from many other languages and broader history of use -- but they are localized and difficult to understand across locales in many cases. Japanese again, more consistency here, but much longer history for idiom formation, so learning meaning of idiom is often a history lesson. For Japanese this makes sense and language ties you closer to history as well, but for foreigners to use the language I think this is awkward.

It is very difficult to separate language from culture and history. So I cannot say "better for expressing thoughts" in favor of English or Japanese. German is also a highly expressive language, as is French, though my knowledge of German and French is a bit rusty.

Latin certainly rivals English, French, German and Japanese in expressiveness, as does modern Hebrew (I don't know much about ancient Hebrew or Aramaic). Russian and Spanish likely do as well, but those are the two languages of this group I have not studied.

This post is bait, of course, but my point is simply that there are a handful of languages with very deep technical vocabulary, extremely broad semantic base, and long cultural roots. All of them are extremely expressive, but the level of expression (and even one's sense of the expressiveness of the language) correlates directly with your own knowledge of it.

I have found in teaching in shitholes, though, that some languages really do not belong in this group. Many Pacific languages (Bhasa family, including offshoots like Tausug, and Tagalog family) are really bad, but even worse are most African tribal languages. Bhasa Malay, for example, has a complete lack of modern terminology and can only very awkwardly accept foreign cognates for many meanings. It makes teaching in Malay almost impossible without speaking every other sentence almost entirely in English.